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Motorheads: the noisy new force in the west

BUZZ, I never madeup anything. I said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I don't here BUZZ or ITHACA grand standing the cause for stopping snow machines on game winter range.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I never accused you of anything.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> How do you know I'm not trying to get more restrictions on snowmobile use in known winter range? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Because you haven't been spouting off about it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> By the way, most crucial big-game winter range is being protected in most western states. Theres lots of BLM, FS, and state managed wildlife areas, etc. that are completely closed to snowmobiles, vehicles, atv's, etc. etc. to protect wintering animals. You know that, dont you?
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There are even greater expanses of land/roads/areas already closed to ATV riding (were I live anyways). Snow mobiles are almost unrestricted it seems. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Also, you're shallow and narrow-minded interpretation of why I dont want ATV's tearing up the woods and harrassing wildlife during hunting season is way off base....
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>You've never posted anything to say otherwise, so that leads to deductive basedon your own statements.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Please refrain from making wild-assed guesses about things and people you dont know anything about.
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Likewise.
Technical difficulties, I'll finish this post in a few minutes.
I'm back.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Please refrain from making wild-assed guesses about things and people you dont know anything about. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>LikeI said, LIKEWISE.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Thank you for also letting us all know that big-game doesnt need secure areas during hunting season....
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So what your saying is that allbig game runs frantically from the sound of approaching ATV's? I've sat on ridgetops, and watched game stop and watch (from cover) as ATV's roadright passed them. It's called a "learned response to activity".
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Lets get them all on the run and have an atv trail on every last inch of NF, BLM, State, and Private land...just make sure they have winter range, thats all they need <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Interesting concept BUZZ, a bit extreme, don't you think. May I quote you on that?

1PNTR,I was merely lumping your statement, as I have been lumped and classified around here for merely stating my opinions. It was not meant as anything out of context. I understood your post earlier. I think that alot of ATV groups are fighting for every trail, becausethey are being facedwith blanket closures. If they were looking at each road or area individually, the response would probably be different aswell.
Ten bears, quote this and report back from time to time as more atv restrictions are put into place.

Buzz said, "ATV's will be more restricted as time goes on."

I win.
BUZZ,you must have me confused with somebody that is subordinate or beneath you. I "report" to nobody anymore.

You keep saying that you won. What did you win? I didn't know there was a competition. All things change with the winds of politics and economics. Those concession you "win" today, can be changed tomorrow.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-28-2003 16:54: Message edited by: Ten Bears ]</font>
Ten bears, I win on the atv issue, because for all the caring on you do, it wont do you a bit of good....they already have been and will be more restricted all the time. Just what I want to have happen. I agree its not a competition, but it is fun getting what you want. Not for my sake, or your sake, but for the wildlife, and the betterment of the environment.

Sure, things change all the time, but I guarantee that in the next 5 years everybody will have more need for boots and less for ATV's.
You can't be as arrogant, nor ignorant as you portray here. Not and have lived through childhood.

Have you ever been anywhere outside of the West?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-28-2003 17:12: Message edited by: Ten Bears ]</font>
I guess that means you're a sore loser?

Why do you have to be so negative? Gee, you act like I'm the only person who wants less atv use.

Sure, I've traveled around a bit, I thought our discussion was about ATV use in the West, not about riding them in Mississippi.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-28-2003 17:18: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
I meant that as a compliment (meaning a great facade). Not as a negative at all. Guess my writing comprehension must be going bad again.

And you espouse the ideal that all ATV riders/owners are the same.

New question. Do you teach classes to kids? I educate just over a hundred students a year (assisting with hunter safety classes).
Ten, "You can't be as arrogant, nor ignorant as you portray here. Not and have lived through childhood."

And you whine about me saying you have an agenda not to get off your ATV!

I'd say you forgot all about the challenge already! For someone who's so sensitive about what people say about you, you sure don't mind insulting others. It's become real clear since the challenge started who the troublemakers are.

"I don't here BUZZ or ITHACA grand standing the cause for stopping snow machines on game winter range...."

I haven't even been posting in this topic and I resent you insulting me with that remark and even bringing my name up. You lookin' for a fight?

So you're an assistant hunter ed instructor, huh? Remember, here in SI we don't like people bragging about anything they've ever done. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back! (to quote a few others here)

Leave me out of your posts.
I wondered how long it would take you to respond.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> You can't be as arrogant, nor ignorant as you portray here. Not and have lived through childhood. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Like I said, he presents a "great fasade", and I don't think he is truly portraying his true personality. While he may be portraying his beliefs and values, I don't believe he is truly that direct (I've been wrong before). Some people can't even take a compliment.

However, did you miss his statement to me prior <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>'re shallow and narrow-minded interpretation.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That was never meant to be a compliment.
I never forgot about any challenge. Call MARS if you don't like what I said.
I called what you do "grand standing". What would you call it?
I said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I educate just over a hundred students a year (assisting with hunter safety classes). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It was meant as I have the opportunity to influence the next generation of hunter/sportsman/environmentalist/voter. And it was meant as a question as to whether he (or you for that matter) participates also to influence their thought process on the outdoor recreations, or would you rather leave a legacy of forcing them to submit.
It was never meant to "pat" myself on the back. I haven't ever claimed an award for my time (I do it to make a lasting impression, not to gain material wealth).

You have both accused me of poor reading comprehension. Please read this twice before responding (as my writing comprehension seems to be faulty).
Ten, "I called what you do "grand standing". What would you call it?"

I wouldn't call it anything. Why did you want to pull me into this topic? Can't you carry a topic on your own? Leave me out of your posts.

"It was never meant to "pat" myself on the back."

Oh, I see. When I mention anything I've done (usually because someone is questioning why I think I know about something), it's patting myself on the back. When you do it it's OK. Right?

The fact is, you have to try to pull me into this topic because you feel so lost without me. Tough. Go bother someone else. I'm tired of your infantile games.
I don't remember us ever discussing snowmobiles on winter range. Only use in YENP. So why would Buzz, Ithaca, or anyone else be spouting off about how they feel on the subject? If you want to talk about that, start a new topic.
Some of us can stay on topic better than others.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-28-2003 23:58: Message edited by: Colorado Oak ]</font>
OAK, why wouldn't anybody? (I never said "spouting off",you did) I haven't checked lately, but last I knew, there were alot more registered snowmobiles in Idaho then ATV's. But fewer areas are closed to snowmobiles. The only closures that I am aware of are do to avalanche dangers (excluding wilderness or primative areas). I was trying to make a point that; while ATV's are considered evil during the hunting season, none of the staunchest supporters of ATV closures has touched the snowmobile crowd, a group that rides free through the winter range of the very wildlife that are "terrified" of ATV's during the fall when they are under less physical stress(nothing more then that). The point being, why are ATV's evil during hunting season, but snowmobiles are not during the winter? It is an attempt to broaden the conversation, nobody wants to here BUZZ and I with the same issue we always fall back to, "broader horizons".

ITHACA, if helping to teach hunters safety is a back patting acheivement (OH OH OW, OH my shoulder, I think I pulled something
). How's that, I never put that much thought to it as an "acheivement".
I only claimed to be an assistant, I never even came close to trying to take credit for anything more than assisting withthe program.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I called what you do "grand standing" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>As in done by a Master of the Art.
Therefore, I would call what I learned from you (and BUZZ to a lesser degree, I can't do the anger thing like he does) "grand standing". Wouldn't you? You always said I needed to pay attention, and learn something, there you have it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The fact is, you have to try to pull me into this topic because you feel so lost without me. Tough. Go bother someone else. I'm tired of your infantile games.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As far as leaving you out of my posts, I didn't ask you to come here, you did that on your own (I just mentioned your name, saying something you weren't doing no less, and here you are. Ready to defend your honor for not doing something, I guess). Did MOOSIE come storming in when I gave away his turkey calling secret (now that'somebody who can be infantile when he wants to be)? Now I suppose he'll come over and tell me not to mention his name in my posts either. I'm gonna go start a new topic, requesting everyone that doesn't want to be mentioned in my posts to sign up.
OK. You'll be first, but please sign the roster anyway.
Ten, "Wouldn't you? You always said I needed to pay attention, and learn something, there you have it."

Whatsamatter, you hafta have my acknowledgement and approval whenever you do something? Why don't you ask everybody else on the BB. I don't like groupies. Go bother somebody else.

You brought me into this when you posted, "I don't here BUZZ or ITHACA grand standing the cause for stopping snow machines on game winter range...."

A comment that's completely off topic and ridiculous. You expect us to bring up every issue and give our opinions? The only reason you posted that was to cause trouble.

It's as if I said this: I don't "here" ( actually, the word you want there is "hear") Ten grandstanding the cause for wider use of jet skiis all over our lakes and rivers.

You want me to name all the causes I don't hear you bringing up?

Leave me out of your posts. Go find somebody else to bother.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-01-2003 22:17: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
ITHACA, if you don't want to be a part of this topic,go away.
I didn'task you to come here, you did that on your own.
I gave you and BUZZ gredit as master grand standers, but you can't even take that as a compliment. You really do take the cake.
I don't need your "approval" for anything, you (like BUZZ) must have me confused with some "subordinate" or somebody beneeth you. You both have a problem with the "All Men are Created Equal" thing don't you.
What is the BB, I'm not familiar with that? "Groupie"?, not hardly, you really think too highly of yourself, and give yourself way too much credit.
About the grand standing statement, you said:
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> A comment that's completely off topic and ridiculous. You expect us to bring up every issue and give our opinions? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Snowmobiles are off topic for "Motorheads: the noisy new force in the west"? I don't think so.
So your saying you support snowmobile riding? I complained about jet ski's earlier, now you want me to support them?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> You want me to name all the causes I don't hear you bringing up? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
If you think it is relevant to the topic, go ahead.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Leave me out of your posts. Go find somebody else to bother. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I didn't ask you to come here. You came here and got bothered all on your own (here a hint, you go out the same way you came in).

P.S. Leave my spelling out of it, I'm learning form MOOSIE. I don't attack your gramar.
BB= Bulletin Board.

To say someone is a "master grand stander" is not a compliment. It's an insult. And in Buzz's and my case it's a lie. Maybe you need to learn how to use a dictionary.
intr.v. grand·stand·ed, grand·stand·ing, grand·stands
To perform ostentatiously so as to impress an audience.

grandstander n.

So here's what you did: You brought me into this topic when you insulted and lied about me and Buzz. Then you expect me to not respond to your insult and lie?

You agreed to accept the "Challenge" for two weeks and only lasted 12 days! Here it is: "not use insults, personal attacks, derogatory comments, ect, ect. for 2 weeks from the time you anwser this post."

To call someone a "grandstander" is an insult, personal attack, and a derogatory comment.

You wanna try to weasel out of it or apologize? I'll also accept the explanation that you didn't know the definition of "grandstander", in which case maybe you should avoid big words.
Looks dead to me. At least you now know the definition of "grandstander". It's not a compliment. Leave me out of your posts.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-03-2003 08:31: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Quit whining.
I don't care if you think it is a compliment, the definition still fits you, whether you accept it as a compliment or not (you are still a Master of the Art). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> grandstanding - the term refers to a deliberate attempt to win applause from an audience. In political speech, a politician might be accused of grandstanding when he makes statements or speeches that are designed to win quick applause from the public, or certain sections of it, but which do not contribute substantially to the matter under discussion (although the politician will undoubtedly deny that he is grandstanding: he is, of course, making serious and constructive proposals.) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't see were I was off with that call at all. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Whatsamatter, you hafta have my acknowledgement and approval ...? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Go find somebody else to bother. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That's what you said, right? Why don't you practice what you preach?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Weaseled out of it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Or is it "called you to task?"
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