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Deadheads - Let's see 'em

I've never had good luck on deadheads. Our critters must winter easier here.

Here's some of the few I have found-



This is one of the strangest Yellowstone deadheads I've run across. It was in a steep ravine, antlers downhill but body uphill. Maybe a bear pulled it up and the head was frozen in the snow or something. The back half of the animal was about 30' up hill. Left the ivories for the next guy...


I also found another bison skull.

We found this California Bighorn during a sheep hunt on the John Day River a few weeks ago. Not allowed to keep them in Oregon, so had to drop it off at ODFW.

Lucky find on my last bow hunting outing this year,


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Here's one.

Lion kill.


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A friend found this in 4 f.o.w. I'm guessing 185"


Here is why you don't drink from any source of water before purification. This was right below the spring.

Unfortunately the woofs got him before we did.

Lots of cool/interesting pics in this thread ........... and some giants. On of the few I've found and maybe the only one I have a pic of is this blue wildebeest, not a huge one, but different than most of the thread.


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Howdy all... First post on the forum. New guy. Hunting season is over for me and I'm getting pumped on shed season around the corner. I was just messing around on Google and found this thread. Fueled the fire even more. Great pics. It's inspired me to get better pictures of the shed season. This years goal is 50/50/50. 50 miles, 50 hours. 50 sheds. I look forward to sharing the adventure.

Great thread... It got me!!
Dang you have some sweet shed grounds I scrape for sheds like 5-1 if I'm lucky 5 miles 1 shed but I have good days too.
It's good to know... I've never really tracked the time involved but my buddy last year said a friend of is who is pretty involved averages about a shed an hour. As I got thinking about it, it was pretty close. I'll go 3 days with nothing and then find the mother load pockets and find 8-10 in one day. I'm putting those goals out simply to make sure I put in the time. In theory I guess, spend the time, find the horns. We'll see. Last year was a 51 shed season. Best one yet. Hope to beat it.
One shed an hour is a reasonable goal now days. I would guess that is about what I find now days.
Back in the 80's and 90's I had days when I would average more than five an hour. The best numbers day I ever kept track of was on some virgin ground in 2001. Found 83 that day. I may have had better days before 94. I didn't keep track of numbers before 94.
It is always a good to set goals for yourself
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