Yeti GOBOX Collection

Dark money

Funny to read of someone complaining about one side spending dark money, when both sides did it with great fervor for the year prior to the election. I think all that money did very little to influence the race. I have yet to talk to anyone who really listened to much of that static, and most say they voted how they did, based on what they new of the person.

In a small state like Montana, you get to know these people somewhat. Hard to keep many secrets in a small state, so if you are sandbagging the electorate for your own benefit, they will figure it out and you will be done bagging sand.

I could not believe how many pieces of mail and commercials I saw coming from groups similar to Western Traditions Partnership, now being investigated for violating election rules, has changed their name to American Traditions Partnership.

WTP/ATP single handedly put the Tea Baggers in charge of the Montana legislature. Over the last five years, they have targeted every Republican who was not out on their far fringe of big egos and small ideas. They would go after these Republicans in the primaries, making sure their Tea Bagger got elected in the primary, knowing in many Montana districts, Harry Reid would get elected in the general election if he had an "R" next to his name.

To their credit, ATP/WTP succeeded, though breaking a ton of election rules in the process. Now, we have a Montana legislature that has a lot of strange characters.

Anyone who wants to see what ATP/WTP did to the Montana legisalture, watch this video. It is long, but is one of the best pieces I have seen.

And if you want to read about it, here are some articles about the same thing.

All of this because some the US Supreme Court overturned Montana state law that said corporations are not individuals and our state law restricted corporate campaign contributions. All that downt he tubes after the USSC case.

Expect a lot more of this money in the future elections.
What scares me is when this money starts coming from other countries trying to influence the path of this country. I'm sure it already is coming from other countries but this is a slippery slope. How about 100% transparency from both parties? Seems like someone promised that recently but hasn't followed through AT ALL!
What scares me is when this money starts coming from other countries trying to influence the path of this country. I'm sure it already is coming from other countries but this is a slippery slope. How about 100% transparency from both parties? Seems like someone promised that recently but hasn't followed through AT ALL!
Or even out of state. Many of these groups do not have Montana citizen's best interest at heart, especially outdoors people's interests.

I think the Frontline program Big Fin linked to ( is REALLY informative although they only talked about the right-wing groups because of information uncovered showing corruption with those groups.

Although the really scary part is the potentially huge influence the groups have on the local elections I do think the Hunters and Anglers made a difference in the Senate race because they brought attention HR1505 (the "land grab" bill). This bill alone should have killed Rehberg's chances and it still baffles me why they were the only major group bringing attention to it. Perhaps Tester's campaign felt since H&A was handling it then they could focus on more substantive issues like the lack of manure on Rehberg's goat skin boots.