Current state of affairs on HT

As for "like", I can understand the concerns, but frankly, I will take the downside for the upside being a 95% reductions in "+1", "agree", "haha", "wink emoji"
Well said. Maybe a “welcome” button can be added as well to cut down on the amount of worthless space that term takes up on a majority of threads without ever adding any useful content.
Ive said this before I think this is the very best hunting site on the web and Mr n Mrs Fin do a great job of keeping it that way
I do not have FB or any other online media due the BS and its limited on here very limited
It just seems like so many have their panties in a bunch these days it may come out on here once in a while, Sometime typing can be misconscrewed one way or another, and that can rachet things up
And this may frost a few but I know Randy looses $ on this site I enjoy this so much Id pay a fee to keep it open just sayin
Looking at the past with rose colored glasses is a possibility but not one I can evaluate since I’ve only been around a couple of years but it seems possible.

I also think I am less likely to be nasty since my real name is attached to my comments. If I had the anonymity of calling myself McElkKiller69 or MulleyMonster01, it might be easier to spout BS about stupid libtards or ignorant trumpette’s.
As others have said, I also must not be reading the right, or wrong, comments. I also dont understand the need for the ignore feature. If you see a comment by someone that for one reason or another you dont like, just dont read it but if you do and it upsets you, just dont reply to it. I think because of the virus some have too much time on their hands and might be in a different place in their life emotionally, than they were in the past, because of it. Also, some have less disposable income because of the virus and that can also create stress.

Unless you fellows were on the now deleted Cabalas forum ( and a couple of you were ) you dont know what pure hate, and jealousy on an internet forum is like. It was way past ugly!

. Mr and Mrs Big Fin do an excellent job of monitoring the forum. And they understand that the combination of summer, the virus, possible monetary issues, the riots, and social issue's all create headlines that interest members and they attempt to allow those topics to be discussed along with hunting/fishing/rifle threads. BUT. The thread about people in Alaska trying to feed their family via hunting veering into cross country name calling was a bit much and it was sad that it needed to be closed down before a possible answer could be found for those people.

And for the record Big Fin, I still wonder if Alaska Fish and Game might be of assistance by allowing Inuit's in the northern area to help their brothers to the South by hunting for them and shipping the meat to them--"If" they are First Nation individuals? Also Alaska Fish and Game might allow a couple extra goats to be hunted by the folks in the south. That could help. I wish them luck. But they should buy a cookbook on how to cook fish a hundred different ways :)

I am happy that Hunting Wife , Mkelkhuntress, Randi and Europe are on the forum. It might be a positive change having more females on the forum to some, but then again maybe not to some others and that alone might have changed the "tone" of the forum and some dont like it. However, except for two or three fellows here, everyone else has been very welcoming to us and I for one, thank you.

As to the "like" button. Personally, I like it, but dont use it very much. I enjoy "Wednesday Word " and " Friday Music " but dont contributed to the threads, but I enjoy them and they are not hunting threads.

And last but not least----------I would think any man on the forum that is married is use to "dissenting opinions" ;)
My Wyoming deer forecast post got about five replies (just tried to bring it back), but some of these "pop-headlines" got dozens to hundreds.
I’d like to see a 50 reply minimum before your account is enabled to create any threads.

Rokslide requires X number of posts before being able to post in the classifieds.

Every time draw results come out, there are 25 threads at the top asking where to go. Inundating the board with members that 100% will not return. Then when I logon twice a week I miss many of the important threads that get pushed back to page 5.
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I agree with twsnow18. There should be some sort of mandate for x amount of posts before you can ask for draw or unit help after you get a tag, like many do on a first post and are never heard from again after getting help, or to sell something. Other forums, like archery talk, require a certain amount of posts before posting a sale in their classifieds. In my time here I have seen so many 1st posts begging for help, then when they get that help they are never heard from again. That's not fair or right to those of us who do offer help. That's why you won't see more than a 'welcome' post from me on posts like that. I've helped many people behind the scenes, even gave grid coordinates to one guy because they participated before they asked for help and did research of their own first. Just because Eastman's supports a unit, you should do some research and know what you're getting into when you apply instead of drawing it and coming to a forum begging for help.
That's why you won't see more than a 'welcome' post from me on posts like that.

I always liked your what you had for breakfast replies ;)

I agree. A 10-15 reply minimum would be nice. Just enough to weed out the one and done types, but not enough to discourage truly interested newbies - would hate to lose good new blood by having too high a bar. Or maybe some type of nominal membership fee to creat posts or sell stuff (and help make HT at least revenue neutral for @Big Fin.
Have to agree with a lot that been said here. I've been around this forum for nearly 20 years (but took a goodly time off as life slapped me upside the head) and though Randy has done a very admirable job of housekeeping and weeding out the problem children, there will always be those that pop to turn this into their personal Craigslist or to beg for intel on a unit (which I have tried to help out with numerous PMs) but then again to either never reciprocate, never involve themselves in the forum overall, or (I think what chaps my ass the most) never get back to you with how they made out with what you provided.

Certain topics- politics, property rights, geographical perspective, beer choice...are always going to generate differing opinions and some are more vocal and staunch with their viewpoints than others but differing opinions is what founded this country and as long as its kept from turning into a personal attack you just have to grow some hide at times.

Finally, the closer we all get to hunting season, the longer we have been without it and that fact coupled with everyone's dealings (or decisions not to) with this friggn virus has all of us a tad on edge whether we will admit it or not. Hell I don't even wathc the news any more because I can almost recite it from memory.

Thanks again Mr. & Mrs. Newberg for giving us a place to hang out in the meantime and here's to a great season to the rest of ya!
I don’t think the answer is more rules about posting. I think the answer is exactly the policy that Bigfin and Mrs. Fin have taken. Observe the pattern of posting long enough to determine whether a poster is an asset to the platform or a liability. Then liberally apply the “ You may go, now”, meme to those who fall into the second category.

The benefit is threefold. 1. It gets rid of the riff raff. 2. It amuses the rest of us. 3. It serves as a reminder to everyone that there is some semblance of decorum around here.

I know for myself, posting under my real name instead of a pseudonym, has caused me to read and delete more than a few replies. Knowing you own your words and have to live with potential real life consequences tends to temper indiscretion.

(something a certain college president should have probably figured out sooner than last week.)🥵
This forum is by far my favorite on the internet, especially when it comes to hunting & fishing related activities and conservation. Maybe some sticks will be removed from orifices and tempers cooled when fall seasons open up. If I can tell a thread is going to head south quickly, I tend to just avoid it until Randy throws up a meme and bans somebody or locks the thread.

As far as thread creation for new members goes, good chance you'll see more necro threads popping up to circumvent it - but at least they'll be using the search function
I don't see that fence stopping a thirsty cow for very long. Hope it works well for the wildlife.
Flushed a pair of Scaled quail with about 20 or more chicks on my way out there this morning. I've seen the cows hang around it for 30 mins or so and leave it. Thier tank is about a 1/2 mile away so thier not going thirsty. Neighbors cows passing through my place.
I know for myself, posting under my real name instead of a pseudonym, has caused me to read and delete more than a few replies. Knowing you own your words and have to live with potential real life consequences tends to temper
The guys that need to know my name do. I understand your point though. mtmuley
The guys that need to know my name do. I understand your point though. mtmuley
For me it’s not about recognition. It’s about personal restraint.
I respect everyone’s personal reason for their own level of “real life” involvement.
Personally, as I watch an individual post it isn’t hard to tell whether I would enjoy hanging out with them in real life.
For me, the line doesn’t fall along whether they share the same conclusions about life as I do. It’s about how they advance their beliefs and treat others during that process.

A person’s character surfaces during their communication.
For me it’s not about recognition. It’s about personal restraint.
I respect everyone’s personal reason for their own level of “real life” involvement.
Personally, as I watch an individual post it isn’t hard to tell whether I would enjoy hanging out with them in real life.
For me, the line doesn’t fall along whether they share the same conclusions about life as I do. It’s about how they advance their beliefs and treat others during that process.

A person’s character surfaces during their communication.
I agree somewhat. But basing a person's character off of posts on an internet forum isn't a sure way to know if you could interact with them in real life or not. Case in point (or onpoint). I would have loved to sit down and have a beer with Tim. mtmuley
You've not changed, maybe aged, but not changed. It is our society that has changed.

Hunters are a cross-section of society, so when our society becomes polarized, hyper-partisan, negative, looking for any chance to criticize, it will reflect in all of our communications. When our issues of public lands, conservation, access, etc. get pulled into political arenas where they are now the purview of Congress and State Legislatures, the topics themselves become more political. Both of those dynamics have increased rapidly over the last ten years.

You're not thin-skinned. When I hear these comments from someone as mild and tenured as you, I take note. I wish I had answers. I do what I can to keep the chiseling and grinding to a lower level than we see in other platforms. But, no matter how hard I try, I wake up each morning, read some of what has been posted, only to ask myself some of the same questions you are asking.

I will admit that in the last two years I've almost shut this forum down on many occasions. This forum is to serve a useful purpose to fulfill our WHY - "Promote self-guided public land hunting and create advocates for that cause."

It is a struggle to moderate and try keep conversation constructive, knowing sometimes that progress requires some heat and friction. If I'm on the road for any length of time, when I get home Mrs. Fin has folders of posts for me to look at. By the time I can get to them, many of the threads have derailed so far that I have no choice but to close them. Hardly a benefit to the WHY for which this forum is to help fulfill.

Too often, the topics presented, or the way topics get derailed by those who first filter every post through their personal political lens, have no benefit to this WHY. I've come close to a serious house cleaning of those who only chime in on the political threads. Or, those who take even the most mundane topic and make it political. There are a handful here who when I go back and review their posts there is not a single hunting-related post in their last 500 posts. What the hell benefit is that to this forum?

People get enough of the grinding hacking crap on their other social media channels. I would give anything to be able to cleanse it from here. So long as folks are conditioned to interact in such corrosive and hyper-partisan manners elsewhere, the only solution I've come to that would put an end to it would be to close the forum.

About the time I get ready to fold the tent, along comes some good discussions that are helpful to advocacy on public lands and conservation. When I think the forum has lost its value, someone posts an epic hunting story that reminds me of why this forum is worth having.

Thanks for expressing what you have. I wish I had answers. I can tell you I try like hell and it takes a ton of my time. To what end, I sometimes have to ask myself.
@Big Fin ,
Like most things in life, the negative aspects of a worth while project (HuntTalk) always seem to take center stage for those in charge of it's day to day operations. The rest of us truly appreciate your families hard work in keeping this train on the rails. For me personally, HuntTalk has been a great source of information and has motivated me to be more active in the public lands arena. Joining BHA, volunteering to help in the last two Rendezvous in Boise are just a couple of things I wouldn't have done before joining the forum. I have met some great guys from all over the country, and even a fine British Gentleman who I joined for a roe buck hunt.
HuntTalk members have most recently been a true blessing in helping me and my hunting buddy prepare for his Once In A Lifetime Bighorn hunt here in Idaho. Between the two of us we have over 80 years of hunting deer and elk, but zero experience with Bighorn sheep. This community has been an incredible asset in our preparation for this hunt. These are just a few examples of the "good" that HuntTalk has done for me.
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I don’t think the answer is more rules about posting.

I’m not typically into adding more rules. But I think in this case it would help.

The quality threads about advocacy for public lands, clean water and air, hunters and conservation get pushed to the bottom. While the 20 threads about where to find a 370 bull stay at the top. Those OP’s never return. Not all customers are good for biz.
I would chime in that as to the purpose of HuntTalk, you have had a success in me. I have stopped being a pure consumer of public lands, but have become more involved with supporting and protecting public lands. I am very thankful for your efforts, investments and message @Big Fin. I am thankful for the steady hand guiding forum interactions and the periodic appearance of Wyatt Earp has been wisely used from where I sit.

Sometimes it must seem like you are herding cats, or dealing with a roomful of ADHD kindergartners right before lunchtime....... on the last day before Christmas.

Thanks for hosting HuntTalk. I have become a better outdoorsman with a better perspective on public lands because of HuntTalk.
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