Kenetrek Boots

Current state of affairs on HT

@hank4elk that looks incredible. Job well done and ensuring the wildlife have that much more of a chance to thrive.

I've started a little waterer for the birds out in the middle of the pasture here. Hoping to help the quail out a bit. I just buried a little trough sloped the sides and fenced it off from cattle. I just refresh it with 4 or 5 gallons every few days. Hoping one day to put a well out there.
Old fart update.
To finish out,I offered an ES or MB LO RO tag for extremely small sum or help on a project a few hours when they would be here.One guy had been offered a UW tag for $5700.
Offered same to my bro who was panting for tags.
Never heard back in 2 weeks.

Just gave the 2 tags to 2 local kids. Good kids who work & are responsable. 10 & 16. They will be so surprized.
Being polite & repyling politely pays off.
I bet those kids will appreciate them more than any adult hunter and put it the extra effort to capitalize on those tags.
I’m not disgusted with HT like I am other forms of social media. I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately to quitting Facebook. The only reason I’m on there is to share pictures with family and friends back home. I get so tired of all of the political BS. I mean seriously, who have ever been swayed by someone’s bitching on Facebook?!?!

This. If you think HuntTalk has been bad....spend some time on Facebook. My goodness, just terrible. Spend some time reading Facebook comments once and it will make you lose faith in the human race pretty quick
Dang, I musta missed something on here. Was out camping and fishing with my labs. It was ninety plus degrees everyday. My labs just can't take that heat and are enjoying some AC now. I get back on and see OnPoint left and this thread. Thinkin it must've been that Joe Biden thread...that looked like it was turning into a realy doozy
Honestly doesn't bother me if people are asking if they have been on the forum for a while, its the I just drew something or picked up a NR tag and going to join every forum to see who will tell me exactly where to go and how to do it.

Where has enjoying the process of learning yourself gone these days. Just heard of another (elk collective), elk hunting class starting this year. Guess call me old fashion but i spent time in the woods and seasons with close calls, reading books and magazine articles for years until i started to pull it all together. I have been decently sucessful on elk the last five years and i still just feel like i got lucky. Maybe just a different way to learn in an age of media and instant results.
Whenever I'm on here anymore I'm asking myself whether I've changed or if Hunt Talk's changed. Either way, something is different and the negative interactions are far outweighing the positive.

It's likely that I'm just too thin skinned anymore, but the low jabs and constant belittling makes it real hard for me to want to spend any time on here. It especially makes me not want to share hunting photos and stories. It's hard to remember, but at one point that was a thing on here.

You've not changed, maybe aged, but not changed. It is our society that has changed.

Hunters are a cross-section of society, so when our society becomes polarized, hyper-partisan, negative, looking for any chance to criticize, it will reflect in all of our communications. When our issues of public lands, conservation, access, etc. get pulled into political arenas where they are now the purview of Congress and State Legislatures, the topics themselves become more political. Both of those dynamics have increased rapidly over the last ten years.

You're not thin-skinned. When I hear these comments from someone as mild and tenured as you, I take note. I wish I had answers. I do what I can to keep the chiseling and grinding to a lower level than we see in other platforms. But, no matter how hard I try, I wake up each morning, read some of what has been posted, only to ask myself some of the same questions you are asking.

I will admit that in the last two years I've almost shut this forum down on many occasions. This forum is to serve a useful purpose to fulfill our WHY - "Promote self-guided public land hunting and create advocates for that cause."

It is a struggle to moderate and try keep conversation constructive, knowing sometimes that progress requires some heat and friction. If I'm on the road for any length of time, when I get home Mrs. Fin has folders of posts for me to look at. By the time I can get to them, many of the threads have derailed so far that I have no choice but to close them. Hardly a benefit to the WHY for which this forum is to help fulfill.

Too often, the topics presented, or the way topics get derailed by those who first filter every post through their personal political lens, have no benefit to this WHY. I've come close to a serious house cleaning of those who only chime in on the political threads. Or, those who take even the most mundane topic and make it political. There are a handful here who when I go back and review their posts there is not a single hunting-related post in their last 500 posts. What the hell benefit is that to this forum?

People get enough of the grinding hacking crap on their other social media channels. I would give anything to be able to cleanse it from here. So long as folks are conditioned to interact in such corrosive and hyper-partisan manners elsewhere, the only solution I've come to that would put an end to it would be to close the forum.

About the time I get ready to fold the tent, along comes some good discussions that are helpful to advocacy on public lands and conservation. When I think the forum has lost its value, someone posts an epic hunting story that reminds me of why this forum is worth having.

Thanks for expressing what you have. I wish I had answers. I can tell you I try like hell and it takes a ton of my time. To what end, I sometimes have to ask myself.
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Too much analyzing of all the hot button news topics of the minute. Then, it always goes political. But, I'm just grumpy and to the point. Randy jumped in as I typed. This forum does NOT need closed. I still am a relative newcomer, but I can dang near tell you as soon as a thread is started where it will go politically, and if it will last. mtmuley
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You've not changed, maybe aged, but not changed. It is our society that has changed.

Hunters are a cross-section of society, so when our society becomes polarized, hyper-partisan, negative, looking for any chance to criticize it will reflect in all of our communications. When our issues of public lands, conservation, access, etc. get pulled into political arenas where they are now the purview of Congress and State Legislatures, the topics themselves become more political. Both of those dynamics have increased rapidly over the last ten years.

You're not thin-skinned. When I hear these comments from someone as mild and tenured as you, I take note. I wish I had answers. I do what I can to keep the chiseling and grinding to a lower level than we see in other platforms. But, no matter how hard I try, I wake up each morning, read some of what has been posted, only to ask myself some of the same questions you are asking.

I will admit that in the last two years I've almost shut this forum down on many occasions. This forum is to serve a useful purpose to fulfill our WHY - "Promote self-guided public land hunting and create advocates for that cause."

It is a struggle to moderate and try keep conversation constructive, knowing sometimes that progress requires some heat and friction. If I'm on the road for any length of time, when I get home Mrs. Fin has folders of posts for me to look at. By the time I can get to them, many of the threads have derailed so far that I have no choice but to close them. Hardly a benefit to the WHY for which this forum is to help fulfill.

Too often, the topics presented, or the way topics get derailed by those who first filter every post through their personal political lens, have no benefit to this WHY. I've come close to a serious house cleaning of those who only chime in on the political threads. Or, those who take even the most mundane topic and make it political. There are a handful here who when I go back and review their posts there is not a single hunting-related post in their last 500 posts. What the hell benefit is that to this forum?

People get enough of the grinding hacking crap on their other social media channels. I would give anything to be able to cleanse it from here. So long as folks are conditioned to interact in such corrosive and hyper-partisan manners elsewhere, the only solution I've come to that would put an end to it would be to close the forum.

About the time I get ready to fold the tent, along comes some good discussions that are helpful to advocacy on public lands and conservation. When I think the forum has lost its value, someone posts and epic hunting story that reminds me of why this forum is worth having.

Thanks for expressing what you have. I wish I had answers. I can tell you I try like hell and it takes a ton of my time. To what end, I sometimes have to ask myself.

I for one hope you don't decide to shut the forum down. I have learned so much in my short time here. I have also been exposed to other views and ideas on a broad spectrum of topics that I am interested in. I would likely never have been exposed to such a diverse cross section of conservationist and outdoors loving men and women where I live here in rural Louisiana if not for this forum.
Other forms of social media are too much of a free for all. I like the moderation that is provided here,

Have you considered bringing on a moderator or two to help with the chore of keeping things on track here? Just a thought.

I think being a member here has helped me grow not only as an outdoorsmen and conservation minded individual but as a person. May sound corny but it is true.

Hopefully things will get a little smoother once we all get out and about after critters in a month or two.
For as much negative BS ends up in each and everyone of these threads...I hope people can see at the end of the day it also raised literally tens of thousands of dollars for a family in need. And that’s only one example of the help generated on this site that can be measured in monetary form.

There’s definitely A LOT of crap everyday to wade through, but there is absolutely the occasional bright star to shine through.
I believe this is cyclical... amidst a growing political divisive world and an election year. Population swell w/in HT however, we had all kinds of hoopla over the 11 years I've been here! JC comes to mind! Haha! Talk about the political gamesmanship that went on! Miss him though I believe these threads have always been around.

If this forum was simply about the epic Kurt type hunt photos - this would be a cool, "wow!" forum and that's it. The key difference, HT has the "Wow!" type forum AND is extremely informative regarding the conservation, public land, and, yep... you guessed it, our politicians angle on conservation, public lands, and access issues...

Meh, we pick the threads to view. Don't like it... close it. Typically the thread title is hint enough. Example Randy started a thread regarding the NRA. This holds passion for many on both sides and brings tons of baggage with it... including politics.

Last bit of coppers... Covid has many at bay and more time to kick the can, so to say. I know this isn't the popular cheer type inline post - merely one perspective. Best to you Randy. Sure enjoy your hunt select perspective. Heck... @Randy11 , you have to remember, Obama w/o his hand over his heart thread back whenever... JC full of piss and vinegar. These threads have always been here. However, much more in your face personal crap earlier. Some fun threads then, some fun threads now. Some crap threads then and now.
But... I digress. :)
I agree, when the bickering starts it gets old. Too much and I just don't open the thread anymore. This site is one of the highlights of my day coming to check out the posts. It makes me happy. I hope it makes enough other people happy that Randy keeps it going. Leaving for Alaska in the morning and I need something to read during the dead times!

Randy, I couldn't imagine the headaches you and the Mrs. go through running this, but please realize that you are VERY much appreciated for doing so! Thank you!
@hank4elk that looks incredible. Job well done and ensuring the wildlife have that much more of a chance to thrive.

I've started a little waterer for the birds out in the middle of the pasture here. Hoping to help the quail out a bit. I just buried a little trough sloped the sides and fenced it off from cattle. I just refresh it with 4 or 5 gallons every few days. Hoping one day to put a well out there.
View attachment 145375
I don't see that fence stopping a thirsty cow for very long. Hope it works well for the wildlife.
Whenever I'm on here anymore I'm asking myself whether I've changed or if Hunt Talk's changed. Either way, something is different and the negative interactions are far outweighing the positive.

It's likely that I'm just too thin skinned anymore, but the low jabs and constant belittling makes it real hard for me to want to spend any time on here. It especially makes me not want to share hunting photos and stories. It's hard to remember, but at one point that was a thing on here.
I agree mate, but a solution is what I have done recently, some culling, i.e. hit the ignore button on some, it sorts the wheat from the chaff and suddenly it starts to return to the old style forum, genuine hunters posting with actual hunting stories and photo's to complete the adventure.
The political bickering has always existed as a side of each one’s contribution to the forum. It was also tempered by each member contributing his hunting experiences along the way.

At the end of the day most everyone could lay the bickering aside to enjoy another’s success.

I felt like I was in the company of “givers” when it came to sharing hunting info and experiences. That feeling inspired me to share my experiences and contribute my little part to the stew.

Somewhere along the way that feeling changed from a community of sharers of experiences that were happy to give information to a less experienced member to a group where the requests for info and help became an expected service rather than a gift. I find myself less inclined to share as a result and that’s probably a reflection on my growing curmudgeonery.
You've not changed, maybe aged, but not changed. It is our society that has changed.

Hunters are a cross-section of society, so when our society becomes polarized, hyper-partisan, negative, looking for any chance to criticize, it will reflect in all of our communications. When our issues of public lands, conservation, access, etc. get pulled into political arenas where they are now the purview of Congress and State Legislatures, the topics themselves become more political. Both of those dynamics have increased rapidly over the last ten years.

You're not thin-skinned. When I hear these comments from someone as mild and tenured as you, I take note. I wish I had answers. I do what I can to keep the chiseling and grinding to a lower level than we see in other platforms. But, no matter how hard I try, I wake up each morning, read some of what has been posted, only to ask myself some of the same questions you are asking.

I will admit that in the last two years I've almost shut this forum down on many occasions. This forum is to serve a useful purpose to fulfill our WHY - "Promote self-guided public land hunting and create advocates for that cause."

It is a struggle to moderate and try keep conversation constructive, knowing sometimes that progress requires some heat and friction. If I'm on the road for any length of time, when I get home Mrs. Fin has folders of posts for me to look at. By the time I can get to them, many of the threads have derailed so far that I have no choice but to close them. Hardly a benefit to the WHY for which this forum is to help fulfill.

Too often, the topics presented, or the way topics get derailed by those who first filter every post through their personal political lens, have no benefit to this WHY. I've come close to a serious house cleaning of those who only chime in on the political threads. Or, those who take even the most mundane topic and make it political. There are a handful here who when I go back and review their posts there is not a single hunting-related post in their last 500 posts. What the hell benefit is that to this forum?

People get enough of the grinding hacking crap on their other social media channels. I would give anything to be able to cleanse it from here. So long as folks are conditioned to interact in such corrosive and hyper-partisan manners elsewhere, the only solution I've come to that would put an end to it would be to close the forum.

About the time I get ready to fold the tent, along comes some good discussions that are helpful to advocacy on public lands and conservation. When I think the forum has lost its value, someone posts an epic hunting story that reminds me of why this forum is worth having.

Thanks for expressing what you have. I wish I had answers. I can tell you I try like hell and it takes a ton of my time. To what end, I sometimes have to ask myself.
There are days when I wonder if I'm part of the problem or the solution on here. I've thrown a few stones, then I've learned to find common ground with those I do not agree with. I'm newer than @mtmuley, still waiting for that magical 113 points. I think the keepers here figure out soon that this is not FB. I'm not above thinking regularly contentious posters should be should the door, though.

I get discouraged by back-biting, and then someone will ask a question I actually know something about and I'm all in.

HT has made me a bolder advocate for public lands. It has been influential in bringing me out of my silo and past some things that were keeping me out of the big tent at is conservation advocacy. I think it is probably the biggest tent there is if you put down your red or blue flag for a minute peek inside.
I think people are affected by the current affliction that is plaguing our nation-the belief that if your don't agreed with me completely and on all issues, then you are on the other side so I am 100% right and you are 100% wrong.

This is combined with people getting information from an echo chamber type source rather than one that is factual. News outlets are trying to influence and tell us what to believe rather than reporting facts and trusting us to digest the information. Because of this people believe BS that is completely inaccurate.

I choose to not weigh in on alot of topics, especially when the people of spouting party line stances. Instead of someone listening to what I have to say, I think many of the people here would rather label me as One of Those rather than listen.
The political bickering has always existed as a side of each one’s contribution to the forum. It was also tempered by each member contributing his hunting experiences along the way.

At the end of the day most everyone could lay the bickering aside to enjoy another’s success.

I felt like I was in the company of “givers” when it came to sharing hunting info and experiences. That feeling inspired me to share my experiences and contribute my little part to the stew.

Somewhere along the way that feeling changed from a community of sharers of experiences that were happy to give information to a less experienced member to a group where the requests for info and help became an expected service rather than a gift. I find myself less inclined to share as a result and that’s probably a reflection on my growing curmudgeonery.
Well said.
I’m pretty new but this place is one of the most civil I have found on the interwebs. Wealth of knowledge on all things hunting and conservation. A great central location for western hunting updates too. It’s nice to find a place somewhere between the usual echo chamber and a no holds barred royal rumble.
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