Crafty Sea Lion Befuddles Fish Biologists

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
CASCADE LOCKS, Ore. - In his way, C404 is kind of cute, with those sea-lion whiskers, soft brown eyes and furry little head. But to many he is a sea lion either from hell — or from Harvard.

C404 has driven the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Bonneville Dam to near distraction as he and his ilk sit at the base and munch salmon gathered to continue upriver to spawn.

Numerous sea lions head for the dam each spring, but C404 is in a class by himself.

He has figured out how to get into fish ladders that help fish past the dam — where endangered salmon and other fish become his easy prey.

The engineers have used everything legal to get rid of the California sea lion, who may weigh 1,000 pounds or more. They have installed grated exclusion gates and tried huge firecackers, rockets, rubber bullets, and noises sea lions don't like.

But C404 has given them the flipper.

He and a handful of cohorts already are waiting for the spring run of chinook salmon, which starts in earnest in April.

Then C404, named because of a brand applied by a state and federal program, will personify a larger problem, as 100 or more of his buddies join him.

Last year they ate about 3.5 percent of the migrating run at a time when salmon numbers were down and demand was up. This year's commercial salmon season may be cancelled because of river problems elsewhere. The loss percentage is climbing.

Robert Stansell, a fish biologist at Bonneville with the Corps of Engineers, knows the lively and alert C404 all too well.

"If he were in a litter of puppies, he's the one you would pick," he said.

He said C404 has been showing up each year since at least 2003 and has learned to rub it in. Last year he appeared in a window where fish counters keep track of salmon migrating upstream. The data helps predict the size of future runs.

"He even rolled over a little so we could get a look at his brand," Stansell said.

Other marine mammals haven't learned to pull that trick off.

Stansell says the sea lions are intelligent and can be taught. He would rather they not be taught by C404.

But he said the animals are showing up earlier and in greater numbers, and they are staying later. Now they have begun crawling onto the rocks to rest.

"They're becoming comfortable here," he said.

The run peaks in about September, but the sea lions head back to southern California breeding grounds around late May when the water temperature in the river rises.

They'll be back next year with their friends, and maybe their friends' friends too.

The animals have always been in the river. But now that the fish mass at the base of the dam, they provide a quick and easy meal for the sea lions.

C404 and his kind aren't endangered, but they are protected under the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act and can't be killed.

Incorrigibles can be singled out for "lethal removal," a long, complicated process, Stansell said.

He said that nearly happened at the Ballard Locks in Seattle, where sea lions that nearly wiped out a winter steelhead run in the 1990s were marked for death.

But the Humane Society sued and then- President Clinton urged clemency. The worst of the miscreants were packed off to Sea World in Orlando, Fla.

Then-Vice President Al Gore called Sea World to say thanks.
Salmon are very tasty fish and they should be saved,
President Bush declared last week in a key policy speech
given at Bonneville Dam.

No reporters were allowed to attend the speech, but
an official transcript provided by the White House made
it clear that President Bush knew what fish were and
that he has eaten a salmon at least once.

"They swim upstream, you see…like a fish, er somethin'.
. .I like that about them. And they're tasty. I like
to eat'em, see. People tell me--Good people, trustworthy
people, hard workin' people--tell me you can catch
salmon using a pole with some string and hook. They
say the Indians, er Natives--I mean caught'em with nets
or something. That'd be easier, I think. But we can't
catch too many of them or else they won't be able to
spawn… see that's real important--that spawning."
The president went on to explain that fish swim in
the ocean and that the ocean was "real big" and that he
liked the ocean very much.

An estimated 800 people attended the speech and
agreed that the ocean was big.
Good one Marv.

WDFW on ODFW have started a hazing program to discourage the sea lions but if it works anything like it did at the Ballard locks in Seattle, the fish runs are doomed. The sea lions that worked over the native steelhead runs at Ballard many years ago, decimated the run of steelhead. I'm afraid the animal lovers are going to fight what really needs to be done at Bonneville also. I think these sea lions could end up being a bigger problem to the fish runs than the 4 lower Snake River dams.
Another article from KATU in Portland: (if you click on the link there is a poll there that asks about killing sealions).

April 3, 2006
Days may be numbered for problem sea lions

By Brian Barker
and Web Staff
BONNEVILLE DAM - Despite bombs, boats and rubber bullets, dozens of sea lions are continuing to kill salmon near the Bonneville Dam.

This month, biologists are trying one last time to scare off the problem sea lions, but if that doesn't work, they may try to kill them.

Online poll

Sea lions could kill as much as 10 percent of this spring's salmon run and biologists say if they cannot get the problem solved soon, the situation could get ugly.

The sea lions are just doing what comes naturally - finding a way to keep their bellies full.

The problem is that the salmon are disappearing. An estimated 8,000 salmon will be lost this spring at Bonneville Dam.

State wildlife officials are mounting an aggressive effort to scare the sea lions away from the dam. The effort is their last stab at solving the problem before they will have to consider killing the sea lions.

"The difficult part about it is we're trying to save the endangered salmon as they are going up past the dam, but you've got the Marine Mammal Protection Act that protects these marine mammals," says Bob Stansell, a Biologist with the Army Corps of Engineers.

The biggest violator is sea lion C-404. He has managed to penetrate the fish ladder at Bonneville Dam.

Biologists say there are nearly 1,000 other sea lions hunting salmon in the Columbia River and they could conceivably kill 10 percent of the fish that come through the dam.

If the sea lions cannot be scared off, Oregon's Fish and Wildlife Commission has already applied for a permit to kill some of the problem sea lions, like C-404.

Killing the sea lions would be a last resort, but the idea is certainly a controversial one.

"Because they're so cute," says tourist Kristin Zubel. "They're not hurting anybody and there should be plenty of fish to go around."

The efforts to harass the sea lions enough to scare them away from Bonneville Dam will last through May.
Washington Hunter said:
What an ignorant beech! :rolleyes: |oo

Besides being an ignoramous and a beotch.........I'd wager that 1) her armpit hair is as bushy and long as your pit-hair and 2) her favorite food is granola.

Hey, you guys should go vote in the poll about using lethal force to remove sealions. The way the question is worded you need to vote no.

Here's the link:
But the Humane Society sued and then- President Clinton urged clemency. The worst of the miscreants were packed off to Sea World in Orlando, Fla.

Is there anyone or anything that Clinton didn't pardon? Jeezus!|oo :BLEEP:

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