CPW Commission updating 80/20 allocation

For what? 200 tags?
Look everybody, Jason is here to express his anger again. He's not angry enough to show up at the meeting today and express it to the people making the decisions, but he's definitely angry enough to come here and disparage those who wronged him by supporting the Future Generations Act without getting an increase in resident allocation in return. Stick around, he'll probably be back shortly to bring it up for the 473rd time. Of course, he didn't really care enough to engage that process either, but he sure has thoughts about what those who did should have done differently. He'll probably threaten to move to another state again, one that treats its residents the way he thinks they should be treated. But he won't actually do it. He'll stick around and continue to cast stones at anyone trying to accomplish some incremental improvements in the Colorado situation as opportunities are presented.
We need to very respectfully remind comm tuchton that the idea that we all deserve access to federal lands and how we all as Americans pay into those federal lands is basically like 100% irrelevant to a discussion of NR/R tag allocation.
We need to very respectfully remind comm tuchton that the idea that we all deserve access to federal lands and how we all as Americans pay into those federal lands is basically like 100% irrelevant to a discussion of NR/R tag allocation.
And the other commissioners. I believe Adams brought it up as well, but I'm guessing that the majority of them don't understand the issue as well as the average resident hunter does.
Look everybody, Jason is here to express his anger again. He's not angry enough to show up at the meeting today and express it to the people making the decisions, but he's definitely angry enough to come here and disparage those who wronged him by supporting the Future Generations Act without getting an increase in resident allocation in return. Stick around, he'll probably be back shortly to bring it up for the 473rd time. Of course, he didn't really care enough to engage that process either, but he sure has thoughts about what those who did should have done differently. He'll probably threaten to move to another state again, one that treats its residents the way he thinks they should be treated. But he won't actually do it. He'll stick around and continue to cast stones at anyone trying to accomplish some incremental improvements in the Colorado situation as opportunities are presented.
C’mon, I’ve brought it up more than 473 times! Don’t short change me.

I’d love to attend Commission meetings but you have to admit they are set up in a way that’s not very practical. Take off work, drive 5+ hours and get less than 3 minutes to speak?

So I do write to the commission and recently started writing my state reps which I think is a better way forward. That’s what got us to this point with Sen Woodward threatening to intervene

There can we make nice again 😉
Look everybody, Jason is here to express his anger again. He's not angry enough to show up at the meeting today and express it to the people making the decisions, but he's definitely angry enough to come here and disparage those who wronged him by supporting the Future Generations Act without getting an increase in resident allocation in return. Stick around, he'll probably be back shortly to bring it up for the 473rd time. Of course, he didn't really care enough to engage that process either, but he sure has thoughts about what those who did should have done differently. He'll probably threaten to move to another state again, one that treats its residents the way he thinks they should be treated. But he won't actually do it. He'll stick around and continue to cast stones at anyone trying to accomplish some incremental improvements in the Colorado situation as opportunities are presented.
I see him at every SE Roundtable meeting....
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I'm confused, this document dated Nov. 4 (link below) says the high demand threshold has been increased to 10 or more points but the commission meeting wasn't until Nov. 17th / 18th.

the proposed alternative being considered by the commission was in increase to 10 or more. only meaning, for the alternative, the pp threshold had been raised. that alternative was rejected in favor of the alternative at 6 pps.

I think cpw staff pushback and extensive diy public comment saved us on this one.
the proposed alternative being considered by the commission was in increase to 10 or more. only meaning, for the alternative, the pp threshold had been raised. that alternative was rejected in favor of the alternative at 6 pps.

I think cpw staff pushback and extensive diy public comment saved us on this one.
Thank you!
Excuse if it's in the previous 8 pages but what is the status of 80/20 across the board?
As a NR just trying to hunt elk (VA resident), how do I hunt the midwest without pissing off all the locals? Offer them a spot at my hunt club if they're down in my neck of the woods? Bottle of whiskey?
As a NR just trying to hunt elk (VA resident), how do I hunt the midwest without pissing off all the locals? Offer them a spot at my hunt club if they're down in my neck of the woods? Bottle of whiskey?

Be ethical. Obey the laws. Don’t follow someone’s tracks that you just saw hop out of their truck to their glassing knob. Don’t shoot at game someone is obviously stalking.

Basically the same way you don’t piss off anyone anywhere while hunting.
Excuse if it's in the previous 8 pages but what is the status of 80/20 across the board?
The commission directed staff to move forward with additional public outreach (WTF...they think staff has nothing to do but continue building surveys and writing memos to the commission) in 2023, and maybe add it into the BGSS process. But it looks like they might be proposing 75/25. However, I was told by someone in the know that 80/20 isn't necessarily off the table.
The commission directed staff to move forward with additional public outreach (WTF...they think staff has nothing to do but continue building surveys and writing memos to the commission) in 2023, and maybe add it into the BGSS process. But it looks like they might be proposing 75/25. However, I was told by someone in the know that 80/20 isn't necessarily off the table.
Thanks Oak - appreciate your insight on this stuff!
As a NR just trying to hunt elk (VA resident), how do I hunt the midwest without pissing off all the locals? Offer them a spot at my hunt club if they're down in my neck of the woods? Bottle of whiskey?
Don't think you'll piss off many Midwestern locals trying to hunt their elk, unless it's on fort riley, and they can usually defend themselves. Not a lot of elk in the Midwest these days...
I wasn't sure where else to put this. CBA is doing a survey currently on update to cpw allocation

I wasn't sure where else to put this. CBA is doing a survey currently on update to cpw allocation

I've never shot a compound bow and am not a member of CBA but you bet i'm gonna do that survey!
Colorado bowhunters association! Not compound bowhunters jk 😂😂

they should really just be called the Colorado Hungry Hunters Association

they focus primarily on taking game meat donations to help feed their hungry members. but they won't take mule deer cause mule deer is icky.

they have a statue of Cam Hanes camel clutching a monster bull elk in their atrium. all hail.
I took the survey. The CBA has some good people in it and do some good work. But when I looked into joining a few years ago I realized pretty quickly after asking a few questions that they're very pro "status quo". For years they've stuck their heads in the sand and refused to acknowledge the growing overcrowding issues in OTC units. Now that the rumbling has turned into a roar and the commission itself is talking about limited draws they're trying to stall and come up with a more favorable outcome. Capping NR OTC isn't a bad idea although I far prefer OTC for residents and all limited for NR. Perhaps if CBA would've acknowledge the problem and got ahead of it they wouldn't be trying to figure out their stance at the last minute. From my understanding they still haven't announced any stance other then the old pro unlimited OTC.
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