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CPW Commission: End Crow, rail, and sora hunting

News flash: Colorado Bowhunters Association just proposed OTC non-resident licenses available to guided non-residents IF CPW were to leave resident archery elk OTC and limit NR OTC elk.
Yea, I heard that, totally odd. Ill be calling Henry and Lane on that one. Completely weird.
Update: I just spoke to Henry, the chairman, that appears to have been a statement in error, under heat of the moment. I'll give him grace on that one, no one is perfect.
The conclusion of that whole allocation conversation was odd to me. CPW is looking for "strong direction", yet I didn't think they got anywhere. Can someone please take a leadership role?
48% like point banking? When was that a majority?
Thanks God Im in the landowner pool, say good bye to those 1-4 point units, even hasketts own clients will lose. Would be great if they had point data to look at, but then again maybe not. What a disaster.
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When did they become the voice of resident bow hunters?
umm, 1970, or was it 1969. or maybe it was when we showed up at every CPW meeting since then?

Got your own survey with 3,000 bowhunter responses? Is Biden Hunter and Anglers representing bowhunters?
I kid!

there's just so much low hanging fruit with bow hunters.

btw @grasshopper , i've reevaluated my stance after looking at those cora requests and our discussion from the other thread and I'm more in agreement with you than ever on the otc numbers. residents shouldn't take the hit with lopsided numbers like that. you're right.

but no, outfitters do not need to retain any special status. they have too much already that we'll never be able to change. so, eff that.
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cam hanes is gonna revoke special brossociation status if he hears about that.
I don't think Cam has ever spoken at a CBA banquet, we did have Derek Wolfe though. If you care to lodge an in person complaint with him - go for it, he is 6'5" and from a broken home. good luck.
umm, 1970, or was it 1969. or maybe it was when we showed up at every CPW meeting since then?

Got your own survey with 3,000 bowhunter responses? Is Biden Hunter and Anglers representing bowhunters?
Hook, line and sinker. I landed a big one.

I took a poll on Facebook once, I should submit that.
News flash: Colorado Bowhunters Association just proposed OTC non-resident licenses available to guided non-residents IF CPW were to leave resident archery elk OTC and limit NR OTC elk.
Probably just worried about NR's safety with all those wolves around. Good that someone is looking out for their wellbeing.
I kid!

there's just so much low hanging fruit with bow hunters.

btw grasshopper, i've reevaluated the numbers after looking at those cora requests and our discussion from the other thread and I'm more in agreement with you than ever on the otc numbers. residents shouldn't take the hit with lopsided numbers. you're right.

but no, outfitters do not need to retain any special status. #*^@#* that.
Well, I testified today, let me know if you take any issue with it. After listening to that conversation, I have no confidence a wise decision is on the horizon. We are all screwed.
Hook, line and sinker. I landed a big one.

I took a poll on Facebook once, I should submit that.
Hey Facebook, thats the same tool CPW used to shut down 80/81. Lets ask anyone, whether they hunt or not, if we should limit hunting in a specific area. Great Idea. Send it in, they'll take it as fact.
Well, I testified today, let me know if you take any issue with it. After listening to that conversation, I have no confidence a wise decision is on the horizon. We are all screwed.
Appreciate the comments you made. The point averaging discussion was maddening. I think even Mark Leslie was getting a little hot.
Sounded like Tutchton might have a hard on for lead ammo at some point too, listening to his points on pdogs. Those points are not necessarily without merit.

Anyone listen to the SAR discussion? 80% of the funding is generated via hunting and fishing license add-on fee. Hunting and fishing fund that too.
Anyone listen to the SAR discussion? 80% of the funding is generated via hunting and fishing license add-on fee. Hunting and fishing fund that too.
The new Keep Colorado Wild (KCW) state parks pass puts $2.5M (assuming a certain number are sold) towards CSAR:

There was another bill that passed (and signed?) last year that sends another $1M to CSAR:

So, hunters & anglers won't be the only ones contributing...finally.
I think even Mark Leslie was getting a little hot.
I got the impression he was a little perturbed from the rail/crows/prairie dog discussion. Can't say I blame him. The commissioners (even May, who seems to have a genuine concern) did not seem to have read the staff's letter - black rail don't flush so will not be mistakenly killed, CO is not production habitat, hunting is not a serious impact to populations of rail, etc. Also, Tuchton claiming that hunters just blast out of their truck windows, don't eat rails, etc. It's a lot of BS to deal with.
Also, Tuchton claiming that hunters just blast out of their truck windows, don't eat rails, etc. It's a lot of BS to deal with.

Frankly, I'd be more surprised to see Tom start a thread about his favorite classic rifle than I would be seeing someone blast a prairie dog out of their truck window. Introspection among our cohort would valuable.
umm, 1970, or was it 1969. or maybe it was when we showed up at every CPW meeting since then?

Got your own survey with 3,000 bowhunter responses? Is Biden Hunter and Anglers representing bowhunters?
Quit pandering to the goddamn Outfitters.
I’m all for limiting over the counter archery tags. The nonresident archery overcrowding is absolutely ridiculous.
For christsake have some backbone and stay out of bed with the Outfitters
I got the impression he was a little perturbed from the rail/crows/prairie dog discussion. Can't say I blame him. The commissioners (even May, who seems to have a genuine concern) did not seem to have read the staff's letter - black rail don't flush so will not be mistakenly killed, CO is not production habitat, hunting is not a serious impact to populations of rail, etc. Also, Tuchton claiming that hunters just blast out of their truck windows, don't eat rails, etc. It's a lot of BS to deal with.
Tuchton was clearly trying to characterize and/or stereotype hunters as outlaws operating with no respect for game laws and guilty of consistent wanton waste of animals. Kudos to Blecha and Bailey for calling him out. His intentionally negative characterization and stereotyping of a specific minority demographic (hunters) seems at odds with the stated Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals and principles of the CPW commission.

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