I took the survey. The CBA has some good people in it and do some good work. But when I looked into joining a few years ago I realized pretty quickly after asking a few questions that they're very pro "status quo". For years they've stuck their heads in the sand and refused to acknowledge the growing overcrowding issues in OTC units. Now that the rumbling has turned into a roar and the commission itself is talking about limited draws they're trying to stall and come up with a more favorable outcome. Capping NR OTC isn't a bad idea although I far prefer OTC for residents and all limited for NR. Perhaps if CBA would've acknowledge the problem and got ahead of it they wouldn't be trying to figure out their stance at the last minute. From my understanding they still haven't announced any stance other then the old pro unlimited OTC.
they want to have their cake and eat it too.
they refuse to acknowledge that a lot of the crowding is also due to residents.
it's their stated mission that they are basically just a "protect and proliferate opportunity" organization. the health of our wildlife doesn't seem to be a part of that mission from what i can tell.
i'm not too ecstatic about them.