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CPW Commission updating 80/20 allocation

yeah but those are all initiatives right?

ballot initiatives gaining momentum and capturing the imagination and emotions of the public is beyond our control. a state senator introducing a bill to be debated and voted on in the legislature is totally different.

those are all much less horrible than basically any ballot initiative i think i've ever seen.

really point being, i would say this a properly functioning democracy at work here. the commission seems to be ignoring what the majority of it's constituents and staff want/recommend. okay what else can we do? we can lean on our representatives who have the power to try and fix what the people want. if the legislature contintues to fail, then we have a final fall back, the unfortunate pandoras box, a ballot initiative.

we have an ignorant and apathetic commission and i don't accept status quo. ergo, legislature.
those are all much less horrible than basically any ballot initiative i think i've ever seen.

really point being, i would say this a properly functioning democracy at work here. the commission seems to be ignoring what the majority of it's constituents and staff want/recommend. okay what else can we do? we can lean on our representatives who have the power to try and fix what the people want. if the legislature contintues to fail, then we have a final fall back, the unfortunate pandoras box, a ballot initiative.

we have an ignorant and apathetic commission and i don't accept status quo. ergo, legislature.
Those are all pro-hunting measures that failed legislatively, I'm sure there is a story to each, but my opinion is that hunters in CO lose ballot initiatives and can't get any legislation passed.
Those are all pro-hunting measures that failed legislatively, I'm sure there is a story to each, but my opinion is that hunters in CO lose ballot initiatives and can't get any legislation passed.

but i fail to fully see the risk you're really talking about.

nothing will stop anti hunters from doing whatever they try or want to do.

i guess i just don't see how another new senate bill aimed at adjusting allocation substantially changes any risk to anything that anti hunters pose. maybe it passes maybe it doesn't.
but i fail to fully see the risk you're really talking about.

nothing will stop anti hunters from doing whatever they try or want to do.

i guess i just don't see how another new senate bill aimed at adjusting allocation substantially changes any risk to anything that anti hunters pose. maybe it passes maybe it doesn't.
I think the risk is that in neuters the commission and you run the risk of even further normalizing ballot box management.

It’s not that I’m worried about the bill failing, in fact I’m probably more worried that it will succeed and then folks just press there congressman for anything they don’t like… bill to hunt the rut with crossbows, bill to change season structure, etc… not to mention all the wedge antihunting bills.
I think the risk is that in neuters the commission and you run the risk of even further normalizing ballot box management.

It’s not that I’m worried about the bill failing, in fact I’m probably more worried that it will succeed and then folks just press there congressman for anything they don’t like… bill to hunt the rut with crossbows, bill to change season structure, etc… not to mention all the wedge antihunting bills.

That makes sense .

But at the same time, do we just sit around and accept status quo? Maybe allocation isn’t the box to open on this one, maybe it is. But what if the commission was going down even worse paths? Wyoming task force style ideas? Do we just say “well we better not appeal to the legislature because that’s a real Pandora’s box so, I guess we’ll just hope things could turn back around later” 🤷🏼‍♂️
Bunch of scaredy cats and wimps on this website?

Settle for being shit on, thats what I'm hearing.

Don't want to drive to gateway Colorado, how about a committee meeting room at the capital biulding in denver then? Parking will be worse then gateway.

What legislator hoping to get reelected would ever vote against his own constituents? The concern last year was lpp being changed. The sponsor reportedly has dems calling him ready to sign on.

Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous and strong. Do everything in love(for your fellow resident hunter?) Corinthians 16:13-14.

Grow some balls boys, there is nothing courageous about being shit on. hope to see you at the capital. If the election goes as planned, there will be a bill.

If you actually have balls, email me. We will need help, as in bodies who show up.

[email protected]
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Bunch of scaredy cats and wimps on this website?

Settle for being shit on, thats what I'm hearing.

Don't want to drive to gateway Colorado, how about a committee meeting room at the capital biulding in denver then? Parking will be worse then gateway.

What legislator hoping to get reelected would ever vote against his own constituents? The concern last year was lpp being changed. The sponsor reportedly has dems calling him ready to sign on.

Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous and strong. Do everything in love(for your fellow resident hunter?) Corinthians 16:13-14.

Grow some balls boys, there is nothing courageous about being shit on. hope to see you at the capital. If the election goes as planned, there will be a bill.

If you actually have balls, email me. We will need help, as in bodies who show up.

[email protected]
Insults, blasphemy, unfounded rumors...who wouldn't join you?
Insults, blasphemy, unfounded rumors...who wouldn't join you?
Yea, your right, I need to apologize. Men without balls get their feelings hurt, wouldn't want to do that in the age of substituting truth and facts for feelings, equity diversity and inclusion. Shame on me, please forgive me for being pissed cause I've been shit on, and get hims and haws from folks worried about the risk of legislation, which exists and happens right now.

What are your preferred pronouns so I don't screw that up?

When will this site get emojis?
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Yea, your right, I need to apologize. Men without balls get their feelings hurt, wouldn't want to do that in the age of substituting truth and facts for feelings, equity diversity and inclusion. Shame on me, please forgive me for being pissed cause I've been shit on, and get hims and haws from folks worried about the risk of legislation, which exists and happens right now.

What are your preferred pronouns so I don't screw that up?

When will this site get emojis?
You nailed it! This state is full of chickenshit Kool-aid drinkers!

99% probably still think CPW is broke and doing a great job with what pennies they receive so don't rock the boat! Just accept this is as good as its ever gonna be.

Nobody ever looks outside the state and see's how much better residents have it in just about every other western state.

For the CPW groupies, do you feel better paying more now for a worse product? I know I need to get over the folks that lobbied to raise fee's on me, but dang next time ask for something in return!
Last chance to comment. Here is what the commission will be voting on next week. They are proposing to increase the 80/20 preference point threshold to 10 points. It's right there in red on page 3 that this will result in 200 fewer elk licenses at the 80/20 allocation.

I see @TOGIE beat me to the punch.
This sentence is gold. Just think about it.

"In addition, the preference point threshold used to determine high demand hunt codes based on the three-year average has been increased to 10 or more points to account for the increasing number of points needed to draw a high demand hunt code."

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