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CPW Commission updating 80/20 allocation

Watch and listen to just the first 2 minutes of the September meeting, Day 1 (it's silent for the first 45 seconds). It looks like they moved some tables out of the way in a restaurant to make room for the commissioners. Is this any way to conduct a public meeting?

Watch and listen to just the first 2 minutes of the September meeting, Day 1 (it's silent for the first 45 seconds). It looks like they moved some tables out of the way in a restaurant to make room for the commissioners. Is this any way to conduct a public meeting?

Maybe confine meetings to county seats lol
I did inquire today about the ability to testify at the November meeting via Zoom, as it was not mentioned in the rule-making notice as it normally is. Apparently it was an oversight, and they will post the sign-up link on the Public Comments website on November 7 and it will be available through noon on November 10. Note that this is a full week before the meeting.
Watch and listen to just the first 2 minutes of the September meeting, Day 1 (it's silent for the first 45 seconds). It looks like they moved some tables out of the way in a restaurant to make room for the commissioners. Is this any way to conduct a public meeting?

Please speak clearly, stay behind the plexiglass, and no shouting...
I better shut up now or I'll be on double secret probation.
There is a little-known codicil in the Colorado Parks and Wildlife charter which gives the director unlimited power to drop the ban hammer on instigators on HT....

Also are they going to ever address what happened to Dan?
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Well this was fun to read. Especially since I may be moving to CO in the next few months. Looks like I may need to reconsider.
"Ageny capture" is the only explanation for the CPW commission. Even sparsely populated WY is (partly) standardizing with the rest of the west on 90/10.

Yet you poor CO residents must settle for this mess of 65/35 and 80/20 (after LO allocations). And CPW is proposing to make 80/20 more lenient?

Commissioners in CO are governor appointees like in most states. Have you asked Polis & Gonahl whether they are going to address the Agency Capture issue at CPW? Vote based on their answers.

You have residents of 100/0 states in the vicinity of Colorado. They have some of those same animals and offer you none - but come to your state in mass.
i just shot off another essay to the commission more specifically regarding the commercialization of wildlife and the downward spiral of the north american model. specifically calling out outfitters and how every single decision (or lack of decision) the commission makes seems to be hamstrung by money, economics, and outfitters and how that is pure bullshit and in contradiction to the NAM.

i didn't use that word though, even though i said i would.
I'd bet good money that if you had photos of 30 of big game, small game and non-game species and asked the commissioners to identify them, half of them would miss 10 or more. I have watched multiple commission meetings beginning to end and every single time felt sick in my stomach after listening to their questions and comments. I mean to tell you most of these people have NO CLUE about wildlife management and what is best for the resource and residents of this state. The sportsmen and women of this state deserve better.
This is just another slap in face to residents.

Just like the landowner tags issue. Instead of making it better they took even more tags.

The management in Colorado is horrible and now the politics and allocation issues will only make things worse..
The management in Colorado is horrible and now the politics and allocation issues will only make things worse..
Yet CO has more elk than any other state or province.

No one else has said it, so I'll be that guy: If you reduce NR tags, you have to either decrease CPW's budget or increase Res prices. If the former, what do you want to cut? If the latter, how much you're willing to pay.
Yet CO has more elk than any other state or province.

No one else has said it, so I'll be that guy: If you reduce NR tags, you have to either decrease CPW's budget or increase Res prices. If the former, what do you want to cut? If the latter, how much you're willing to pay.
Umm try reading. The wildlife side of CPW had a $52,000,000 surplus last year. You can cut a lot of NR tags and still
Have. A balanced budget.

There is absolutely no truth to the absurd claim that cutting NR tags has to result in an increase in resident prices given the current budget etc.
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