Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Corner Crossing - Where to go from here?

Imagine this. I have been using my neighbors land for years. Finally, he says he wants to hay the pasture, not me. He has the legal right to do so. Can I sue my neighbor for a takings, when the property/right he "took" was his to begin with? Hardly. That is the same logic that applies when a landowner makes a takings claim for the public wanting to use public land that the public has always owned, even if the landowner enjoyed use of it in the past.

I wonder if they could claim it was a prescriptive easement.
We are currently arranging for buses going from Bozeman and Butte to Helena. Need
40+ people on each bus to make it work. The cost will be $20 or less per person. Also looking into buses from Billings, Great Falls and Missoula.

How many of you will be interested in arriving by bus? Contact me at [email protected]
Come on Boyz! Fill those buses!! Would we get more folks to show up if we had a Griz/Cat smackdown cage fight afterward? :rolleyes:

We had the opportunity in Idaho a handful of years ago to rid the state of the plague of elk ranches. Sportsmen talked the talk but never walked the walk. About 200 of us showed up to rally at the capitol and that was not nearly enough. Do whatever it takes to haul yourself, your family, your hunting buddies, etc............ NUMBERS MATTER!!

Fin, what can we be doing from a state away? I typically don't write letters or emails if it's not my state. I see Wyoming as the next logical step in this Corner Crossing controversy. I'll do whatever I can to help Montana as I see it as future planning for Wyoming, Idaho, etc......

- Cade
Fin, what can we be doing from a state away? I typically don't write letters or emails if it's not my state. I see Wyoming as the next logical step in this Corner Crossing controversy. I'll do whatever I can to help Montana as I see it as helping future planning for Wyoming, Idaho, etc......

Short of showing up, the best thing people can do between now and then is to notify these legislators, especially if you are a non-resident. These legislators view NRs as the gold mine, which they are, given we get 65% of our funding from NRs.

I suspect that clients of outfitters are emailing the legislators. Guess it is only balanced for legislators to get emails from self-guided hunters as to how much this would help them when they come to MT to hunt.

In addition, getting the word out to as many hunters as possible is extremely important. Tons of hunters in Montana hang out on other sites, read other blogs, have other FB friends. The more they know about it, the better off we all are. Feel free to reach out wherever you can.

I am completely convinced that if we in Montana can overcome the 5th Amendment issues and prove that to not be applicable in the corner crossing debate, that lays the path for public land hunters in every other state. The 5th Amendment to the US Constitution is the big club groups in all states use when trying to kill this type of legislation. Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, you name it, we all benefit if the 5th Amendment provisions can be put to rest on this topic.

I suspect that a lot of out of state groups who are opponents of this kind of change are watching closely. Given our recent web traffic and the amount of out of state hits to this site on threads related to corner crossing, I know a lot of people are watching and reading. I suspect some of these out of state groups might be doing more than just watching, rather actively lobbying the Montana legislature to stop the issue here.

Thanks for your help. This is a time for all hands on deck. Making 1 MILLION acres of public land accessible to Montana hunters would result in more benefit to the public land hunter than any project I can think of. If it then had similar benefits in other states, it is worth every bit of the work needed to get it done.
My question goes along the corner fence concern. What if both landowners have fences to the corner how do you get across? Do they need to leave a foot path between them? Randy you just mentioned unlawful enclosures act. If that were the case don't you already have legal access to that land? Or is it state land you are trying to access? I know it's tricky with our new Colorado weed act in place I've still seen 5 people getting arrested with trying to get on the local Air Force installation with it because it is against federal law. Just some thoughts/questions

Alright all of you complacent sportsmen. There are a few of us busting our asses on your behalf at the legislature. MSA, MWF, PLWA, and many others. Let me tell you that we are once again under attack. It is overwhelming. John Brenden, Debby Barrett, and Rick Ripley are all obviously members of MOGA and must be considered as the enemy! You never hear any of the three say anything remotely positive for or about Montana Resident Hunters. The republican party has certainly abandoned us again and doesn't even bother to camouflage it.
Corner crossing is an issue we need to stand up for. So are you going to sit on your asses and let someone else do the hard work required to stand up for you or are you going to take part? We need a huge group of passionate supporters. Without, we will certainly fail. Not only do you need to work legislators, you need to show up with your hunting partners, friends, and family. This one is really for future generations.
"If I were a politician strictly basing my decision on public opinion the prudent vote was to pass the bill. I am not a politician; they are a strange bunch and I do not intend to ever be one." QUOTE

That is the most BS statement from a politician I have ever heard. I would like to ask that jack azz why 12 (R's) are NO and 8 (D's) are YES. Must be 12 non-politicians for air rights and 8 politician's who could give a rusty nickel about air rights. What a croc.

Not trying to flame you JBS and sure appreciate you posting what Krayton's "non-political" response was going to be. I figured if someone could get that clown to respond it would be you.

It will be interesting to see Krayton squirm if Fin & Co. can show/prove/persuade that there is no infringement on the landowners rights.
Ok guys. I'm new to this site, And new to trying to get my voice heard politically, other than voting. HB235, concerning blasting out of commitee. Ben Lamb says to contact your reps. Does this mean just House rep {done}. Or should I contact my senate rep also. scuse me for being so dumb but I want to stand up. I guess at 56 I am a late starter but dammit I need to get involved! Thanks for a great site, show, and great bunch of folks Randy. Lets roll!!
Is there a way to get a copy of the Goetz Memo for distribution without just pasting a link to this thread?
I emailed Mr. Kerns and the Judiciary committee, anyone else?

- I know Krayton, and beings he has chosen to pride and project himself as not being a politician I expressed my feelings in not quite so politically correct terms. I'm sure he understood the message load and clear.

I don't expect I'll be invited to his Xmass party this year.
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Alright all of you complacent sportsmen. There are a few of us busting our asses on your behalf at the legislature. MSA, MWF, PLWA, and many others. Let me tell you that we are once again under attack. It is overwhelming. John Brenden, Debby Barrett, and Rick Ripley are all obviously members of MOGA and must be considered as the enemy! You never hear any of the three say anything remotely positive for or about Montana Resident Hunters. The republican party has certainly abandoned us again and doesn't even bother to camouflage it.
Corner crossing is an issue we need to stand up for. So are you going to sit on your asses and let someone else do the hard work required to stand up for you or are you going to take part? We need a huge group of passionate supporters. Without, we will certainly fail. Not only do you need to work legislators, you need to show up with your hunting partners, friends, and family. This one is really for future generations.

Time to put our war paint on again. I want to see "Hunt Talkers" all over the Capitol on the 18Th. If the Rooters can get it together anyone can. Who's with me?

I'm not William Wallace but wish he were here.


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If trespass is prohibited by state and/or federal Constitution because it is a takings, how is it I can legally walk across someone's property, for any purpose other than hunting, if it is not properly posted as in MCA 45-6-201? It seems to me that if it constitutes a takings, and violates the Constitution because of said taking, that posting would not be required to close land to public access.

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