Caribou Gear

Corner Crossing - Where to go from here?

This is very similar to the beach access issue that a lot of the coastal states have. Landowners (usually private, sometimes municipal) controlled access to the beaches, while the state owns everything below the high water mark. It took numerous laws and continued pressure to get access.

Heck, if I could have private access to all that land - graze my cattle, hunt, on land I did not pay taxes on but that I controlled, I would fight against opening it up. We should not be surprised at the resistance, but that does not mean we need to take their arguments for anything except naked self-interest.

Having said that, we probably should not be surprised by pushback in the form of loss of access to walk-in hunting areas, etc.
Why doesn't OYOA just get a lobyist and grind those pesky lawmakers every day?

OYOA has a lobbyist. He is just an unpaid lobbyist, which pretty much makes him not a lobbyist. :eek:

He does grind on those legislators every day, and they are getting tired of his grinding. So far, I have been in the office for six hours. Five of those were phone calls and emails with/to legislators and others working on the issues, and research on the bills coming the next month. Normal Monday in legislative season.
This is very similar to the beach access issue that a lot of the coastal states have. Landowners (usually private, sometimes municipal) controlled access to the beaches, while the state owns everything below the high water mark. It took numerous laws and continued pressure to get access.

Heck, if I could have private access to all that land - graze my cattle, hunt, on land I did not pay taxes on but that I controlled, I would fight against opening it up. We should not be surprised at the resistance, but that does not mean we need to take their arguments for anything except naked self-interest.

Having said that, we probably should not be surprised by pushback in the form of loss of access to walk-in hunting areas, etc.
For clarrification and education ;) just because you control access to public lands does not mean they can graze their cattle there (at least for federal lands). For the BLM, access has to be granted through private land for the agency by the lessee/permitee for administration of the grazing permit.

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