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Corner Crossing - Where to go from here?

I am a bit behind the curve here. How do I find out how and if my Rep voted on this?
I would really like to help squeeze him a bit on this particular issue.
When I go to Mt legislature site I did not see anything about it in his voting record.
Rep is Bill Harris thanks
I think it was Lawnboy that said something to the fact of almost being embarrassed to being a registered republican - I couldn't agree more. Much more of this crap and I'll be an unregistered republican or I should say unregistered anything.

We gotta change the ingredients of the ice cubes up there in nutville.

Number one reason why I don't think I voted for a single Montana Republican this last election. I still consider myself a conservative mided person, but when it comes to Montana Politics.....the Republican Party is no friend of mine!
Twodot---It went down on a straight line party vote with all the Republicans voting no, so whatever he is you now know how he voted!
I am a bit behind the curve here. How do I find out how and if my Rep voted on this?

Those in RED voted against public access. All others voted for public access.

Kerns, Krayton (R - Ch)
Bennett, Jerry (R – V Ch)

MacDonald, Margie (D – V Ch)
Blasdel, Mark (R)
Court, Virginia (D)
Doane, Alan (R)
Eck, Jenny (D)
Fiscus, Clayton (R)
Gursky, Jenifer (D)
Halvorson, David (R)
Hill, Ellie Boldman (D)
Laszloffy, Sarah (R)
Lenz, Dennis (R)

Lynch, Ryan (D)
O'Neil, Jerry (R)
Pease-Lopez, Carolyn (D)
Regier, Keith (R)
Smith, Bridget (D)
Wagoner, Kirk (R)
Warburton, Wendy (R)
twodot---Your guy evidently isn't on the Judiciary Committee where this was voted on earlier today. It's interesting in that I just noted that 7 of the 8 voting for it were women!
Woah there partner, let's not go that far. They may be sh*tty on this issue, but painting them with that broad brush might be cause for a little disagreement. You don't like it if the other side paints you with that big ole brush either.

How about corporal punishment instead of jail time (public flogging)
Paying legislators in Gold instead of paper money?

Then there's always:
Nullify federal laws (unconstitutional)
Eliminate the state pension system
Let juries ignore the evidence in a case to simply pass a verdict based on their "feeling"
Give counties control of wildlife
etc, etc, etc.
I'm not going anywhere near this discussion on a hunting forum. I have tried my hardest to stay away from party lines on sportmans issues.
The last thing we need here is infighting...

How aout instead of playing party line crap as used in this vote - we, as sportsmen and women hold the higher ground - less you are just as culpable as the shit bags that played partisan smack...
Not to play on this but I thought Montana already had grand traditions that they need to keep in order to keep more wildlife from dying than already is. I mean if this is going to open more land to more hunters wont that negatively affect the elk populations. Meaning less tags and less hunting down the road. Say just like a lighted nock and a crossbow would? For the record I do think this would be a great opportunity for sportsman if passed
I see my Rep voted against the bill. I just sent him another e-mail at my displeasure in the vote.
Not to play on this but I thought Montana already had grand traditions that they need to keep in order to keep more wildlife from dying than already is. I mean if this is going to open more land to more hunters wont that negatively affect the elk populations. Meaning less tags and less hunting down the road. Say just like a lighted nock and a crossbow would? For the record I do think this would be a great opportunity for sportsman if passed

Nobody said the lands weren't getting hunted now. The public is the ones that can't hunt.

There are lots of places where the elk populations are over objective because of the land locked pieces. This would go a long ways in fixing that problem.