Caribou Gear Tarp

Cooney, best choice for sportsmen.

Just another one of those liberals that donated time and money to a Republican gubernatorial candidate In 2020.

I thought Fox was the best choice, followed by Cooney.
I guess i have miss read so many of your diatribes on forums and to other platforms, my mistake. I see you describe yourself as a public lands advocate and conservationist, correct? What line of work are you in? You would not work for an industry which owes it's creation to "Public Land Grants", correct? You would not work for an industry that is responsible for the loss of thousands of species of animals a year, correct? You wouldn't want to profit from such a disgusting industry, correct?
I guess i have miss read so many of your diatribes on forums and to other platforms, my mistake. I see you describe yourself as a public lands advocate and conservationist, correct? What line of work are you in? You would not work for an industry which owes it's creation to "Public Land Grants", correct? You would not work for an industry that is responsible for the loss of thousands of species of animals a year, correct? You wouldn't want to profit from such a disgusting industry, correct?
You got it, I’m a fake conservationist because I work for a railroad. I host a few conservation projects each year in our area, you should come next summer and we can pretend to do good work for Antelope and Sage Grouse.
I guess i have miss read so many of your diatribes on forums and to other platforms, my mistake. I see you describe yourself as a public lands advocate and conservationist, correct? What line of work are you in? You would not work for an industry which owes it's creation to "Public Land Grants", correct? You would not work for an industry that is responsible for the loss of thousands of species of animals a year, correct? You wouldn't want to profit from such a disgusting industry, correct?

The first sentence is a personal attack. Diatribes could easily been replaced by "posts",, if it wasn't meant to be personal.

Now,,, you need to provide some source for the claim that railroads are responsible for the loss of thousands of species per year. That claim is comical.

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