CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

Did they represent themselves as carrying an official position?

That's the hurdle. If it's just sitting member's opinion, then it seems like it falls under the 1st amendment right for protected speech.

If I were to imagine other public servants accompanying a statement position about something related to their roles, with the precursor that they are currently in that role, it sure feels like an official position.

If wrote an op-ed saying, “ I’m Nameless Range, I am an xxxx for agency yyyy, and I think this about topic zzzz related to my agency’s work”, I’d probably be in the HR office on Monday.

That said, doesn’t make it right or wrong, and I often feel like public servants or Trustees lower down the chain have a higher level of professionalism expected of them than the bigwigs, and exhibit it.

I hope Colorado pulls through. It would be very disheartening to me for my wildlife commissioners to speak against a well established heritage. You can bet that once again there will be a bill in the Montana legislature to make hunting fishing and trapping methods, a constitutional initiative.
If I were to imagine other public servants accompanying a statement position about something related to their roles, with the precursor that they are currently in that role, it sure feels like an official position.

If wrote an op-ed saying, “ I’m Nameless Range, I am an xxxx for agency yyyy, and I think this about topic zzzz related to my agency’s work”, I’d probably be in the HR office on Monday.

That said, doesn’t make it right or wrong, and I often feel like public servants or Trustees lower down the chain have a higher level of professionalism expected of them than the bigwigs, and exhibit it.

I hope Colorado pulls through. It would be very disheartening to me for my wildlife commissioners to speak against a well established heritage. You can bet that once again there will be a bill in the Montana legislature to make hunting fishing and trapping methods, a constitutional initiative.

Employees are held to different standards than appointed commissioners, generally. Regardless, it appears as if these commissioners were in violation of their own regulations. Getting anyone to take that seriously may prove to be difficult.

That's why accountability exists in issue campaigning.
From a campaign perspective, it gives the opportunity for a negative attack on process & impartiality, which helps move swing votes towards your position if played correctly. Since there is a big election this year, dems have to be really careful in some districts and at the statewide level to not alienate people and help maintain their majorities, which are not entirely certain as is.

It's an unforced error that makes the proponent side look shady and shifty. Opponents should play that card and push the dems into a corner, especially in districts that are swingable at the legislative level.
How about something like,
"Activists behind Prop 127 are lying to voters. They claim that drones are being used to hunt mountain lions. Hunting anything with drones is completely illegal in CO. They also claim that cats are strangled after they are captured. This is also illegal in Colorado. Any evidence of such activity should be turned over to law enforcement immediately. A third claim is that there are no human/lion conflicts. A quick google search will produce plenty of examples of conflict, including a fairly recent attack on two young brothers in California (where lion hunting has been banned for decades) in which one of them lost his life. Another claim is that mountain lions will reduce the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in deer and elk. There is no peer-reviewed science that supports this claim. In fact, CWD seems to be just as prevalent in areas of Colorado where there is little or no mountain lion hunting. These activists seem intent on increasing the urban/rural divide and they are not above bald-faced lies to achieve their emotionally charged proposition. Vote No on Prop 127."
How about something like,
"Activists behind Prop 127 are lying to voters. They claim that drones are being used to hunt mountain lions. Hunting anything with drones is completely illegal in CO. They also claim that cats are strangled after they are captured. This is also illegal in Colorado. Any evidence of such activity should be turned over to law enforcement immediately. A third claim is that there are no human/lion conflicts. A quick google search will produce plenty of examples of conflict, including a fairly recent attack on two young brothers in California (where lion hunting has been banned for decades) in which one of them lost his life. Another claim is that mountain lions will reduce the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in deer and elk. There is no peer-reviewed science that supports this claim. In fact, CWD seems to be just as prevalent in areas of Colorado where there is little or no mountain lion hunting. These activists seem intent on increasing the urban/rural divide and they are not above bald-faced lies to achieve their emotionally charged proposition. Vote No on Prop 127."

Don't restate your oppositions position. No need to carry their water for them. Always punch forward when you have to punch!

Hit em with the facts, maintain moral superiority and force them into a rear action defending their lack of ethics, rather than litigating their position.

It's a maneuver designed to move them off their attack and defend their rear, splitting their effort & stopping momentum forward.
If I’m understanding Mr lamb correctly, we need a snazzy op ed blasted out titled: Breaching Ethics While Preaching Ehics (and laws)

The art of diplomacy is telling someone to go to hell in such a manner that they ask for directions.

Lead with the science, or lack there of and hammer on the established conservation plan that exists, and has led to a remarkable recovery of lions, bobcats & even lynx, to a lesser extent (regulated hunting & trapping), the dollars used for land & habitat protection and how hunters have been leading proponents for huntable populations of large carnivores, not their extirpation.

Focus on shared values: love of open space, public lands & public wildlife. Opposition wants to paint cat hunters a blood thirsty trophy hunters & not advocates for roadless lands, wilderness & thoughtful development of natural resources.

Lion hunters & houndsmen provide invaluable data to wildlife agencies in terms of lion populations but also in the scientific study of those critters. Focus on the positives while moderating the need to lash out at your detractors.

Stay calm, steady handed & above reproach. Focus on the positives of management & hunting; cite your science & be professional in how you write.

Your audience isn't the people who opposed you, it's the 20-30% in the middle who need good reasons for voting against it.
The art of diplomacy is telling someone to go to hell in such a manner that they ask for directions.

Lead with the science, or lack there of and hammer on the established conservation plan that exists, and has led to a remarkable recovery of lions, bobcats & even lynx, to a lesser extent (regulated hunting & trapping), the dollars used for land & habitat protection and how hunters have been leading proponents for huntable populations of large carnivores, not their extirpation.

Focus on shared values: love of open space, public lands & public wildlife. Opposition wants to paint cat hunters a blood thirsty trophy hunters & not advocates for roadless lands, wilderness & thoughtful development of natural resources.

Lion hunters & houndsmen provide invaluable data to wildlife agencies in terms of lion populations but also in the scientific study of those critters. Focus on the positives while moderating the need to lash out at your detractors.

Stay calm, steady handed & above reproach. Focus on the positives of management & hunting; cite your science & be professional in how you write.

Your audience isn't the people who opposed you, it's the 20-30% in the middle who need good reasons for voting against it.
May your appointment in Hades be an experience indicative of the tribulations awaiting your destination...
There was an electronic billboard on Arapahoe next to the dealerships that had a vote no on 127 ad. This was right after I had a discussion with someone who was voting yes.

Fun part about that is I know this person will be driving that road quite often so he'll see that sign every time he looks over there.

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