Clintons plan for public lands

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May 26, 2015

With Clinton here is her plans for public lands in America. Trump has yet to release any real plans about them and although his son and even Trump himself has said things in support of public lands, he has also backtracked on those statements a few times. Here is where Clinton stands, and at least we have a plan to know exactly her stand on this issue. Until an actual plan is released from Trump, I'm still a bit skeptical.
Snippets from a quick skim:

Expand access to public lands for hunting, fishing and recreation by making publicly accessible 50% of the public land that is currently inaccessible...

Expand public access to public lands: Because some public lands are surrounded by private lands, an estimated 4 million acres of national forests and other public lands in the West are currently inaccessible to the public. To confront this problem, Clinton will set a goal of unlocking access to at least 2 million acres of currently inaccessible public lands by the end of her first term...

Fight efforts to turn public lands private: ... Clinton strongly opposes these proposals to sell off America’s natural heritage...

Has a Clinton aide been lurking around here?
Maybe Trump , having seen Clintons' goal , will see her 2 million and add 20% more !!
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Don't forget this....

Make public lands an engine of our clean energy economy through a ten-fold increase in renewable energy production on public lands and waters within ten years;
Don't forget this....

Make public lands an engine of our clean energy economy through a ten-fold increase in renewable energy production on public lands and waters within ten years;

Though I'd take any proclamation made by Hillary with a grain of salt, is this even attainable and what would it look like? I don't know but I doubt solar could make a tenfold increase, and wind energy does not jive with a lot of critters currently under the microscope. Building new dams?
Though I'd take any proclamation made by Hillary with a grain of salt, is this even attainable and what would it look like? I don't know but I doubt solar could make a tenfold increase, and wind energy does not jive with a lot of critters currently under the microscope. Building new dams?

Take a look at the chart on the right, that is the current SEIA forecast. The light blue section is what matters on public land (utility scale). As of two months ago my company on a single project could install nearly 1.5MW per day. It is unlikely we'll see mega projects >250 MW any more, they are challenging to get permitted, but with tax equity investment growing, advanced financing arrangements such as Yield Co's margin is critical....and with big projects comes big margins.

When I started with SunPower we wouldn't even consider a public land project (outside of military bases), now with margins so low on rooftops, there is strong incentive to find the path of least resistance to big projects.

Has a Clinton aide been lurking around here?

I don't think so. Democrats (as a *general* principle) have always been of this mind. It's so ubiquitous, taken for granted, and ingrained that they generally don't go around talking about it.

I think many hunters are Republicans and thus it seems to them like they are alone in a sea of enemies, fighting to protect public lands from private ownership. But they just don't see their friends because they run in different circles.

That does not mean I will vote for Clinton. I will never vote for her.
Anyone have any ideas on the land use restrictions that would be imposed in a solar energy right-of-way? 5 mile buffer on firearm use similar to the areas along the Dalton highway in AK?
So Hillary is going to call all those landowners blocking access and politely ask that they allow us thru.Does anyone really buy the crap she's selling?Shes a PROVEN disaster so lets make her president of the best country on Earth;really????????
...interesting....I saw that Bernie took MT.
Didn't think the Shrill had much pull or payout in MT tho.
I knew she had bought off CA & NM.
But I was shocked at which counties Bernie & folks in same camp had won here in NM.
Some folks are as pissed at the poor choice as me.....and Bernie took Catron county and some very conservative others....
local candidates are really measuring their comments on Public Lands now.
The usual rape & pillage,drill baby drill ones are not tho,same with the lib anti groups talk.
But the others are maybe now big Public Lands folks....the pressure is on!
My local Rep is House speaker and myself and others have given them an earful. They have back pedaled big time on their transfer or only good use is for business talk.
Even Steve Pearce has walked back the talk....but I know where they walk.

Still hopefull for land use sanity myself.....don't know about what the rest of us see as important.
I'll tell you what, if she could promise that 2m acres would come true I would vote for her tomorrow without hesitation. I know some people will scoff at that, and call me a one issue voter, but that is absolutely huge.
I guess to look at it from the positive aspect, 3 months ago there were 18 or so candidates in the primaries and 4 or so of those candidates were for protecting public land and we netted out the final 2 as pro public land. Never mind they are both horrible candidates and have the lowest approval ratings in the history of presidential races.
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