That dang-blasted Obama has ruined it for cops being able to shoot black kids without some sort of protest taking place. Sure need someone to Make America Great Again.....
WTF are you talking about? Most use of force policy has been in place for years if not decades. See Graham V. Connor, Tennessee v. Garner, and Terry v. Ohio, for further reference (or just keep talking out of your ass)
Obama has continuously injected his opinion into incidents that have an on going investigation attempting to discover the facts of said incident. Obama is not interested in the facts. He is interested in "if he was my son" and "he didn do nuffins". He didn't want to wait to find out that Officer Darren Wilson was attempting to do his job, when a chemically altered 6'2" 275lb "sweetheart kid trying to go to college" stole from a store, refused to comply with lawful orders, assaulted Wilson, and attempted to disarm Wilson. Obama didn't want to hear that, he wanted to incite unrest. Your community activist didn't want to wait to hear the facts, he never does when he sees a good opportunity to further his false narrative.
Protest does not include burning buildings, cars, and looting. That's a riot.
Some people put their neck on the line every day they put their uniform and duty belt on, and most have seen a change in attitude and behavior of a certain sect of society towards Police in the last 7yrs. The laws haven't changed, enforcement of the laws haven't changed. However the fact that we have a President that condones criminal actions has changed.
But you don't care, because you don't deal with it every day. You want to further the Obama agenda and claim that its 1950 still.
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