Climate Change in Alaska?

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
Alaska record heat

I was wondering what effects this record heat will have on Big Game populations? Faster river run offs could impact newborns. Bugs could be fierce.

What about the aquatic species? All this change has to have impacts that will cause ramifications across the region.
I don't buy in to the climate change arguments of today. I really think it's been going on since creation of this planet and only small percentage to be man-caused.

There is evidence that the Sierra Dessert was once full of lakes and deep forests.

There is evidence that Wyoming and Colorado were at one time under the ocean. Archaeologists are always finding fossil evidence to support that claim.

There is evidence that Death Valley in Nevada and Arizona was once colder than Alaska. My bet is in the next million years, Alaska will become a desert as the plates covering the earth continue to move.

Climate is evolving. So far, none of the arguments presented by the so called climate change experts have panned out and neither has any of their predictions.

However, climate change is happening and there is nothing man can do to stop it or slow it down. Now pollution is a different story. That is generally man caused and something we can do something about.
I've worked outside my whole life, I didn't need a Scientist's studies to tell me that things are going south at a accelerated rate.

I would expect that people would look at evidence objectively rather than politically.

Yes the world has always changed. Evidence shows up that temps moved up and down in directional trends at predicable amounts over time. Like in 11,000 year cycles. Today that has been accelerated at unprecedented rates. FACT.

Don't read this FACTUAL information

Deniers evidence to chew on
Not that many years ago we had robust Goat populations, Now they are in big trouble. Nobody that I know of can point a finger in any direction. It cold be possible that Climate is changing to fast for them?

We work our butts off to manage wildlife and keep good populations around for future generations but climate change makes that even more difficult to deal with. '

We know that moose in our lower latitudes are infested by ticks in absurdly large amounts, even to the point of removing enough blood to kill them. This has been attributed to climate change.

Wild Sheep populations are in the toilet because of disease die offs. Could Climate change have a hand in that too?

If your a hunter, fisherman, you better care of just go watch football in the fall.

Anyone for Lyme's disease?
Anyone would agree that climates and ecosystems have always been changing, but to refute that human activities are accelerating climate change is nothing but myopic.
The bigger questions really are 1) Who is actually contributing the MOST to climate change. 2) what can be done to make THEM change substantively and 3) How much of civilized life are we will of to give up?
Anyone would agree that climates and ecosystems have always been changing, but to refute that human activities are accelerating climate change is nothing but myopic.

That I agree with in the general sense. What I want to see is some clean, nonpartisan science on it that does not have any political agenda involved in it at all. Most of the science today is pretty pokey and politically oriented with some really ridiculous predictions, some of which have done passed us by and never came true. Pollution and related contaminants affects the environment more than we realize. Plastics is one example. Fish populations are way down and plastic waste dumped into the oceans is playing a huge part.
And you would rather censor me just because you disagree with my position? You can agree to disagree with me and I am fine with that but I will not be censored especially on issues like this.
I don't think he was insinuating that he wanted to censor you, I think he was hoping you had censored yourself.

Any opinion is welcomed, I'd hope your comments are more than just that though.
It’s also important to note the distinction between climate and weather. One hot month doesn’t predict the long term picture.
Time to pick on smokers mostly because this is one of my pet peeves. How often have you went fishing and saw literally hundreds of cigarette butts both on the ground and in the water? Has anyone ever looked up what is in cigarette butts that are discarded? Both smoked and unsmoked cigarette buts have been proven toxic to fish. When I go fishing where people have been there before me, I usually see a ton of cigarette butts and wrappers all over the place. This causes cancer in humans and you can pretty much guarrantee it affects aquatic life. Not only that sometimes fish ingest those butts and can not digest them properly and eventually are killed either from the toxins or related issues caused from it. It is true that pollution and that contribute to accelerate the climate change. But then again, better, non-biased, non-political oriented science is needed
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