Chopper's Call-n-Shoot

For beer, we'll all bring some! For chow, we can divide up the meals. Tim can slide on the food, since he'll be on the road and it may be tough to grocery shop in his big rig.
Then it works great for me. Take Friday off, maybe drive partway Thursday night so I can pick Keith and Tim up early and be shooting yotes in no time.
Are we gonna hear anything from
T Bone, Anaconda, Keith, or Tim?

If not, Rick gotta bring lot's o beer!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-25-2003 19:35: Message edited by: bigtusker ]</font>
Hollister, the earthquake capital of the world lol. When it was legal to hunt that area at night, I use to hunt around the new Idria, Panoche and all places north of Coalinga. We got lots of gray fox a few badgers and bobcats even seen a lion or two but not that many coyotes. It was a great place to hunt tell the DFG stopped all night hunting in San Benito and Monterey countys because of butt heads poching pigs so they said. Oh well, I hope you guys have a great hunt up there, let us know how you all did.
hopefully that weekend will work for me.i may have to commit at the last minute, if i get loaded the week after christmas i should be out there no problem.

Good talking to you on the phone! Hope you're having a great turkey day.

Cal hunter, Keith, Anaconda, Tim, hope you can all make it. It should be fun. Sounds like the dogs are putting the hurt on the cattle.

Everyone has talked about bringing the .223's and thats perfect for dogs, but don't forget the 12 guage! In the trees they are much more handy. Use #4 buckshot (not bird shot) or 00 buck or the biggest and hottest lead load you can find. Looking forward to it, even got the green light from the wife!
Turkey Day 2003:

We loaded up the truck for the 60 + mile drive to my in-laws for the feast. I always take a rifle when we go there as they live on a 7000 acre ranch and there's almost always something to shoot there. I had the gun in the back of the pickup in a hard case. Got about a mile in to the ranch and spotted some black spots up on the side of the mountain. Realizing that I had forgot my binoculars, I had to get the gun out of the back and use my scope to see that the black spots were actually a small herd of hogs.
The combination of spotting those "spots" and forgetting my bino's turned out to be the equation that made my turkey day so great. Had either not occured, I never would have got the gun out of the case in time to smoke the coyote that crossed the road a couple miles further in. I was rounding a bend in the road when I noticed a yote drop in to the creek on my left. he ran right past me headed the opposite direction. I turned the truck into the creek and swung the .06 out the window just in time to see him scurry up the bank and take a turn to the left, I missed. I bailed out of the truck and he had already crossed the road, ran under the fence and was headed uphill at mach 4. This is where the 17 years of hunting with this rifle paid off. All in one fluid motion, I jacked another round in, shouldered and aquired, then squeezed one off into his boiler that rolled him ass over teakettle.
Even if the turkey was dry and the mashed taters lumpy, this was still the best Turkeyday ever!

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