Caribou Gear Tarp

Can it get any worse?

My son and wife were laughing hysterically one day and I went to see what was going on. They were looking at text exchanges that had "auto-correction" made on typos and they were some of the funniest things I've ever read; usually involving some kid being embarrassed by his/her totally clueless parents trying to be "with it". If you know anyone under the age of 30, ask them to show you some. They will probably have to explain them to you but you will laugh when you see how ignorant we can be. :D
Randy, May I suggest using the to stay current on slang. I also recommend regularly watching South Park to stay up to date on current events.

Is that where you get all you derogatory gay slurs from that you use so often on this site?
To be fair, the disparagement was coined by spin byters whom are intimately familiar with its meaning.

That was exactly my point and that is why I was so surprised to see it written by Big Fin. It is even worse that the President of the United States also uses the phrase and I am sure he knows exactly what the double meaning is.

That was exactly my point and that is why I was so surprised to see it written by Big Fin. It is even worse that the President of the United States also uses the phrase and I am sure he knows exactly what the double meaning is.


I think it's funny. Not just the term "Teabagger", but that anyone would get their panties all up in a knot about it. Seems the "right" is just as politically correct and sensitive about getting their feelings hurt when someone calls them a name. If the shoe does *not* fit then why wear it? :rolleyes:

"liberal nut jobs, libtards, or just F-ing loser left coast liberals"? LOL! I've been called a long-haired, dope-smoking, communist, pinko, faggot, pacifist, bunny-hugging, left-wing liberal, knee jerk, anti-American, unpatriotic democrat and "worse" because I didn't support certain government actions. But I am none of those things so I didn't let it bother me. Especially when it came from some "all hat and no cattle" Rexal Ranger who never served, and who measured his manhood by the size of the machine he used to rip up elk meadows. Thick skin, and focusing on the merits underlying a position can be a good thing.
To be fair, the disparagement was coined by spin byters whom are intimately familiar with its meaning.

At least Breitbart tried to have some fun with their own stupidity in branding themselves:

Unintentional slur or not, we should all be disturbed how a few individuals from outside of Montana have so much influence over our elections simply because they have a ton of money and lust for more. They don't have Montana's long term interest at heart because they don't live or even vote here (and we don't have the resources to compete).

The TPers are the only ones actively disrupting our primaries and making it clear to elected officials that if they don't adopt the TP's extreme views they will face huge obstacles in getting reelected. The TP leadership here is quite open in saying their goal is to eliminate the influence of the moderate republicans in the legislature. They are using lawsuits to strike down any barriers put up to protect us from this form of corruption, and even trying to buy judge elections to further their goals. Their money is targeted and purposeful. On another front they are working to muzzle the voice of moderates by closing the primaries and even requiring a supermajority to override the speaker's decision to kill a bill by sending it to appropriations.
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Unintentional slur or not, we should all be disturbed how a few individuals from outside of Montana have so much influence over our elections simply because they have a ton of money and lust for more. They don't have Montana's long term interest at heart because they don't live or even vote here (and we don't have the resources to compete).

The TP leadership here is quite open in saying their goal is to eliminate the influence of the moderate republicans in the legislature. They are using lawsuits to strike down any barriers put up to protect us from this form of corruption, and even trying to buy judge elections to further their goals. Their money is targeted and purposeful. On another front they are working to muzzle the voice of moderates by closing the primaries and even requiring a supermajority to override the speaker's decision to kill a bill by sending it to appropriations.

Well put RobG.

Montanans have very recent reasons to despise out-of-state tea party fueled money flooding our political system.

Just 4 months ago, more money was spent on a Montana Supreme Court seat than something like the previous 3 combined. Americans for Prosperity spent 180 grand on two TV ads portraying a good Montanan, Mike Wheat, as an out of control liberal when by all rights he was a very moderate judge.

His opponent, Lawrence Vandyke, who had spent the last decade as a lawyer in D.C., waxed poetic about Montana, it's future, his connections with the state, and how much Mike Wheat didn't care about Montana. Despite out of state tea party funding spreading lies about Mike Wheat through mailers, tv and radio spots, and all sorts of literature, Wheat came out on top - thank jeebus. Turns out, we like our stream access law.

And what of his Tea Party opponent? This self proclaimed son of Montana? Not one month after his defeat he was spouting and implementing his ridiculous theocratic right-wing garbage at his new job - the solicitor general of Nevada. Yes, his connection with MT was strong.

Sadly, the demonization of moderate republicans in Montana has worked on some of the populace - hook,line, and sinker. The flood of out of state money, both from the left and right, can only lend itself to divide and corrupt Montana in the long run. But between the two, Tea Party'ish' money is the most stupid and worst of all. Maybe because it actually has a chance in Montana.
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I wish Montana and Colorado the very best of luck dealing with outside influences.

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