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Can it get any worse?

One example that shows the dangers of being an independent thinker within the Republican Party in a rural state like Montana. It is think kind of effort that drives away so many of the "business owner" Republicans from involving themselves in politics. As a result of not wanting to be in this cesspool run by the far right Tea Baggers...

Kind of strange to see the moderator/owner of this forum using the term tea bagger. Oh well, I guess its ok for me to refer to the left as liberal nut jobs, libtards, or just F-ing loser left coast liberals.

It is a shame that such a potentially good hunting website is being ruined by so much hate directed at anyone politically right of center.


I don't think it was "directed at anyone politically right of center." Just as I hope your rant was not directed at anyone politically left of center. Hopefully you reserve such language for folks way the hell out to the left of center, just as the hate you complain of was directed at folks way the hell out to the right of center. At least that is the way I took it. :confused: If you are a nut job who champions the ruination of traditional hunting in America then, well, if the shoe fits . . . What did you expect from a hunting site? I'm pretty sure no slack would be cut for anyone so inclined on the left.
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One example that shows the dangers of being an independent thinker within the Republican Party in a rural state like Montana. It is think kind of effort that drives away so many of the "business owner" Republicans from involving themselves in politics. As a result of not wanting to be in this cesspool run by the far right Tea Baggers...

Kind of strange to see the moderator/owner of this forum using the term tea bagger. Oh well, I guess its ok for me to refer to the left as liberal nut jobs, libtards, or just F-ing loser left coast liberals.

It is a shame that such a potentially good hunting website is being ruined by so much hate directed at anyone politically right of center.


Many people posting on this site do refer to those just barely left of center with the same terms you described. You won't find many on here offended by that rhetoric. Sorry if that's what your goal was.

The Tea Party has evolved into a group of misfits that are leading it, and I support Fins description.

If you consider yourself a Tea Party member I get that. Most of us are conservative, money wise wear tired of paying taxes for those that abuse the system. I feel that many of you are being used by the ultra wealthy who pay squat in taxes because much of what they make goes over seas to banks in foreign countries that the US can't get money from. They also move their businesses over seas so they don't have to pay living wages and taxes on, taxes that support US infrastructure it's defense and it's people .

Sorry that many conservatives that have Tea Party beliefs are used by those we call Tea Baggers. Which one are you?
Many people posting on this site do refer to those just barely left of center with the same terms you described. You won't find many on here offended by that rhetoric. Sorry if that's what your goal was.

The Tea Party has evolved into a group of misfits that are leading it, and I support Fins description.

If you consider yourself a Tea Party member I get that. Most of us are conservative, money wise wear tired of paying taxes for those that abuse the system. I feel that many of you are being used by the ultra wealthy who pay squat in taxes because much of what they make goes over seas to banks in foreign countries that the US can't get money from. They also move their businesses over seas so they don't have to pay living wages and taxes on, taxes that support US infrastructure it's defense and it's people .

Sorry that many conservatives that have Tea Party beliefs are used by those we call Tea Baggers. Which one are you?[/QUOTE]
:hump:pretty much sums it up for me.
"I'm no fortunate son!"
I have to control myself these days when some chicken hawk spews too...........I carry.
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Kind of strange to see the moderator/owner of this forum using the term tea bagger. Oh well, I guess its ok for me to refer to the left as liberal nut jobs, libtards, or just F-ing loser left coast liberals.

It is a shame that such a potentially good hunting website is being ruined by so much hate directed at anyone politically right of center.


I would be considered "right of center" and most here would agree with that, given my voting records in elections. Just because one is "right of center" does not mean one has to subscribe to the stupid activities being conducted against reasonable Republicans by the way far out in the weed folks I refer to as the "far right Tea Baggers." That is who is behind this operation.

It is a fact. If telling facts is considered hate in your book, I guess you will consider it to be "hate." It was not provided to offend you or anyone else. These folks operating with the dark money from Kansas will tell you they are the Montana Tea Party. In Montana we use Tea Party and Tea Baggers interchangeably.

If you read the remainder of my post, you would see that I am planning to help those "right of center" guys who I find a lot of common ground with and are the focus of these attacks from the out-of-state dark money. Not sure why that post would offend you, if you consider yourself "right of center."

Carry on .......
Many people posting on this site do refer to those just barely left of center with the same terms you described....shoots straight

Yup, and those threads are swiftly adjudicated to be of exponential decay.;)
I'm just waiting on the canings.

Politics is rough & tumble. Wear your big boy pants if you want to play.
Oh, I thought naming the party was a reference to Republicans and Larry Craig. My bust. I guess in the context of outsiders coming in, the "bagger" reference in the urban dictionary is more applicable to Big Fin's post. Double, triple meanings to everything these days.
Well that was fun while it lasted.... ;)

I bet it was fun while it lasted. Proof positive that I've still not kicked all the dust off from my life long ride on the pumpkin wagon. If anyone ever doubted that I'm small town, well there you have it.

Really, I had no idea. While having coffee this morning, I asked Mrs. Fin if that term might have some connotation I did not understand. After furling her brow in a manner that asks the question, "Where did this come from?" she used her best wife voice, trying to not make me feel like I came from a smaller world than I really did, she said, "You might want to check into that."

So, there you have it. Fin did not know that Tea Bagger had some sort of sexual context. Where I come from, terms of such meaning were far more direct and descriptive. Not much subtlety in my family or my part of the world. If my family or friends were going to remark about your sexual preferences, there would be no confusion as to what was meant.

Now, I'm looking at my other writings wondering what else this simpleton may have failed to learn over the last 50 years that makes him the subject of laughter when he is not around.

If you guys have been having other good laughs at my expense, created by the fact I have never cracked an urban dictionary, I would appreciate a PM pointing out where my bumpkin ways have provided a source of your entertainment.

Randy don't feel bad I've gone down the same path. My friend and locker partner in High Schools last name was Papke. I called him Pap Smear all the time. Well the problem here is that I had no idea until I was married what that meant. I think back to how many times I called him that and the possibility of adults hearing me say that. :eek: Haunting.

Now I will admit I did know the Term Tea B--ger and I actually learned it from said locker partner. Sorry I wasn't a better friend and informed you on the subject sooner. I do believe you've used it in other threads referring to the Tea Party:D
Heck, Fin, I figured you knew what it meant and thought that in the context you often used it in that it worked and well! :D
It is an obvious easier-to-say nickname of a far right group and I doubt it originated with any other intent. In spite of the abrasiveness of some of their prominent leaders, maybe we shouldn't respond in kind by calling them tea baggers. Instead we should call them something they wouldn't object to, like redskin or squaw tit.
To be fair, the disparagement was coined by spin byters whom are intimately familiar with its meaning.

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