Caribou Gear

Can it get any worse?

It is sad that some 'elected politions' get power hungry when they get elected and act and vote for what benefits them. It is a problem and money makes people do funny things
Clearly, some of these legislators are motivated by self interest. The Koch Brothers have reportedly pledged to spend 900 million dollars on the 2016 elections. Anyone can become their target , nationwide.
easy fellas....some of you are leaning so far to the left you may just tip over.
easy fellas....some of you are leaning so far to the left you may just tip over.

These things should bother everyone. Kudos to Republicans Wellborn, Garner, Tutvedt and others for telling the AFP to kiss their butt.
easy fellas....some of you are leaning so far to the left you may just tip over.

It's weird how the common sense of yesteryear, even to conservative men of that time, is now viewed as a position of the "left".

So much of the GOP has tacked so far to the right it'd make conservatives of 100 years ago blush.
easy fellas....some of you are leaning so far to the left you may just tip over.
Yeah ... and if you're not careful Agenda 21 will require bicycle trips on the newly expanded bicycle lane freeways and mandated blaze orange apparel whenever you are shopping at Cabelas, in order to distinguish you as a redneck hunter.
It's weird how the common sense of yesteryear, even to conservative men of that time, is now viewed as a position of the "left".

So much of the GOP has tacked so far to the right it'd make conservatives of 100 years ago blush.

That was part of my reason for posting about Chenowith. I think a small friction fire started over Teddy Roosevelt's grave when he started spinning.

What is really worrisome is that some folks may have learned some lessons from the Chenowith experience and, while still agreeing with her, they've modified the message and are more surreptitious about how they go after the same goal. She wasn't alone.
Teddy is rolling in his grave for sure.
I'm conservative,but not a nut job or idiot on kool-aid,or a millionare.
I'm into conservation,sustainability. Hunting is Conservation!
Not a Dem.,Rep. , but a decline to state,always have been. No one tells me who to vote for!
I'm not a lib am I?
The truth has a liberal bias. :D

I just talked to outfitter buddy,who is maybe a little right of me.Reasonable guy it seemed.
I asked his take on BHA as a group, he proceeded to tell me how green,lib. and in bed with WEG,PETA..........I'm thinking , "really?" He only works in wilderness..........
So am I guilty by association with reasonable thinkers now? Either way?
It's weird how the common sense of yesteryear, even to conservative men of that time, is now viewed as a position of the "left".

So much of the GOP has tacked so far to the right it'd make conservatives of 100 years ago blush.

Not to argue against your point, but to be fair, the left is swinging out there pretty hard too.

It seems like the closer you get to the coasts the crazier politics seem to get, and what used to be viable middle ground is now a sink hole.
One example that shows the dangers of being an independent thinker within the Republican Party in a rural state like Montana. It is think kind of effort that drives away so many of the "business owner" Republicans from involving themselves in politics. As a result of not wanting to be in this cesspool run by the far right Tea Baggers, the Republican Party has been hijacked (well really, bought and paid for) by out-of-state interests resulting in very few pragmatic problem solvers wanting to go wrestle with the wingnuts that they would have to deal with inside their own party..

If you are a Republican Legislator in Montana and you vote for a position that your constituents request and that position is not within the ideological frame work of the Koch Brothers, they send they hatchet men after you, fully armed with big checkbooks and media/communications professionals.

To my question that I started this thread with, "Can it get any worse?" I think the answer is, YES. These carpetbaggers can remove the last of the reasonable Republicans many of us closely identify with, by swamping the primary elections in 2016 with tons of cash to remove these Republicans in favor of their hand-picked employees. If they (Koch, AFP, ALEC) succeed in doing that, it will get worse in Montana. I cannot conjure up what they could do to make a bigger folly than the Yoga Pants bill, but given their propensity to lower the stupidity meter with each movement of their lips, I am sure they will fulfill such prediction.

I have a policy of not donating to political candidates, but for those Republicans that are going to need some help in 2016, I think I will be saving my allowance and changing my long-held principle. Nothing would make me laugh harder than to see AFP sniveling about how Montanans don't know what is best for them.
I agree with you 100% Fin. I guess HB 454 will prevent them from closing the primaries so I would guess we want to strongly support this bill.

Can someone explain Cook's comment at the end about not targeting Senators? Does Barrett support expansion?
In Utopia it would only be Montana folks contributing to Montana campaigns....and by Montana folks, I mean those born and residing here, donating to candidates BORN and RAISED here...but that ain't gonna happen either.

To answer your question, "can it get worse"....yes it will get worse before it gets has to, we may not be ready for a revolution in this country, but we are closer than we have been since the last one.
One of the biggest problems in this nation is the entitlement of the "have nots", perhaps fueled by the lack of respect by the "haves"....the problem w/ the "have nots" in this nation is that they are rich by world standards and do not recognize it.
The monster created by the Citizens United Ruling is allowed to run amok until legislation stops it. The republican controlled house and senate have not shown interest in correcting this issue. What does a republican led solution look like?

None of the havoc created by dark money will cease until the larger issue is addressed and I do not see the solution coming from the republican side. Does one continue to support the republican brand at a federal level with this being the case?
One example that shows the dangers of being an independent thinker within the Republican Party in a rural state like Montana. It is think kind of effort that drives away so many of the "business owner" Republicans from involving themselves in politics. As a result of not wanting to be in this cesspool run by the far right Tea Baggers...

Kind of strange to see the moderator/owner of this forum using the term tea bagger. Oh well, I guess its ok for me to refer to the left as liberal nut jobs, libtards, or just F-ing loser left coast liberals.

It is a shame that such a potentially good hunting website is being ruined by so much hate directed at anyone politically right of center.


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