New member
Evening all
I see everyone is busy. Well I made a lunch last night and when I got up I turn on the tv to find out that there is going to be rain/snow in the afternoon so I left my lunch home. Went out and stay all day |oo And most of the day was slow, First siting was 8:19am 16 turkey came off the hill and the funny thing about it was that the first five were big Tom's and they usually cover the rear . They came off the hill into and across the field (3 ran 2 flew). Then 11 hen/little ones made there way along the edge. then it was pretty dead til afternoon 1:16 I cought a deer across the field jumping into the woods. 4:19 the last kid was under my stand. 4:32 turkey came across the lower end of the field all 22 of them. 4:38 I look into the field and another 12 turkey came across and I call it a day after that. Allso there was a new track in my mock scrape I made saturday. All in all a slow day and nothing to tag yet. I won't lower myself to shoot the last kid of the doe and other kid that someone stoop so low and shot bambi
any ways I hope you all are doing ok and I will not be out til thursday morning for my next hunt. night all and have a great week.
I see everyone is busy. Well I made a lunch last night and when I got up I turn on the tv to find out that there is going to be rain/snow in the afternoon so I left my lunch home. Went out and stay all day |oo And most of the day was slow, First siting was 8:19am 16 turkey came off the hill and the funny thing about it was that the first five were big Tom's and they usually cover the rear . They came off the hill into and across the field (3 ran 2 flew). Then 11 hen/little ones made there way along the edge. then it was pretty dead til afternoon 1:16 I cought a deer across the field jumping into the woods. 4:19 the last kid was under my stand. 4:32 turkey came across the lower end of the field all 22 of them. 4:38 I look into the field and another 12 turkey came across and I call it a day after that. Allso there was a new track in my mock scrape I made saturday. All in all a slow day and nothing to tag yet. I won't lower myself to shoot the last kid of the doe and other kid that someone stoop so low and shot bambi