Caribou Gear

camp pics

Evening all

I see everyone is busy. Well I made a lunch last night and when I got up I turn on the tv to find out that there is going to be rain/snow in the afternoon so I left my lunch home. Went out and stay all day |oo And most of the day was slow, First siting was 8:19am 16 turkey came off the hill and the funny thing about it was that the first five were big Tom's and they usually cover the rear . They came off the hill into and across the field (3 ran 2 flew). Then 11 hen/little ones made there way along the edge. then it was pretty dead til afternoon 1:16 I cought a deer across the field jumping into the woods. 4:19 the last kid was under my stand. 4:32 turkey came across the lower end of the field all 22 of them. 4:38 I look into the field and another 12 turkey came across and I call it a day after that. Allso there was a new track in my mock scrape I made saturday. All in all a slow day and nothing to tag yet. I won't lower myself to shoot the last kid of the doe and other kid that someone stoop so low and shot bambi :rolleyes: any ways I hope you all are doing ok and I will not be out til thursday morning for my next hunt. night all and have a great week.
No worries Trent. Glad to hear you got home safe. Did you manage to get anything besides a head ache while you were up?:D :D :p

I did get out on Saturday afternoon and if you check out the form for deer and check my log book for 2006 you will see I have had a great season. but no deer for me again this year.|oo |oo |oo

But there is always next year.

Did anyone else get anything this year?
I tag out on a spike saturday and after that it rain the rest of the next week as you know bruce. Thibk dave did ok as well :rolleyes: And almost put the dog population down by one as well.Well I got to make this short and get dinner started.
Nice going. I will get the hole story from Dave latter. Dave I still have those books you would need to the firarms course waiting for you at the back door if you think you might want to do the test. Right now you can upgrade after testing to a PAL license (old FAC) for free if you chalange the test.
HI Guys, Sorry for delay in photos, replies etc. I am still playing catch up on my business work. You don't seem to be having much luck down there Trent. You better put something in the freezer or your going to go hungry. Ha. I'll be in touch. DS
Hi guys, Being Thanksgiving in US, I imagine the game plan in Trent's home is hunt in morning and feast on turkey in afternoon. How'd the hunt go today Trent?
Still, Thanks for the offer on Hunting Safety Books, I'll take you up on that. We butchered Cub's, Mine and another guys deer ourself and did a fine job. All the deer were in excellent shape and very good eating. I will have some for you when we I can drop by.
Trent hasn't said too much about our hunts but we did have a good time. I was busy back and forth between office and hunt, but we did get successful.
The story unfolds like this. We were hunting an area together, Trent was in his climber watching a cut and I was 1/2 mile away watching a road crossing. I heard Trent's shots approx. 8:05am and shortly after he called on his radio to advise of his deer kill. I walked out to my ATV and into cut through mud holes and farther into cut where Trent was standing 75 yds out in middle of cut, with knife in hand and blood to the elbows. This is 9:00 am when I got there. He told me how the situation unfolded, I joked re; size of animal, etc.
Well, I turned to get something at ATV and lo and behold there is a buck standing approx. 50 yards away looking at us. I went for my rifle in scabbord but I grabbed Trents gun which was closer and he gave me a shell to use. I even forgot to flip up his see-thru scope covers, but shot the deer. Find out after that it was a a$$ shot, but my season was over. Odd thing was that before we even went hunting that morning we joked that it would be nice to have a photo with two deer in back of the truck. I know we were confident that day and the deer we hoped to get and joke about were bigger than what we got, but it was another one of those experiences that we enjoyed and will remember for a long time. I have few photos as usual, but here are a couple to share. The first deer ( 4 pt) is one of a friends. The deer in the truck, are the ones Trent and I got on that memorable Saturday.


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Thank giving day

Well dave and bruce my dday start out me getting up early and heading out to my stand and getting up the tree about twenty befor day light. Just about light I hear walking and new it was a deer. I could see easy threw my scope in the field but in the woods I could not make out the size of the animal at all til it was way out and crest the top of the hill and I just seen a clutter of points. look like one of those catus buck. So I mermer a few words under my breath and took it in stride. Then after light in the hard wood area I heard movement in the tall pines and I wait to see a nice doe step out. Dave knowing the area can vouch that it is dark in the pines longer then the fields and hard wood. So I pick up the twenty gauage and there was no head shot going down this time. I squeezed the trigger and up in the air she went and down the trail where I heard her pile up. I wait for 30 minutes to see if there be a buck or another doe coming threw then I got down and found her just on the very edge of the daughter property. It was funny as hex to see that, I grab her and took her over to the other end to clean and go get the truck and load her on. I took a few pics but It is from that disposable camera so I need to run a few more pics.I got down the hill and found out that the people that was suppose to come to daughter house for turkey can not make it so we decide to hold off til tomorrow to cook our's. I took the deer to the butcher and there was no one home. I came back and went up the hill for a couple more hours befor we ate at 11:30am. I just got up into the tree climber and sat down when I herd loud noise in the leave, I turn and there is a doe heading my way and I stood up and then next thing I new two big doe and a kid are running across the field. Same three deer that I took a head shot on one and they remember the area so they went in a different direction. So I sat down and again I heard noise and look and coming down the hill was another four deer. A big doe and a kid and another doe and kid. I swing around and get the gun up and wait til they close the gap. While I was waiting I look up where they just came and another two deer are coming down the hill. I fire at the biggest doe and missed :rolleyes: and reload cause they had no clue where I was and didn't know where to run to since they came from the hill where someone spooked them they was not going back that way. The big doe ran on the other side and behind me and stop as I swung we both stop at the same time and I let her have it and drop her right there as I turn to focus on the other big doe she kept stoping behind fur tree's and looking at the doe I shot trying to get up. But sence she had a kid with her she did not stick aroubd at all. So I swung back to the doe I hit between the shoulder and paralizer her. I place another shot in her neck. So 7:30 doe one 9:27 doe two. Today was a good day :D and tomorrow looks like frost and cold again. Which remine's me I need to sharpen the knife's. And amost for got after I shot her and sat there waiting for any more doe/buck for a few minute the gun fire pick up in the direction they came from and next thing I new There was turkey every where and they didn't know which way to go so some flew across the field and others flew high into the tree to get a better look at there option befor flying off. Well enought said and I hope to get a few pics on here some time this week. Saturday going to be a busy day for us with our oldest daughter getting married and right after that the wife xmas party from work. ok enought said have a good night and I got tomorrow off ;) so you know where i'm going to be. hump later guy's
deer hunt 06

hey guys,i see you had A GREAT season,i was also fortunate,i seen 34 deer during bow and rifle,most were diferent deer,i shot one the tird saturday of gun season,i tracked him a good 300 yards but lost his blood trail,he seemed to be walking good so i hope he made it,i shot this buck at the same location he,s not big but i am proud of him,should be good meat see you later guys
Nice going ben , good to see you had time from the misses and the garage work to put some meat into the freezer. I was out for a few hours this morning and seen three deer. two were kids and the other came running in and turn and ran right back into the same direction she came out of ? I'm not sure what it was all about. And yes there was turkey again out there, I counted 24 in the field and there was more in the woods across the field clucking and gobbling. Well I'm off to bed for a hunt tomorrow then I got to cut it early to get dress for a wedding. later guys and have a good weekend.
Morning guys

I see I spend to much time in here then everyone else :D Funny thing about it my hunting is still going on. Well I was out thing morning and had a buck come right under my stand and smell my fresh scent I place in my mock scrape. It was to dark still but I could make out the horns but as I raised the scope I could not see a thing. If I hade my luepold on my shot gun then I be draging that buck out. By the way it was leagle hunting time but still to dark ib those tall fur's. So that is all I seen and I hade to leave the area around 10am to get ready for the wedding this afternoon. Any ways have a good all.
Two down Two to go

Two oldest girls are married and two more to go. Xmas party went well allso. I got early and was out til noon , weather here is way to warm for this time of year and I came home. Not seen a thing or herd a thing. Was the first time I was out there and didn't even here a turkey churp in the morning. I notice a hugh track in the ground and a few scrape under this dead apple tree . Plus a nice size tree was rub since yesturday. Well time to get off here and relax. Next trip out is saturday morning, I hope that the weather is colder and the deer are moving better. Well later guys and have a good week.
Nice pic there dave, you get those birds where noel got the four pointer or where we got our buck's. Good to see that there was alot of them around. The weather here stays as warm and good we will have another great winter and the deer population will sky rocket once again. Keep the pics coming and say hi to everyone for me.Time for bed night all.
Yes Trent, on that road. In three different spots. Alot of moose sign right from the Rooth Road out to where we enter the woods. There was a very large deer track out where Noel got the 4pt, but not much else. Looks like someone had been out there with an ATV since we were there. There was alot of deer activity on the other road out to where we got our deer. Most of the sign was on the road going out, anywhere from where we parked the truck to where we parked the ATV. Mostly back on the stretch where the firewood lots were. I went out to cut and didn't see much sign on that muddy road. I didn't look around much out in cut but turned left as we had seen 5 partridge there quite often. Only saw one this time, and when he flew I prepared myself for the others, but they were no where to be found. I did walk into the woods and found a fanatastic trail, it funnelled between a swale and the cut. I walked along it a ways to find it well used, but I didn't see any scrapes or rubs. I didn't hang around too long as I had the grandson with me, but I can't wait for next years hunt. I do plan on going back to put up several stands when the ground freezes. Talk later guys. DS
I think I was on that trail you talk about dave. Getting me pump all over again and we got a long ways to go. Speaking ways to go, This coming weekend is it here for me for deer season. And all the deer are not moving til after dark or first light and just about dark. I hope that the other hunters start moving around more and getting them out of there bedding area and moving my way. Looks like my freezer might not be as full as it was last year. Guess it is off to walmart sooner for beef this time onless I get lucky this coming weekend. How are we all doing as far as getting the lights/tree/gifts etc. Got all the xmas shopping done Dave,Bruce & ben. Well time to go we have company and I need to get some food in me for the night, later.
It's over

Deer season here for me is over, I had four deer and miss twice and thought for sure I hit at least one of them. But after a 100 yard walk in the snow there was no sign of blood or draging there hoof. But I seen enough turkey today to lasy me a life time. And the coolest thing was when I was sitting in that blind we was in I herd these strange noise and I look up and there must of been 15 turkey gliding just over the tree top. Talk about a different sound. Well time to relax and tomorrow I hope to get the film back from my throw away camera. later guys and have a good up coming xmas to all.
Just came from the other site bruce and there is a person I think you can help out there better then me. They want to be a NAHC member. And I think you are one so they need to know how a person can join from a province. ok I'm out again later
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