camp pics

Doesn't sound like the Trent I know, not hunting anymore when there is still room in the freezer and missing a shot, not once but twice. Better go check to see if you need glasses, or spend some more time on that shooting game done at Bass Pros. LOL DS
It is NAHC bruce in the NB section. And just to clarify the shooting at bass-pro , who kick who butt Dave. Well joking aside I am lost for words with the missing. maybe there was to far away and since one doe started to turn cause she new something was wrong I figure I better take her and move on to the other one. I did bump the scope the day befor but hex it was just a small tap. Well I'm going to fire it befor I use it again just to make sure. I know I got one week left for deer in archery but after hunting the last few years dave they are smart enought to scan the tree's as they get to where they been shot at befor. It is realy hard at this point of the year. I'm done for the year, Well I got to get dinner on the go so til next time , have a good week. Dave I can not wait til next fall so you can see (I HOPE) all the turkey in the area. later.
ok here they are

Here in know order at all is some pics of our (DaveNTrent) hunt together. plus my doe I got here as well.


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Last few pics are here and they are pics of tracks in the snow the next day out when there was nothing at all, Pic of that hill dave that the turkey hang out on. pic of where my treecam is and you notice the blind we was in just infront of it dave. Allso right to the left looking out from the blind is a nice rub as well.


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There that be it for now , I'm looking forward to see what made it threw the season in another week from now. Then it be time to put the cam away til next year.Night all and see you soon.
Not hard at all bruce since I left it there. I don't bring any deer back, either family or friends that don't get a deer end up with mine.But I did ask the us custom every time I come up and they say just save the head if you have the deer proccess so that they can look for certain thing to make sure that the deer does not have any spreading disease. Those two doe were taken here on thank giving day. Well work call, so I need to get ready and drag my butt out the door.
Season for this county is over this coming sunday. It is the last of muzzel/archery. Other county run threw til late jan bruce. I hope after xmas I will see pics of surivor that made it threw the year. Time to go to bed , By the way I filled out a application for the new home depot here for part time work. Will see what happens. Night all.
Pay back time

Bruce I found my hunting book and it last in sunffolk county jan 31. Today it is overcast but spring like weather. So I'm going to go and get me a cheep boxs of 20 shell and take care of a few squirrel that was not playing nice this past hunting season. Allso they are getting into the house as well and creating havick. My luck i'm going to go out there with out the bow and have a chance at a deer lol. I think I will do alittle work as well, Well i'm burning up day light sitting here so have a great day all. Oh hy the way dave I see they got a buddy tree stand for $99 at bass-pro. I'm thinking about it but not sure if I will or not. later all.
Testing camera

I like the buddy stand as well , here is a couple pics from the wife camera. I hope that I did this right or you will not see it cause I will erase it cause it will be to big.


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Well xmas is behind us for another year and 15lbs more added on my beer belly. Other then that every thing went ok. How are you guys doing after the fact. How is the company dave and is the sleeping arrangment doing ok I hope. You know you got a camp you can take the guys to and let the lady go play bingo or what ever they do *LOL*. Jeanne didn't have any comment to say about the donair thing :rolleyes: Well I guess it is time for me to go back to work for another few months. Maybe we can go out to the lord beaver brook after all if we get out of here thursday night,Will see. Not to much going on here, It's been raining all day today and I don't mind it at all. The deer will do good here and there again if we keep having this type of weather. Enought said for now have a good week all.
here are a few deer that made it threw the season.


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here is pic from my new set up across the field. I was out there sarurday and pic up the film and went back sunday to replace the battery. And from saturday to sunday there is 4 pics and they shpuld (I HOPE) come out great. horns would be a bonus :) . Allso the first two pic is the same deer , want you to see the date/time on camera and the only way I could do this is to take a pic of the deer feet only.


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for got one

Here is the trail that the camera set up on. As you can see the trail is just to the left of the cam.


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