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camp pics

pretty quite on the hunttalk home front. Weather that good all around that we are all (Except me) scouting for a good hunting place? My camera doing the scouting. Dave I place the cam on the lower trail at a angle so that I get straight/walking away pics. last night the film show 22 pics on it. I turn it off to step in front of it and notice alot of tracks right close to the camera. Since I set it for a longer time befor taking the next pic the deer have the chance to walk close to check it out.Oh as I was walking to the camera I seen something and look and right infront of the blind there was a turkey moving for higher ground and fast. Season here starts on oct-1 And deer start on the 14. So I get to sit in the tree stand for a couple days turkey hunt befor deer season. I'm taking the camcorder with me to film as I wait for a hen/gobbler to come by.What else is new :rolleyes: work going ok , family doing ok as well. Think I will call the home front to see whats new with everyone.Think that will do it for now, later guys.
Well this weekend was full of both work and fun. Worked on the shed getting shelves built and getting cleaned up. then on Sunday my hunting partner and I decided to get a way and do some salmon fishing on the Dungarvon.

Here are few shots of the trip.


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Fish were there we could see them from the bridge but the recent weather change seamed to turn them off from taking. The water was cold not cool but downright cold. The buddy I was with said it was more like fall fishing temperatures.
good to see you got alittle play time in bruce, last time I fish the dungarvon me and my brother inlaw slept in a tent. Was cold then hex and we was in the car around 4am warming up. there are a few nice salmon under that bridge I remember. Don't for get to freeze a few trout if you get extra dave. Speaking of food , how is that moose you got last year bruce? freezer just about empty,moose meat yum.
result for hunting license

Well I went to drop off the roll of film at wal-mart. And as I came around the corner at the sporting department I notice two guys getting there license. I ask the lady there if it was open and she said it open today. So I figure I put in for mine as well. Here we get instant notice of the doe zone draws. I pick 7f/8f for my first second draw. And after thing was all said and done I got both my doe tag draws. plus another doe tag for muzzel and a either sex tag for archery, witch we know that if I get a doe I will use the doe zone tag instead. plus a buck tag in shot gun season as well and 2 fall turkey tags plus the two spring tags as well.And they threw in a bear tag which they do every year. So add them up and grand total is five deer tags. What a rought year i'm going to have ;) And the wife said she is going to go get her license tomorrow.If she can not draw the bow back or does not want to hunt at all, here in this state she can sign over her doe tags to me to use.Well thought that I share you the good news, night all .
evening guys

I know what you mean bruce , been there done that. I love the instant notice with the system we got here. Wife got home from applying for her license and she too got both her zone tags. We both got 10 total tags for deer this year. Last year we had 9 and figure 5 was enought for us and the two daughters. But we will be out from the three deer we kept by mid sept. so we are thinking to take a forth this year to get by. I can not express enought on how much I love deer/moose meat. save on the beef bill alot. Allso I got my pics back from the new location on a walking away coming to the camera. I see it has it's pro's and con's. Meaning that with the diatance it can pic up on movement I got alot of deer at far distance and by the time two minutes go by they have gone by. Got to figure a better idea but I have then and I got two buck pics as well. One you can see barly see it cause of the branches. The other there is no dout about what it is. So here is what I got from moving the cam --->
The first one was a buck as well.


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I think I have a good chance in getting a shot off in archery season.


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I just hope that I don't muck up first thing like last year.


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dave you should come down a couple days befor I come up and can do some easy hunting *LOL*. ok last two pics then i'm off.


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Hey guys, I went for a salmon fish Thursday evening and look what I got.


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nice fish you got there dave, what happen,it ran a shore or did you round a corner and spooked it out of a bear mouth. J/K Did you have it yet and where was you fishing? I see this weekend is going to be rain straight from the gage til monday morning. So I be not doing alot onless our weather person is wrong. Well time to feed my stomach with something, umm samon would be goood right now, later.
how long does salmon fishing last dave. And you said you went fishing thursday evening. Sound like a last minute idea and you didn't go far. Don't for get to catch a couple extra trook if you can.Well I need to get going and try to figure out what to do today since it is raining all day here.
Well I got the scoop on dave today, I hope to see some bass pics from you and your son.I think I will go for a drive to get out, the rain still coming down and there is not much to do, well later guys and enjoy your weekend.
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