New member
pretty quite on the hunttalk home front. Weather that good all around that we are all (Except me) scouting for a good hunting place? My camera doing the scouting. Dave I place the cam on the lower trail at a angle so that I get straight/walking away pics. last night the film show 22 pics on it. I turn it off to step in front of it and notice alot of tracks right close to the camera. Since I set it for a longer time befor taking the next pic the deer have the chance to walk close to check it out.Oh as I was walking to the camera I seen something and look and right infront of the blind there was a turkey moving for higher ground and fast. Season here starts on oct-1 And deer start on the 14. So I get to sit in the tree stand for a couple days turkey hunt befor deer season. I'm taking the camcorder with me to film as I wait for a hen/gobbler to come by.What else is new
work going ok , family doing ok as well. Think I will call the home front to see whats new with everyone.Think that will do it for now, later guys.