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Well my Daughter and I did our testing tonight on the firearms course and .......... she got a 92 on the writen and a 98 on the handling of a firearm.:D :D

Luckily I got a 100 on both cause if she had of beet me I would have never lived that down.:eek: :eek: ;)

now starting tomorow night untill Thursday night we have the hunter safety course of which I am not tacking as I already have it but she wants me to sit in and help her study again.:) :)
The test is more nerveousness than anything. I bet you could chalange the test if you wanted to and pass it with no problem. If you decide to do that you can borrow our book for the course and study from it. Mostly common sense stuff that we do anyway but just don't think about it as much as they want you to. Why don't you pick up the book and the release at the same time?
I took my bow test and it was straight forward. They said they was not there to fail you but to make sure you know what you are doing befor you leave there. We had to fire five arrows at 20 yards and have three with in the circle. I fail that big time cause I just pick up my bow the same day I was heading for the course. I Told them right off the start I had not fine tune it to hit the barn. You will do fine dave. I'm just wondering how hard the guide course is.
Hi guys, I will drop by soon to see you Still. Trent, I had heard the guide course wasn't too severe. What's your idea on this? You know that if you have a guides license and you are caught with some infraction of fish & game, that they 'throw the book at you' when you are charged. Not that we go out to do anything wrong, but if a mistake was made then there is no leniency.
mistakes are not to be made when there is nothing done wrong by law. I was thinking on getting my guides license there back home then here. Dew to the fact from what I hear it is like a walk in thing where if you know the wood plants (Royal Coach) sound fimarly bruce. what animals eat name three soft wood three hard wood. bla bla bla I can get my license to guide. And here in the u.s.a in certain states a guides license are require. Thus saying if we decide to go on a elk hunt in those stae I got it in my pocket to use dave. Which the u.s.a do the same as the hunting license, they will honnor a guides license just the same. And for what bruce? ten bucks a year to keep that is not that bad.How was that for soming it up ;)
Not bad and it is very cheap. you also do not have to renew every year to keep your qualification. It stays on record for a long time (not sure but I think it is 5 years) but if you don't pay you can not guide that is all. So when you want to guide you go pick it up and you are now a licensed guide again. In other words you do not totaly loose your guide status if you don't pay every year.
hey boys,went scouting last weekend for moose,i was quite buzy,i built the float you see in the picturein less than a week from scratch,the picture of the guy with the canoe,believe it or not we used that canoe to bring out a moose in 2002,the whole moose was in that canoe,it was a memerable triphope to show you more pictures in a few weeks
Nice picture ben, I see the leave are changing color already. You hunting familiar area this year? Best of luck to you. I'm cutting this short, I came down with the flu thursday and still not up to par, night all.
morning all , I'm feeling better now that the weekend is over. Bruce you can click on edit and change the name.Today the weather is suppose to be in the 80s and sunny. I think it be a good time to put my cap on my truck, later.
I did it, I finally broke out my old Browning Nomad Compound bow. I have sighted in a couple of pins. I'm sure I walked 10 miles total, just back and forth from my tarket to shooting line. I only had one good arrow and one with a little bend in it. My son was with me with his bow and carbons. What a difference. Mine is ancient, bows have come a long ways. And the carbons, what a difference. Faster,and less trajectory-- which would provide less room for error. Now I have to do a remake on my bow, ie. arrow seat especially. Getting syked up to try for course as well. Still, what size tarket and distance is it for the test? Have a good week guys. DS
The target is about 12" diameter and you have a Ten yard shot that you need to sink 2 arrows in I think and one in the 12" from 20 yards. I can't remember for sure. should be no problem for you and you have a writen test as well you have to take. Were you have hunted with a bow in the past I think you can just chalange the test.
And don't for get the blood trailing as well. They will set it up and ask you question about it. Like by the blood/color sign what indication telling you where the arrow hit :) . Well I was out to daughter place this sunday and that big field on the other side I heard machinery so I walk over to see a back-ho digging up trench on the far side heading up the hill. It seems they came from right to left and up :confused: Not to sure what's going on but if I was to guess I say they are making a water flowing system for the cows (I HOPE). I found out that turkey season in the fall starts from oct1 til the day befor shot gun season which put it nov17 :D I feel the fall hunt would be the best time and I will know more for sure this coming first. I feel if I don't tag out on a turkey that sunday then the next week I will fill both tags for sure. But you never know, Any ways i'm feeling better and I hope that THAT was it for the flu for me for this year "knock on head" |oo later and have a great week.
Whats on the go this weekend for everyone? 8 of us ( 4 couples) have booked a lodge in St. George for the weekend. We are going to do a little golfing, a lot of laughing and having a grand time. We all have been looking forward to this getaway weekend. Looks like rain is in the forecast so that might put an end to golf, but we will still have a great time.
You guys all have a good weekend.
Trent----One more weekend till turkey season. You know, Oct 1st is my birthday. I always used to spend that day in a duck blind, school or nothing stood in the way. Wish I was down there turkey hunting with ya.
Ben-----One more week from today for moose season. I wish you the best of luck. But I always feel preparation is 9/10's of hunting luck, and I know you are the kind to be prepared. Looking forward to the photos.
Still-----Are your children old enough to carry a gun this year? I know you said your daughter has her safety course, but it seems to me you said she had to wait another year to hunt. Hopefully she can hunt this year and you guys can share some special times. The report on partridge population around here is very dismal, they seem to be few and far between. There are bears galore, they are every where. I hear there is alot over in Hanwell as well.
Talk to you guys later.
Mooseheadred you are correct she has to wait one more year but we wanted to get the courses out of the way early and now we just have to work on the paper work to get her a gun.
We usualy have a prblem with bears in the spring but not so much in the fall for some reason. I have not seen good partrige population since the winters we had a lot of snow and then ice storms.
Have a good weekend. I am hoping to get my tree stand set up some time this weekend but we will see.