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Wish both of you the best, I'm going to head out this weekend and see if I can get a few fresh fiddlehead. Maybe even drop a line as well. Suppose to rain here all weekend but i'm not going to let that bother me at all.
Well the grandson and I got away for a fish Friday evening and I finally caught a couple of fish. Both were of the 10" size, not large but they sure made a good breakfast for us today. Looks like this weekend is going to be spent doing income taxes for late comers ( mine too). Calling for rain as well, so it won't be too hard to stay home. I can't decide where to go on the first day of lake fishing. South Branch Lake for trout or North Oromocto for Landlocks. You know, which ever one I go to, it will be the other one that fishes the best, LOL. I'll let you know the results later. DS


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Those are some nice looking trout. I realy didn't think there were to many of those left around here. Well Today was not all that bad. cloudy but no rain here and I got a fair amount of stuff done too. Hope all goes well with the taxes for you Moosehead and Trent hope the fishing is going as well for you.
Nice fish dave, Good to see you made it out and are lucky to catch some breakfast. The sun finally came out after it been raining all day and all weekend. I did not get out to look for fiddleheads but the day is not over yet. Wife says she going to watch nascar, But you ask me I don't know how you can do that with your eyes close.Any ways i'm going to and enjoy what is left of the weekend.I can smell those frying now dave.
Well finally its the first day of fishing season (Lakes). I had to take a days vacation ( Ha, tomorrow I'll have to do two days work). Called for sun and cloud and 11 to 14 degrees. Well , there was no sun and lots of cloud. A good stiff breeze over the 43 degree water kept me pretty damn chilled. Lots of boats on the water and we saw very few people catching fish. We caught 4 fish ( 14", 12", 11", 9.5") and thought we were doing pretty good. I knew there are lots of bigger fish, but when we docked there was a guy cleaning a bag of 17 fish ( i'm not sure how many were in his party) but they had some pretty nice fish. I'd love to know how and what they used to catch them. We caught 2 on rapalas, 1 spinner/worm and 1 bottom fishing. Fish were slow to take. The fish are all nice and red inside and should be very good eating. I have attached a few pics. I am planing on going fishing Thursday PM, so I'll let you all know how that goes.


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Let me fix that for you dave.
Very nice fish you got there.
ok last one and i'm off to bed.
I see from another site that the guys that was out today on opener for turkey was hearing and seeing alot. Everyone saying that since it been cool here with the rain and all that the birds are excited and answering. Only hunt til noon as you know dave so i'm out of it til the weekend and i'm not sure if I'm even going to bother with it at all. By the way one last question for you all. The pellet gun I bought does not keep a group? (Not my shooting either) I can place acouple right together touching each other on the bullseye and the next shot a sure shot and way off. Any ideas on what might be the problem? Only thing that was suggest to me was to clean it out with solvent and try it again. I'm shooting led pellet not the $$$ price ones that are better. any info I will take and try if the solvent does not work out. Night all. I'm back, nice try in blowing those fish up as well dave LOL J/K night.Back again :D I see your son holding three fish and then there is a pic of four fish :rolleyes: care to explain what happen there ;) ok i'm done now.
Thanks for fixing the photos Trent. How did you do that? I caught another fish after the photo of three. Is your pellet gun gas or air pump? I hope you do the turkey hunt or at least go out and talk to them and take pics.
Trent ........... GO TURKEY HUNTING MAN. |oo |oo

I can only wish I could go turkey hunting and your saying....... Wellllllllll I don't know if I will go this year..............:eek: :eek: :eek:

Makes me want to throw up. LOL:D :D :

Just teasing bud. :p

On a little more serious note......... Is there a difference in the meat on one of those things from the spring season and the fall season? Is there more fat on them in the fall?:confused: :confused: Also what are license cost like down there? A lot of places want you to have a deer license from that year or last year (can't remember) before you can get a turkey license. Why is that anyway?:confused:
Oh we are going hunting this fall bruce you can be asure of that ;) As far as the license here you will have to pay around $35 to $45 I for get and that gives a non res two tags for the spring. no guide needed here from what I been told and I think they just want proof that you have hunted befor with a past license or course taken. weather here is great and i'm heading out this evening to see if they are roosting in the same tree's as they have bin. Time to get dishes done and dinner on the go so I can go out, later guys. I almost forgot dave, Creat account threw and down load the pics in there and then click on resize and set them to clip board I think it is call. The account is free and make up a faulse name if you are uncertain. makes all worth while. I got a the one you break down and insert the single pellet, so it is either air or spring loaded. I'm thinking air compress.
:( OK who is the wise guy that the air conditioner on? It is down right cold out there today. Well maybe the weekend will be better. Kids have Friday and Monday off again on the upcoming weekend. I want to go back to those days instead of working for a living and going behind worse and worse every month.:eek: :BLEEP: |oo :( :(
It is kinda chilly isn't it. I am going for a fish this evening and of course the sun is behind clouds again. I'll have lots of clothes this time though. I'll post some pics later, I hope.
Well if all this sunny and hot weather heads that way it will all change dave to a nice weekend. this I think will be the best weekend here thus far. I'm going to be out and about enjoying it as well. Got to head out and spend one more day at work, later .
I got out last nite for a fish with my son. Water is still only 44 degrees and it was windy. This time I wore winter clothes. We fished 4 hours and caught 8 fish, the biggest 14", a couple 13", a couple 12" the remainder smaller. It was pretty good considering the water temp. I am going back on Sat. as my brother is having a little mini tournament with a bunch of guys from his work. I'll post pics of that on Monday. These pics are of the fish we caught Thursday PM.


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Well the snow is gone and we got out for another shoot and had some fun training a rookie on the fine art of archery. :D :D

Here is wanabehunter out for his two rounds of shooting. Wanted to go play so he only stayed for a short time.

Here is the rookie getting some instruction from easternhunter.


Eastern taking a shot.

Myself shooting. I see I have to work on my shoulder to get that arm up just a bit more.


Here is the rookie again.

Not a bad group for a newbie. :-* :-* He is not sure what he is doing.


here is a shot of the group from today. I don't know if you can see it or not but if you can notice the arrows in the leg of the deer? Well the rookie got the name of Leggy as that seemed like his favorite spot to hit the deer. ;D ;D

All in all a great day out doors and notice no winter coats. :-* :-*
Good to see you guys are getting out fishing and shooting. Those trout look good dave. I take it that lake was out to your brother place. Breaking in a newbie are you bruce,Maybe he thinks it is cattle wrestleing and needed to take out the legs first. Either way you look at it that is another archer born into the sport. I got up sat/sun @ 4am and was trying to get that tom to come across the road but to no avail. Both times he gobble his head off for the first hour and half then the gobbles got weeker and farther away. I'm thinking he had the real thing with him and he has been around the block long enought to know which way to go.I got the film done and there is deer that made it threw the winter and a few turkey as well. I need to scan them tonight and will try to get a few pics on here. Till then have a great day and keep those fish coming dave. you can always freeze a few for the fall. I too need to get out bruce and practice with the bow as well,later.
Caribou Gear

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