
camp pics

i buy my arrows from charlie spencer at spencer archery not far from moncton but you can buy them at walmart or canadian tire you have to match your arrows with the bow,the spine is how stiff the arrow is,faster the bow stiffer the spine,you can go with big shafts witch are slower but push deeper[close shots]not recomended for long shots.smaller shaft arrows fly straighter and faster,carbon arrows also are faster cause they are lighter every shaft has its advantage and disadvatages it depends on the shot distance you are confortable with and speed of your bow,you would be best to consult a pro shop to match your shooting to your bow,i would stay away from carbon arrows [just my opinion]broadheads are the same as arrows ,whatever you prefer,alot of outfiters refuse to let you hunt with mechanical broadheads for withever reason, i have used them succesfully with no problem ,and that is what i will be using again this fall.they fly just as well as practice tips and you dont have to fine tune your bow as much than with regular broadheads[just my opinion]no mater what you use shot placement is the most important of any of the above.broadside or quartering away should be the only shots you should take,and never shoot beyond your confortable distance................big ben.............
Morning guys , I got out last night and set up my tree camera at my daughter house.I got a dear on it already (Wife).Any ways I went out there to film the eara to show everyone if I ever figure out how to post vids in here. But the wife inform me that the battery went dead,She got vid of me in a tree placeing the camera up but it didn't work out up high.I use muzzy broad heads and they seem show far to work great for my and on my bow.You just got to try out new heads til you get the one's you like bruce. Tell you what guys i'm only a mile away from bass-pro shop so come on down and visit and bring lots of $$$ :) . well I need to get going to work so later all.

ok try this out , copy this link everyone and let me know if the video works

C:\Documents and Settings\Trent Dickeson\Desktop\100_0042.MOV

Let me know everyone
test again

ok try this one more time befor I go to bed.

C:\Documents and Settings\Trent Dickeson\Desktop\Picture 076.avi

try this again everyone.
I just posted up in the anouncements to see if we could get the Master Del to help with the proceedings.. :)
Well if we get things rolling then I can post pass vids of deer, turkey I seen in the field . Even a beaut of a buck that was 13 yards from my stand. I tag out the day befor and was not able to shoot this guy so I took pics and 30 second vids which I'm trying to post . Here is a photo of him


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Now that is a really nice buck there Trent, I sure hope you can get him with your bow.... :)
no go on that buck Russ,I don't hunt there no more.Hunted there threw my wife job and since she does not work there any more I won't go there to hunt.
here is two more pic

last two and hopefully I can post vids soon.


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beware of the bear

man o man nice deer trent,they sure get the old heart pumping hump went fishing this weekend on crown reserve for atlantic salmon on the famed miramichi river,what a time we there friday afternoon unpacked all our gear,locked everything in the camp,and went fishing till it so hapens we were not alone in the woods,we got back and found the camp trashed ,come to find out it was not humans who trashed the camp,but bears :eek: i think we suprised them and they took off in a hurrywe had to board up the windowsso we could use the camp.i slept real good but one of my buddys was paranoid at every sound that night.saturday my buddy martin got his salmon it was a good day salmon were active all day.the bears left us alone that nightsunday morning was not as good as fish were not moving as much but it was a good trip we will never forget,love those memoriesi will share a few
Nice looking pics Ben , remine me of the time four of us went up to Quebec in gods land and the guy we had with us was freaking out at every sound there was. Those porccupine was at it full force :D I tell you he was there for a day (Out of a week) And wanted to go home. Buddy of ours didn't know that he was never in the woods that deep. Plus the miggets were a killer every morning.They were good times and looking at your pics remind me of that long weekend of complaining hump Well got to cut it short and get ready for work , later.
Got my results on the moose draw....... That sucks I did not get it...... But on the bright side a buddy of mine did and he wants me to go with him. SO I still get to go hunting moose.

Some realy nice pics there folks. I hope to get fishing soon maybe even this weekend.
sorry to here bruce , here have a seat on the looser chair with me . I struck out as well.By the way Ben you guys on the camp porch gone religious ? not a beer in site any where . Hell you make us look bad ben.any ways got to go later guys.
don,t worry trent plenty of beer this weekend,those pictures were takenwhen we were all ready to go home,no moose liscence here bruce,i just checked,hopfuly one of my buddy,s gets it,what zone did your buddy get it?see you all later guys
I think it is zone 16. Cantabery area just north of Fredericton. You probubly new that any way. Still having with the bow but man is it hard to get everything set up so it works.
hey there guys I sent a couple videos out to you all except for you ben , I don't know your addy. Let me know if you all got those vids and were able to open them.
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