Caribou Gear Tarp

camp pics

Buffalo camp--

nice M.R. where is the pic of the inside?. So where about are you located. And I take it that is the bbq pit your standing over.
That camp sure is different. That really would blend in the surroundings. Great hunting from I bet.

Cub and I went fishing on his birthday Saturday and had a grand time. Caught alot of fish and brought home a limit of the ones that were hooked the worst and probably wouldnt survive. Perfect weather for fishing. Next week the lakes are open and we still haven't decided where to go. Got alot of work done around the house today and had a Birthday supper here with the family. Have a good week all.


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nice M.R. where is the pic of the inside?. So where about are you located. And I take it that is the bbq pit your standing over.

I am taking the picture. The man cooking breakfast is Buffalo Lee Hawes. He has a buffalo hunting operation at his ranch which is southeast of Dodge City near a little town of Ford.

He has a cook shack dugout and two bunk house dugouts that the hunters stay during the three day hunt. He usually has a couple of tipi set up for use also.


I like it, pretty cool and different. Any luck putting down a buffalo? Those fish look pretty good as well Dave. where was you fishing to get those. Tell cub I said happy b-day.I can not remember if I ask you if you got your ground blind pick up? maybe your walkie talkie is there. allso the 30th is the last day to put in for the moose draw here for back there. no taker this time and I got a full year for time off. and will not be applying. time to go and hope the weather is good there as it is here. going to be hunting this saturday while your on the lake fishing dave. cya
Weather is calling for rain all week and including Saturday, but that usually changes by the time the weekend rolls around. The water we fished was the deadwater by the powerline that you and I had walked into. Cub and I carried a canoe in and fished the whole deadwater. Even we did a small carry into an adjorning small deadwater towards Cranberry LK. We started to portage to Cranberry and then just took a walk over to it to check it out and low and behold there were a couple guys fishing the lake from the other shore ( Lake fishing not open till May 1st). Anyway we thought we better not portage the rest of the way with canoe and went back to the deadwater and actually met a guy fishing the deadwater from shore. I know the guy through my business and we had a chat. He was surprised to see us in there, especially with a canoe. We didn't tell him the amount of fish we had caught but he did show us his fish and he had a limit of five already on his stringer and was still fishing/keeping them. Anyway the fishing had slowed down as it was peak sunlight and Cub and I had already been through deadwater a couple passes. I still want to get into Cranberry with a boat to try to see if there are any trout there, but we will see later.
I see you have the hunting bug already ( talking moose hunt) and I hope you have a good turkey shoot ( show me the pics). Have a good week as I know I will have as this is the last week till tax deadline, yahoo!! Although there are always a few stragglers and after the deadline filers just to piss me off. I should charge them more, hehe.
Si-a-nora and bon soir, I feel good.
Well dave I hope that you had a better weekend fishing then I had hunting turkey. I figure I had it made this weekend. Went to the farmer that owns the hill and they (He/She ) Gave me permission to hunt the hill. But I new that night I was out of luck. Not a gobble nor a cluck to be heard from any distance. See what brings the turkey in is when they spread cow do do. they eat away at the bugs. Noone local was spreading so the turkey's was else where seeking a meal and love. I'm hoping that with all the shooting going on they retreat back to my area come next weekend. and the bugs are in over drive this weekend as well.
By the way no pics this time guys, "28207views" my camera battery went ah wall on me. The bad thing about it is I drove by it with the ATV with the grandson sitting in my lap. I was so hoping to get those pics posted. Another time,later. Allso know of a good place to hang your hat in a new area that the boyz are great to hang out with if your are interest dave.
I had a great weekend and feel good now that tax season is over. Got some topsoil spread Friday evening, went fishing Saturday, got some more work done around the house on Sunday and picked a couple of feeds of fiddleheads Sunday afternoon. Fishing was so-so on Saturday. The weather was very sunny but windy. I am very glad we picked a smaller lake to fish as it wasn't too bad to control boat on the lee shore. Water was low, but still cold at 49 degrees which is colder than i thought as the ice was out April 5th. With the high wind and the cold water it was still fairly cool in the boat and glad I had dressed warm. We kept 12 fish, lost the biggest, released a small one, lost a couple at the boat. The biggest of the day was 15", and real deep. One of the pics has Linwood (who caught it) holding it up. Fish were all nice and orange fleshed. I am going to have some with fiddleheads for supper tonight.
There was a picture in our newspaper today of a turkey roosting in a tree in Fredericton area. Who knows, maybe someday we may have a turkey population worthy of hunting. Heres hoping. Have a good week and happy hunting.


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How's the turkey hunting Trent? Looks like everybody else on the site is getting turkeys. Did they move back in your area?
I went down to Brians place and we got out for a fish. It was very cool on the water but we managed to get a limit of trout. Nothing real big, but all nice clean fish. Fishing was slow. It turned to rain in the evening, but I still had an enjoyable fish. Fishing is very different this year. Although the ice was out the first week of April, the water still seems very cold. The air temperatures are below normal for this time of the year, although the trees are budding and bloomimg as normal it seems too cold for any bug hatches. I know it will come and probably be terrible buggy, but we will see.
Anyway, let me know how you are making out hunting. Have a good week everybody.


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your having way better luck at fishing dave. Looks like I might have to hunt the state land with the crazy. we will see, I sooner lay my gun up befor steping on that land. Time will tell and I have been out to daughter house threw the week and stay til dark and not a sound on the roost. even driving threw the field that none can hunt has nothing in them. keep the fish pic coming in and hopefully I may have a change of luck.
Hey Trent, Val and I got away for that fishing/vacation trip. Weather wasn't perfect but we had a very good time. I attached pics of the 5 biggest fish. The largest being 32". I think I'm spoiled now, LOL.


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Wow that is some need laker you got there. how many was you able to take home. And how do they taste? And last but not least, can you fish that lake or is it a private place. look like a real good place and I bet the fly was alittle on the crazy side as well. need to send a few pic of the camp/cabin/lodge you two stay in. hope that you had a great july first. Oh yeah who out fish who this trip :rolleyes:
We released all the fish we caught on this lake. The big lake that you can keep fish, was too rough to fish. We only tried it for a couple hours and the wind made the boat too hard to control. Besides this time of the year fishing the big lake you use downriggers and the fishing consists of you sitting and staring at a rod sitting in a rod holder waiting for a fish to bite. Boring! I like flyfishing, or casting and reeling, some trolling. We did go get some pan trout from some beaverdams and the best of all is the owner showed us a lake he has rights to that he doesn't have time to fish and he told us we could fish it if we wanted to take our own boats. It has all the fish in it that we tarketed ( salmon,trout and lakers) and it is not a catch /release lake. I am going back sooner than later.
First pic is of camp we stayed in and a Couple more pics of fish.


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