California's climate change emergency

Barred Owl Man. Stop the cutting. Oh lets kill the barred owl. Where the spotted owl go? Fires. Yup we humans and our research/data we are surely in charge,
We'll finally be seeing this now that the USFS budget isn't hamstrung by fire suppression. The choking of the agencies budget did us no favors.
True. Litigation hasn't done us any favors either.
Bi partisan bill in the works. Will give us more resources to restore our forests and reduce wildfire severity. Any thoughts on this legislation?
No favors at all. I just hope folks realize we won’t just log our way out of this issue.

That's the only legitimate solution to many of my friends and family back home.

@BigHornRam the legislation is intriguing. We need a bipartisan solution to the forest management problem that will have to be multifaceted.
Yep... Climate Change.


Forest management as The Nature Conservancy presents - one of the quality steps forward.
Does climate change affect how many people started some of those fires? Does anyone have the data on how many were arson? Just asking, because i seen some news blips that some were.
I’ve never understood the “graze it” part of this repeated statement. Cows and sheep eat grass, grass isn’t what’s burning California. Timber, brush, beetle kill, etc is the cause. Or am I missing a different fact?
I don't know about CA, but in SE Montana a pasture that hasn't been grazed burns hotter and spreads faster than one that has been grazed.
like everything, forest fires are politically divisive these days. and like a lot of things, both sides are not wrong, but won't look at the whole picture

climate deniers point to fire suppression and forest mismanagement as the sole reason

tree huggers point to climate change and the climate deniers as the reason for forest fires

tree huggers refuse to log the forest, fuels build up

public policy has told us fires are bad, so we put them out, fuels build up

warmer winters are allowing pine beetles to spread

changing climate is resulting in warmer mean surface temperatures and wild swings where we have less precipitation for longer periods of time

as far as i can tell all these things are true.

any dumbass with a brain should be able to see that we've created the perfect mixture for more, bigger, longer lasting, hotter, more frequent fires. and everyone is right, and everyone is wrong because they only care about a single factor that makes the other side look bad, or stupid

YOU'RE ALL STUPID. WE'RE ALL STUPID. once we realize that we can get along. how bout that?
Make a great bumper sticker.
Remember the spotted owl fiasco? Bad policy enacted with good intentions that destroyed the logging industries of Cali, OR & WA. That was 30 years ago and the forest bio burden has built up unabated for the most part since. Oops, sorry everyone! Turns out it wasn't logging that threatened the spotted owl but rather the barred owl was eating them. Our bad we'll try better next time; at your expense of course. The enviros got what they wanted anyway though, no more commercial logging. Now we get to buy 90% of our timber from Canada. They made out ok under NAFTA. Climate change is related to what that big shiny glowing orb 93 million miles away in space is doing. We've been in a solar minimum for about 4 years now and its wreaking havoc on our atmosphere and oceans. This one may last another 40-50 years. CO2 is a minor irritant nothing more. 🌞
No commercial logging?

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