Kenetrek Boots

California Bans Trapping

I sure hope California isn’t a window into our future, but I’m afraid it might be.
Wow. I’m not a trapper, but this is terrible news. Seems a lot of traditions could be lost. At least according to the info in the article, it seems like a very frustrating decision that was made.
This is a good reason why I refuse to "compromise" on pretty much anything with progressives. Their "progress" isn't going to stop and sooner or later the fight will be over something you care about. Keep the fight as far away as possible and what the hell have hunters/gun owners ever gotten out of any "compromise anyway?
In one of the articles I read, they mentioned the revenue the dept. received from license sales, etc. didn't cover the costs to oversee it, and that only 130-something permits were sold last year. It makes me wonder if there just aren't residents there that are interested in trapping, or if it might be that existing laws made it too difficult to pursue that interest.

Here is MA, the only way to trap is by using live cage traps or hancock/bailey style traps. Obviously that creates a situation that makes it much harder to trap animals than, say, footholds or conibears. Ive been told by the trapping instructors that the only time you can use conibears is when permits are issued for nuisance animals, and that you cannot keep any animal caught/killed that way. He said there are now more beavers killed by conibears than before the conibear ban was put in place due to increased populations that resulted from increased restrictions. This, I imagine, will reduce trapper numbers.
"Environmental groups, including the Center for Biological Diversity, have opposed fur trapping as contributing to declines animal populations, including sea otters"

Seriously? When is the last time somebody trapped a sea otter? I want to shake that guy's hand and ask him how on earth he does it...
The CBD doesnt do any favors for consumptive user groups. I am worried that the liberals in Vegas and Carson/Reno area (Californians at heart) will be the cause for Nevadans to lose their ability to trap. It is disappointing and I wish that we had the pull (i.e. money) that they do.
Do not forget the many californians that call Arizona, and Colorado home now days, its down right ironic how many left Cali because of the many overbearing regulations and unbelievable tax law, yet they seem to gravitate back to the overbearing regs and want to increase the tax burden to increase what they believe are important improvements to life that must be provided by the state, and somehow they do find their way to State Gov.. I am just glad I live in a state thats too damn cold and doesn't provide any skiing opportunity for the hippocrits. HA HA
Do not forget the many californians that call Arizona, and Colorado home now days, its down right ironic how many left Cali because of the many overbearing regulations and unbelievable tax law, yet they seem to gravitate back to the overbearing regs and want to increase the tax burden to increase what they believe are important improvements to life that must be provided by the state, and somehow they do find their way to State Gov.. I am just glad I live in a state thats too damn cold and doesn't provide any skiing opportunity for the hippocrits. HA HA
They’re climate refugees. Show some damned compassion.
Do not forget the many californians that call Arizona, and Colorado home now days, its down right ironic how many left Cali because of the many overbearing regulations and unbelievable tax law, yet they seem to gravitate back to the overbearing regs and want to increase the tax burden to increase what they believe are important improvements to life that must be provided by the state, and somehow they do find their way to State Gov.. I am just glad I live in a state thats too damn cold and doesn't provide any skiing opportunity for the hippocrits. HA HA

Makes me wonder if California might be a better place if all the Californians who left had instead stayed and tried to fight back. This is an overly simplified example but it makes me wonder; 7 million Californians have fled to other states over the last 30 years. They often state that they had to get away from the liberal policies. In the 2016 presidential election Democrats had 8.7 million votes versus Republicans 4.4 million. That means that if 65% of those who left California were conservatives (and assuming they support hunting and gun rights) then there would be a 50/50 split between parties. Instead the migrants surrendered one of the largest and resource rich states and ran away.
Wow, that's terrible. They have been trying to push for this in NJ too, but have thus far failed...
Plenty of imports from Kaliforny here in NM. Many of them are horse people or just filthy rich flaming liberals. They attend fish and game commission meetings to spew their anti drivel. Cailifornia is known to have antis appointed to their DFG commission. No surprise there given the political climate. Of course they have their traveling band of antis. They travel state to state to try and spread their venom. Many years ago now they went to South Dakota to try and stop mountain lion hunting. That did not work out so well for them. They were in a hurry to leave for some reason. 😆
Which Commissioners are anti-hunting? More importantly what anti-hunting laws did they pass?
Trapping is a form of harvest similar to it not? The antis are against any form of take or extraction including fishing. Some sport fish do not survive a release. There has been commissioners over the years who were members of SC and NRDC, other enviro groups. Commissioners who are in support of or helped to craft the MLPA are against extraction. Obviously, any attack on one form of harvest is an attack on the others. The political climate in California considers antis as stakeholders of the resource. In fact many years ago now, a top level manager of the NRDC was appointed to head California's Resource Dept.
