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California Bans Trapping

Trapping is a form of harvest yes....but this was a law passed by the Legislature
The A in MLPA stands for in passed by the Legislature.

Hound ban? Legislature
Lead ban? Legislature
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We have our challenges no doubt, but the Commission unfairly takes the blame when it should be the Legislature. Not to mention, the Commission must act with this axe over their head. They know, full well that the Legislature wields said power.

All citizens of CA are stakeholders regardless of belief....same with every state, it's a core tenant of the NAMWC.

These uncomfortable truths are easily overlooked.
I do understand all of that but the plain, simple truth is ,it does not change the fact that liberalism runs rampant because conservatives won't stand against it. the wackadoadles are not the majority of our society , yet we let them dictate most every aspect of it.

So let me get this right.

The "conservatives" - the very folks who threaten everything to do with "DIY public land hunting" - except the almighty gun, should blame themselves for those snowflake libs taking over.
These tough guy conservatives, 2'nd amendment warriors, fiscal hawks, financial geniuses, god-on-our-side-moral high grounders, are not man enough to stand against manbuns, pink lady part hats, microbrew enviro-wacknuts, and such?
CONSERVATIVE APATHY, like the mobs of non voting "conservatives" who never crawled out from under their rock until a POS like Trump appeared and conned them all into voting for him?

And it's all because the poor "conservatives" are "letting this happen"?

This DIY public land hunter who thinks Dem MT governor/pres candidate Bullock is a somewhat of a fool, doesn't see any good Dem pres candidates on the ticket, but ain't no modern day "conservative" -

Is rolling on the floor laughing his ass off. Or maybe I misunderestimated the cofveve of kmott's post.................................................................................................
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More correctly, CDFG was renamed CDFW (wildlife) in 2013. The CDFW falls under the California Natural Resources Agency. The Resource Agency director is appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Legislature. The Fish and Game Commission is not part of CDFW. The F&G Commission functions more like a sub-committee of the state legislature. I am not aware of any hearing links. You may find some links to the minutes on the commission's website but I have not searched for those documents.
seems you've got it, onpoint . even if you don't agree with it, you've got it.

of coarse the left would make a joke of it. nothing scares them more then the thought that their betters might finally get riled enough to fight back.
Interesting. My sister who lives in San Diego - and not in the outskirts - has a coyote that keeps coming into her yard. She is concerned because she has a couple of small dogs. The local government officials she has contacted have told her that she must hire an animal control specialist (trapper) to take care of HER problem.
Interesting. My sister who lives in San Diego - and not in the outskirts - has a coyote that keeps coming into her yard. She is concerned because she has a couple of small dogs. The local government officials she has contacted have told her that she must hire an animal control specialist (trapper) to take care of HER problem.
Probably with a live trap...the funny thing about that is California has laws restricting transporting live wild animals.
How long until all hunting is banned in California??

My prediction is that through ballot initiatives riflle hunting of any kind will be banned in public lands in 20 years.

Bird hunting will take longer but I think we’ll live to see it.
Less than 20 years in Kali
I believe people that think anti-trapping or anti-hunting folks are only found in one political party, are fooling nobody but themselves, and they better hit some serious smelling salts.

When a person considers that only about 8% of the population hunts, an even smaller percentage that trap, its pretty tough to blame things like trapping bans, etc. on "liberals". I can assure you, I have friends that don't hunt/trap that are hard core R's that also don't approve of trapping and would vote in favor of banning it. Conversely, I have some friends that are pretty liberal in their political views that also trap and are staunch supporters of same.

The problem we don't want to face or try to correct, is seeking the approval/acceptance of the 90% of folks that just don't understand hunting, trapping, etc. but have an equal voice in deciding to allow those types of things to continue.

Pointing fingers and the blame game, changes nothing.
Liberals have won the popular vote in 6 of the last 7 presidential elections. It’s not unreasonable a bit to believe the country is not majority conservative.
I guess when I say that I mean regionally, it's why we have the electoral college so the small guys have a say too. Otherwise the whole country is ran solely by the densely populated cities.


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I guess when I say that I mean regionally, it's why we have the electoral college so the small guys have a say too. Otherwise the whole country is ran solely by the densely populated cities.
yup, and the majority in those densely populated cities will look at public lands out west as an asset that can be sold when funding for their pet programs gets tight. MTTW is right, democracy is some scary stuff.
"democracy is two wolves and a lamb , voting on what's for dinner." - Ben

we are not a democracy, we are a republic! democracy only works in tight nit small societies where everyones values are the same. add diversity and democracy can not function. the founders were not fools.
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