California Bans Trapping

I guess when I say that I mean regionally, it's why we have the electoral college so the small guys have a say too. Otherwise the whole country is ran solely by the densely populated cities.
I know what EC was originally intended for. Doesn’t mean it’s effective or functions as intended today. The little guy still doesn’t have a say unless they’re part of the majority party of a particular state. Electoral College is just as broken as a popular vote would be. The election is determined every four years by less than a half dozen states. That being said I’m not here to argue our election system as it doesn’t really pertain to the original topic of the thread and these things go off the deep end quickly. Have a good day.
I know what EC was originally intended for. Doesn’t mean it’s effective or functions as intended today. The little guy still doesn’t have a say unless they’re part of the majority party of a particular state. Electoral College is just as broken as a popular vote would be. The election is determined every four years by less than a half dozen states. That being said I’m not here to argue our election system as it doesn’t really pertain to the original topic of the thread and these things go off the deep end quickly. Have a good day.
Didn't mean to get too off topic, politics can definitely go way too deep. Main point is we have to stand firm against these law changes even when they affect very few people. A small number of trappers in California makes it seem like it's not as big of a deal, but it becomes a slippery slope. There's another bill that proposes outlawing bobcat hunting, another less popular form of hunting out here, but what next? Coyotes...bears? It'll just to continue to escalate. It's the same situation as the push to ban AR rifles. I don't care about them, not because I'm against them they just aren't my thing, but I support those who do shoot them because if they get banned it's just a platform to continue banning other style of guns down the line... Semi auto shotguns, semi auto hand guns etc.
I know what EC was originally intended for. Doesn’t mean it’s effective or functions as intended today. The little guy still doesn’t have a say unless they’re part of the majority party of a particular state. Electoral College is just as broken as a popular vote would be. The election is determined every four years by less than a half dozen states. That being said I’m not here to argue our election system as it doesn’t really pertain to the original topic of the thread and these things go off the deep end quickly. Have a good day.

*Lights hotel lobby trashcan on fire, runs from the building before anyone tells him he's foolish...*
Look under the rocks in your state. You may be surprised what you find!

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He did not have to take money from the NRDC you know. That was a huge contribution. For those who don't understand this organization, NRDC is the most influential and powerful environmental group on the face of the planet. Their legal team is on par with the Office of the General Counsels of the Federal Government. What good is access to public lands if we can't hunt, trap or fish there?
I've worked with NRDC on some stuff in the past. They have their good side and their bad side, like every group. One of the program managers could have outhiked just about anyone on this site w/ an elk quarter on his back. THeir lobbyist in DC was instrumental in helping keep the sage grouse off of the endangered species list, as well as worked to keep the GOP from cratering the bi-partisan conservation deal that led to the not warranted decision.

Tester just pummeled his competition in MT after an untold number of visits from the cheeto in charge and his band of merry morons. So, you may want to pick a target that is up for re-election this year. Montanans made their choice, for the third time, and it's the guy from Big Sandy who got wolves delisted, got LWCF renewed, pushed forward the first wilderness legislation in a generation and whom has always had sportsmen's backs.
He did not have to take money from the NRDC you know. That was a huge contribution. For those who don't understand this organization, NRDC is the most influential and powerful environmental group on the face of the planet. Their legal team is on par with the Office of the General Counsels of the Federal Government. What good is access to public lands if we can't hunt, trap or fish there?

Who's job is it to ensure that you can continue to hunt, fish, and trap on public land?

What legislation has Tester sponsored, supported, or tried to move that would take away your ability to hunt, fish, and trap on public lands?

You're a lot of gas and I haven't seen chit that you've done other than provide a couple links to help further your political motives and finger pointing.
NRDC is against hunting, trapping, sport fishing period. They are the parent organization for many other anti groups as well. Just because someone can climb Mt Everest doesn't make them a proponent of hunting. I have not seen where he has had Sportmen's and Sportswomen's backs, actually to the contrary.

NRDC is against hunting, trapping, sport fishing period. They are the parent organization for many other anti groups as well. Just because someone can climb Mt Everest doesn't make them a proponent of hunting. I have not seen where he has had Sportmen's and Sportswomen's backs, actually to the contrary.

Then try doing some research.

As far as the "D" rating from the NRA...irrelevant. Remember, the NRA has repeatedly told us that the Second is not about hunting or our hunting rifles. Voting for or against a SC judge doesn't equal gun rights or the second dissolving, more fear mongering from the NRA.

Plus, with the shape the NRA is in right now, and the crap they've pulled via Wayne and company, I don't think they have any room to rate anyone on much of anything. They've made themselves irrelevant via corruption.
Who's job is it to ensure that you can continue to hunt, fish, and trap on public land?

What legislation has Tester sponsored, supported, or tried to move that would take away your ability to hunt, fish, and trap on public lands?

You're a lot of gas and I haven't seen chit that you've done other than provide a couple links to help further your political motives and finger pointing.
Is insulting someone with ad hominem attacks the best you can do? Look closely at what I post. You would be hard pressed to find anything that is politically slanted toward one party over the other. Apparently you don't handle the facts that may be contrary to your beliefs very well. That isn't my problem!
Is insulting someone with ad hominem attacks the best you can do? Look closely at what I post. You would be hard pressed to find anything that is politically slanted toward one party over the other. Apparently you don't handle the facts that may be contrary to your beliefs very well. That isn't my problem!

Here's a fact...blowing hot air and your high pitched whining about Tester, isn't going to save your right to trap, hunt, or fish.

Read Ben Lambs post again...Tester has done good work for Sportsmen, another fact.
NRDC is against hunting, trapping, sport fishing period. They are the parent organization for many other anti groups as well. Just because someone can climb Mt Everest doesn't make them a proponent of hunting. I have not seen where he has had Sportmen's and Sportswomen's backs, actually to the contrary.

Jon was the chair of the Sportsman's Caucus, has received awards from Boone & Crockett, National Shooting Sports Foundation, as well as awards from many other groups, and is the go to guy on appropriations when it comes to our issues. If you haven't seen where he's been pro-sportsman, then I'm not sure you've actually been looking.

And the NRA is full of rot & corruption. They need to be put in the dustbin of history.
A person who doesn't hunt himself and takes money from an anti-hunting group is somehow a "champion" for hunting? Pest control is species management? laughable!🤣

The bills he sponsers or votes on in the Senate affects all of us.

A person who doesn't hunt himself and takes money from an anti-hunting group is somehow a "champion" for hunting? Pest control is species management? laughable!🤣

The bills he sponsers or votes on in the Senate affects all of us.

My Mother hasn't held a hunting license for probably the last 20 years, does that mean she isn't a "champion" for hunting or that she isn't a hunter?

Being blissfully ignorant isn't an act for some folks...
Do not forget the many californians that call Arizona, and Colorado home now days, its down right ironic how many left Cali because of the many overbearing regulations and unbelievable tax law, yet they seem to gravitate back to the overbearing regs and want to increase the tax burden to increase what they believe are important improvements to life that must be provided by the state, and somehow they do find their way to State Gov.. I am just glad I live in a state thats too damn cold and doesn't provide any skiing opportunity for the hippocrits. HA HA

I've lived in Vegas since '75 and it never ceases to amaze me how idiots move from a place to another place and then proceed to make just like the f'd up place they just left, morons all.
Uhhm.....YES! 🤣

Right, because people that don't continue to buy hunting licenses are not capable of being champions for hunting.

They also cant call themselves hunters either, even though they've killed numerous elk, deer, pronghorn, etc.

Your narrow mindedness, shallow thinking, and lack of advocacy are going to ensure that future trapping and hunting bans are a given.

Right, because people that don't continue to buy hunting licenses are not capable of being champions for hunting.

They also cant call themselves hunters either, even though they've killed numerous elk, deer, pronghorn, etc.
I really am quite sure about it. 😂🤣😂🤣
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