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California Bans Trapping

I really am quite sure about it. 😂🤣😂🤣

I guess you can be as sure about it as you want, but I can tell you that my dad hasn't hunted in about 3 years, and apparently in your book that makes him not a hunter, but in his day you'd have had to bust your sure about it ass to out hunt him...but you do you.
I guess you can be as sure about it as you want, but I can tell you that my dad hasn't hunted in about 3 years, and apparently in your book that makes him not a hunter, but in his day you'd have had to bust your sure about it ass to out hunt him...but you do you.
You are being ridiculous. That isn't what I was talking about, that's obvious. Put the spotlight back on Sen. Tester where it belongs.
Just wait until they have coyotes in their back yards eating their pets and mountain lions attacking them in their morning runs and... oh wait they do already. Most of the western states have permitted trapping to help control the already overpopulated predators and have successfully done so in a way that has allowed a healthy predator population to thrive. All California is doing is asking for sickness and over crowding of their predators and pests that would normally be helped by trappers.
Well, that changes everything.

Democracy is 2 anti trappers and 1 pro trapper voting on trapping regs.
Now if that pro trapper is guilty of alienating another pro trapper by mouthing off about his political persuasion, and that now causes him to be standing alone, then that pro trapper is a fool. Period.
which is worse the guy who has his rights taken because he had to stand alone, because he stood for his principles or the guy who loses his rights because he aligned with , compromisers who simply gave them away??????????????????

the later methinks.

truth is , anyone you alienate was never your friend in the first place
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Senator Tester doesn't buy a hunting license for one reason and that is because he doesn't hunt. He is a politician who is trying to get the vote of people who hunt and value hunting, its really that simple. I would assume it would be a political nightmare to be ANTI hunting in Montana regardless of your party. Just as in California or New York no Dem senator is gonna campaign as being pro hunting and Pro gun or propose legislation to expand hunting or gun rights.
Actually it is a case of democracy at work. Democracy is some scary stuff.

In my experience dog walkers/ skiers with dogs /hunters with dogs, are the biggest opponents of trapping that I run into. Party has nothing to do with it.
It's only scarry as it pertains to this issue when democrats are in control.
I buy a trapping lisc every year. I haven't trapped in years.
I buy a trapping license every year. I haven't trapped in years.
I think that is great that you do that. I have a lifetime hunting and fishing license. I used to trap when I was a kid. I trapped beaver and muskrat mostly. Back in those days getting permission to trap on private land was not a problem.
I think that is great that you do that. I have a lifetime hunting and fishing license. I used to trap when I was a kid. I trapped beaver and muskrat mostly. Back in those days getting permission to trap on private land was not a problem.

Its not a problem now...
To get back to the OP's post about banning trapping in California; the importance of this can't be understated whether one likes it, or not. By simple observation of things that occur there, it should be obvious that what is done is CA can have an impact where you live. I don't like CA, or anything about it for that matter, but that has nothing to do with the fact they wish to set the political tone elsewhere. More outdoors people of all types need to be involved in hunting for effects of things like this ban to be nullified, period. As a new hunter, I can tell you a few things that will work to get others like me interested and in turn blunt what is done to take away hunting freedoms. First, every person who is interested in the outdoors is a potential hunter. Why is this so? Because the outdoors at it's essence is about adventure and hunting is a natural and logical extension of that experience. In fact, it is the ultimate expression of the outdoors adventure experience since it involves all it's elements, ie, camping, backpacking, survival skills, shooting sports, wildlife biology, travel, healthy living, etc, etc. The ironic thing in all this is that hikers/backpackers/camping enthusiasts don't really experience the fullness of the natural experience they crave. Why? Many of them never get off the beaten path and actually see wildlife in it's natural setting since the wildlife they are seeking don't want to be anywhere near the trails and locations habituated by "outdoors folks". So, once such a one realizes hunting will take them fully into the experience they wish for, it becomes a no brainer to take up hunting. But that transition may take a while for a lot of people, as it did for me, and those already involved in hunting should take that into account when dealing with others. Be open minded, willing to help and interested in teaching. Kind of like what happens on this site, actually. If we, individually, share what/why we're doing when the opportunity arises then, over time, effects of the antis and others can be dealt with.
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