Brief report from Utah

I attempted to camp on Mt Baldy above Santa Fe in a rain storm. This landscape is mostly big boulders. When the lightening started bouncing between the boulders, it was terrifying. I broke down tent and came off the mountain as fast as I could make it.
Utah seems to test you doesn't it, Randy. Maybe pronghorns will be the ticket! I'm going to your old haunts on Sept. 9th, wish me luck...
2 Cams Below (798).jpg
Five bucks fed out below us. Last charge of Big Fin and his "fearless immortals."
Randy, I know two people who have been hit by lightning on exposed altitude slopes. Nothing irrational about your fear.
Nothing like a soaking rain to close the last chase of the hunt.

Thanks for following along.

Next up, Arizona doves for a YouTube episode with and old AZ college buddy. It could be incriminating for both of us.
Arizona dove hunt. Pretty close to Mexico.
Sounds like sit shoot for dove in the lowlands would be a good break. Long season ahead I bet.
Not sure who said it, but it goes something like this. "Wealth is measured in experiences at the end of ones time on this planet." You're a very wealthy man Randy.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the play by play Randy. You certainly had some close calls and I wish you the best on your next adventure.

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