
Brief report from Utah

Rest up and get your health back. Keep your head up it can happen at anytime. Wish you luck and keep us posted!
Nice racing stripes.

I am guessing Marcus enjoys bending over for video review more than Daubenmires? ;-) Though pro at that as well.

Best of luck on a fun hunt.
Two forkies and some does popped up just below us. Forkies qualify as "nice?"

Packing one out of this hole is not very appealing.

Hunting the badlands with Buschy, you declared that the 20 below zero deer you arrowed to be a fantastic trophy. I believe that deer truly was a trophy and a part of a grand adventure. I believe that any deer you decide to give a ride home is indeed a trophy.
Nice racing stripes.

I am guessing Marcus enjoys bending over for video review more than Daubenmires? ;-) Though pro at that as well.

Best of luck on a fun hunt.

Daubenmires are fun... Just not quite as fun as this...
Long tall hike today, but maybe worth it. Watching a very nice 4x4 and a small 3x4 up feeding from their afternoon beds. Gonna be a hell of a grunt around this big basin and up that ledge. As soon as they bed again we are off in pursuit.
Man that big 3 could have been a grandson of the one that haunts my dreams to this day. You aren't near Enterprise are you? lol
Go get em Randy!
Probably needed another year or two to grow. Either that our he was too old and the meat would be tough. Your subconscious saved you.
Gawd, that was a beautiful buck. When we get back to a connection I'll load up some screen shots with me, the buck and his annoying little sidekick that had some form of mule deer schizophrenia, causing him to get up and move around at the most inconvenient times.

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