Kenetrek Boots

Brief report from Utah

Good luck. Man it's hard when you work so hard just to get there but I really Admire your persistence
Who blinks first.
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Please keep looking that direction. And your buddy to the left should follow suit.
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This was not in the script.
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And no, he doesn't have my arrow in him. :(
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Eight miles of hiking in brutal terrain and hot sun. Tag still in my pocket. Body is protesting the idea of one last day we have. Ton of filming to tie up in the morning, so it will be tomorrow afternoon or evening to pull off some sort of miracle.
I really like those photos you posted Big Fin. Reading stories like this get me excited for my up coming hunts. I pray the hunting gods are looking over you for your hunt today. Good Luck.

Good luck Randy! Definitely been an adventure so far! Hope you can pull it together late in the 4th, but if not you sure gave it a good effort and saw some beautiful country and deer! Your "work" is definitely awesome, be it a lot of work, thanks for sharing it with us!
Awesome! Live hunts rule!
I've paid for the whole seat, but i'm only using the edge!
Nothing like the electricity of an August mosoon storm to send me scurrying off the ridge, even if it took a few hours to climb here. I have one irrational fear in life - lightning in the mountains.
I'm with BF on that lightning stuff! Not irrational when you've come close to getting hit.
I haven't liked lightning since dad and I nearly got struck one year turkey hunting. When it hits a tree close enough to throw wood splinters on ya, it's just a little too close.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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