PEAX Equipment

Bowhunters - not a big impact?

It’s just another example of things that haven’t stayed up on the times for game management
It’s just another example of things that haven’t stayed up on the times for game management
When changes take place via ignorant at best and corrupt at worst legislative politics - good change will certainly come rarely and slow... wish fwp had more power to manage
It doesn't matter archery or rifle, tracking and being a woodsman is a dying skill. It's not even on most hunters radars anymore as something to know how to do. My dad and my other early hunting mentors drilled home the importance of knowing trees and bushes, reading and understanding terrain in regards to animal movement, using a compass, and how to track animals. People just want to fast track the killing and skip over the necessary skills. It's a damn shame.
If some of you spent as much time hunting as you do watching Facebook you would probabaly be decent archery hunters

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