PEAX Equipment

Bowhunters - not a big impact?

I can certainly see archery having a higher wounding loss in some areas depending on herd dynamics and elk accessibility. But I would also note that rifle hunters under report wounding due to them not knowing they hit the animal and/or inadequate effort in the search.

This also may be changing and getting worse in the archery side as more people feel they need to take farther shots and follow what is happening in the influencer realm of things.
In 43 years of hunting, I’ve only once submitted a hunt survey that asked if I wounded anything(Utah). What the hell kind of study quantifies how people “feel” and in what context do rifle hunters “report” or “under report”?

Regardless of wounding - bow hunters, kill an absolute sh!t ton of animals these days..SH!T TON.
Yeah, if it wasn’t for the 14 other trucks and two horse trailers in the first spot I hunted I’d probably be tagged out. Elk bugling like I’ve never experienced and I’ve hunted a lot. We’re well into the rut with the later start. Looked like tent city though. Used to only be 3-4 trucks in the parking lot 4 years ago and I thought that was a lot for the effort to get to the elk. On to the next spot.
Thank you! the family and are gonna give it a go this week then!
Well, that's cause people won't even look for blood with a gun.
What the hell are you talking about? Either you hunt with some complete wing nuts or you’re just throwing stones because you can’t admit archery has a problem with the wounding and lost animals. Does it happen with rifles? Unfortunately yes, and there will never ever be a method that can prevent it from happening completely.
I don’t know a single person that hunts this way. Everyone I know goes and checks hard. Sometimes coming back the next day and making damn sure.

This whole conversation just shows how selfish we’ve become and unwilling to address legitimate issues because they might actually have to change things and possibly lessen the “opportunity “ that so many people feel entitled to now. Rather than deal with the issues we’d rather point at the other guys.
What the hell are you talking about? Either you hunt with some complete wing nuts or you’re just throwing stones because you can’t admit archery has a problem with the wounding and lost animals. Does it happen with rifles? Unfortunately yes, and there will never ever be a method that can prevent it from happening completely.
I don’t know a single person that hunts this way. Everyone I know goes and checks hard. Sometimes coming back the next day and making damn sure.

This whole conversation just shows how selfish we’ve become and unwilling to address legitimate issues because they might actually have to change things and possibly lessen the “opportunity “ that so many people feel entitled to now. Rather than deal with the issues we’d rather point at the other guys.
That was tongue in cheek.

My point is there is plenty of problems with both (archery and rifle).

I have no problem being introspective at how my preferred methods are affecting outcomes on the management side.

The ultimate enemy is having an agency that would rather model limited data from surveys than have actual mandatory harvest data.
That was tongue in cheek.

My point is there is plenty of problems with both (archery and rifle).

I have no problem being introspective at how my preferred methods are affecting outcomes on the management side.

The ultimate enemy is having an agency that would rather model limited data from surveys than have actual mandatory harvest data.
Copy that. I didn’t pick up on the sarcasm
In 43 years of hunting, I’ve only once submitted a hunt survey that asked if I wounded anything(Utah). What the hell kind of study quantifies how people “feel” and in what context do rifle hunters “report” or “under report”?

Regardless of wounding - bow hunters, kill an absolute sh!t ton of animals these days..SH!T TON.
The original post I responded to referred to people posting on Facebook looking for dogs to track their animals and using that to quantify wounding loss compared to the number rifle hunters posting. The data I referred to was collars being retrieved after a mortality signal and doing an investigation to determine cause of death. Those that were killed by hunters, wounding loss was the same proportion for rifle and archery (though the sample size was only 120 collared elk). We do tend to hear more often a out an animal being lost to a bow than to a rifle. The first paragraph of my post is the only one that spoke to the data in the study.

Many more animals are killed by rifles than bows in most states out west. But the amount of animals lost in both scenarios is nauseating to say the least.
In 1959, the Montana Legislature passed a bill allowing the Fish and Game Commission to create archery-only seasons for Montana's Big Game. This was the sentiment at the time in 1960:

In 1959, the Montana Legislature passed a bill allowing the Fish and Game Commission to create archery-only seasons for Montana's Big Game. This was the sentiment at the time in 1960:

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Sums up the jist of this topic. I used an example of a limited quota hunt (managed) currently has more than double the take of the quota - due to unlimited archery hunting. Its BS.
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