Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

BORDER [report]


New member
Jan 22, 2003
I`m back from the border and had a great time, It was a circus on the frirst day though...The village people[about 15] fake indians banging drums, pot banging dorks, and an old "sea hag" dressed as the statue of liberty, wearing a sign that said 1 world 1 government....another spoon /pot banger was wearing a " no human is illegal" sign.

The minutemen turnout was great....instead of orientation from 8 to11 am friday, it took all day. Best part of the day was all of the great speakers, Simcox, Gilcrist,Buchanon, and Tom Tancredo.

On Saturday there was a huge rally at the Naco B.P. station. [Rueters media] said their headcount was 650 plus protesters. [not all were minutemen] but they all supported the minutemen. then that afternoon everyone left for the Douglas B.P. station thats when CH 12 phx showed up and said that the turnout was poor..very tricky they think they can fool AZ residends most of the time.

Every border patrol agent i talked to [at least 12] said thank you to us/me for coming, that was real nice to hear.

We were there to support border patrol and get them more funding for more agents/equipment etc... one agent said they were "severly" understaffed and could use all of the help they can get.We constantly thanked them for their efforts.. one said they would have more senority if they added more agents.

The news media were like a bunch of sharks , i gave at least 7 interviews. but thats there job.

To bad for them [Media ] everything was orderly. not even one minor incident, as we were taunted by hispanics with sonoran licence plates from tome to time [we just laughed at them]

Sensor article is a non-issue as minutemen have given border patrol a COMPLETE map and G.P.S co-ords of every 5 man post every 2,000. yrds. also they have the # of the command and control center, and all of the minutemen are links by radio, cell phones etc,etc. but if the media or border patrol higher ups [management] can find one little thing to downgrade the minuteman project they will. [ saw it firsthand]

My opinion is this was a "great success" it got more exposure than we ever imagined...The people overwhelmingly welcome the minutemen, some businesses gave 10% dicounts to the minutemen [the OK cafe was one]...i`m to tired right now to give out "details" there are many. sorry i can`t even begin to list all of the positive things that happened.... For you negative guys [gunner] go ahead and keep digging for dirt. Thanks to all of you who support the effort, whether you agree or disagree you can`t deny the publicity. check out LOu Dobbs tonight[cnn] i`m beat go to go. :)
So what are the Minute men actually doing down there ? I'm glad you got 10% off food for a day but after it's all said and done don't get it ? when the Minut emen leave what will change ?
Moosie- you bring up a good point and one that no article has touched on. What will the long term effects of the minutemen be? It's possible an increase in border patrol can happen, but where will the funding come from? The budget is strapped as it is. Have there been an increase in arrests and a higher return rate since they have started? If yes, how long will the minutemen stand watch at the border?

The idea in itself is not bad but the long term effects, in my opinion, will be minimal at best. It took millions of people to get civil rights to come to the forefront. Do you think 1000's will get the attention of congress and the President? For some reason I don't think it will.
From what I read the Minutemen will be watching the border for one month. I believe the idea is to draw national attention to the problem and to show that the government is not doing a sufficient job in protecting our border. With all the money being spent on the war in Iraq, it seems spending a few billion more in the protection of our border wouldn't be that big of a deal. And to me, protecting our border should be a priority over the war in Iraq.
Washington Hunter said:
Moosie come on! They're helping the Border Patrol keep an eye on our border. Haven't you read any of what's been posted on here? :confused:

If there is a leak in a dam, and 100 guys takes turn catching the leak in a cup then leave after a Wek, won't the leake still be there ? My question is who's patching ?
TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA-(News) -- People who live here in this town, rich with wild-west history have mixed reactions when it comes to the Minutemen.

One man says, "There are so many of them, and they're armed."

Restaurant and business owners don't seem to want to talk about the situation. Bonnie, who doesn't want to give her last name says, "Weekend rates drop lower than they are in the middle of the week, some of the worst days were had. And this is our busy season."

Bonnie says people are leery of the Minutemen, "It scared every normal person on the planet away." :D
which border was all this taking place? I haven't been able to get here so if someone could direct me I'll sure apreciate it.
There is a lot of interest in the Mexican border for illegals and the possibility of security issues but didn't all the Al-Quaeda come in through the Canadian border with the US. I think we should have a 1000 man march into the wilderness next. cjcj would you be up for that one also. I hear glacier park is a nice place for a hike and bonus! you could even see some wildlife.
Bandit said:
which border was all this taking place? I haven't been able to get here so if someone could direct me I'll sure apreciate it.

Bandit it was last weekend on the Mexican border, Starting at tombstone AZ,, then Naco and Douglas

Matt they caught 6 Iraqi`s coming thru last week... :) [Mexican border] |oo
CJCJ, I just want say thank you for your efforts (and all the minutemen) in helping protect our borders. It's people like you that make this country great.....keep up the fight. There are a lot of people out here that appreciate the work you do.

You mean it wasn't the border with Canada???? I thought we were being overrun by a bunch of French Speaking Quebecors....

But tell us about your "patrol". Did you catch any bad guys? Did you stop any drugs from coming into the country? Did you find the terrorists? Were there any WMD's being smuggled in that you caught? Did you find the guy that is supposed to be up here mowing my neighbor's lawn? His grass is getting pretty long.....
JoseGummer ,

Tell us about your "protest" . Did you dissuade any patriots? Did you smoke any drugs smuggled into the country ? Did you invite the terrorists ? Would you know if any WMD's came across ? That guy's not supposed to be mowing your neighbors lawn , you are ! Your hair's getting pretty long....
You know there is a lot of chit on SI that I just plain stay out of, either issues that I might not fully understand, don't "personally" feel that they have much significance, or just aren't my torches to carry that day.

That being said, I've heard time and time again by some on this forum (doesn't matter if its landowner tags, ATV's, ranching, dams, USO, etc.):
So what are you doing about it? So what are your solutions/answers to the problem?

One of our own HuntTalkers, CJCJ, has stepped up to the plate on something he feels strongly about...not totally different than any one of us sending letters, signing petitions, boycoting products/sponsors, etc. You may not agree with what he's doing nor even think its of any value- point of the matter is that he does and he is doing something about it. Try to curb the sarcasm a bit, the next issue might be your own!
I also agree with Marv and FAIRCHASEBEN ...
I would take this one step farther....
What have you ever done for this country... EVER... at least some thing that wasn't done for your own personal selfish gain....
I am guessing it will add up to a whopping ZERO... but that is just a guess ;)
I'd guess Gunner has done more than the Cheese...

Oh, and dont pull the "I was in the military" BS either. Thats a choice and you definately do it for your own "selfish personal gain"...

If you were DRAFTED, thats a bit different.

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