
BORDER [report]

Maybe that is true for you.
Don't judge what others do through your beliefs.
I know when I went in back in the eighties, it was for a number of reasons, one of which was to serve my country.
I know that since 9-11 ALOT of guys and Gals joined to defend THEIR country.
Thanks Curly you made me "blush" I am retired an have lots of time to do this stuff....and there are many AZ guys[and others] who if they had the time/resources would do the same thing. Its just an issue that pisses me off.. and when i see illegals hunting/fishing.. enough is enough. They have invaded every aspect of our lives... and the government has got to wake up. That was a damn good post Marv [fair]. I just heard last night [local abc 15 ]that the illegals have DISRUPTED training exercises at the Yuma marine base, costing them hundreds of hours of training time, And the base commander is freaking pissed, and has the balls to say something is the press.. But i wouldn`t expect Gunner or Matt to PASTE that article... they look for little half truths or some one with a pro-illegal opinion to bolster their argument. Thats OK, I still like the both of them despite their weak and thin view......Heading out of town BYE, BYE. :)
BUZZ, what have you done as service to your country other then spout your drivel, and suckle off the federal teet through your job?

If you strip away the sarcasm, I was actually the only person on this thread who gives a damn about CJ and wanted to know what HIS experience was. I can read all the media reports on both sides and the related spin. What I wanted to know was what was HIS patrol.

Did he just sit in a lawn chair with 3 rednecks and 4 cacti for company or did he end up glassing a big valley and spotting 12 parties of between 8-16 illegal aliens. Did he sit for a token 15 minutes and complete his shift, or was he under the sweltering sun for 16 hours, enduring heat, flies, and delusional visions due to the dehydration/heat stoke/ stress that comes along with being a patriot....

Yes, I give credit to CJ for doing something he feels strongly about, in a Don Quxiote way. He may be wrong and looney, but we have to appreciate his right to be wrong and looney. :D
Hey Cheese,

Given April 15 is coming up, any bets on who did more for their country LAST year? You or me??? I am guessing I funded way more of Dubya's Oil War than you did. I funded way more Border Patrol agents than you did. I funded way more wildland Firefighters than you did.

How many days did you work again? Oh yeah, you worked 3 days digging ditches on mopped up fires.... Our country salutes your efforts!!!!
JoseCuervo said:

If you strip away the sarcasm, I was actually the only person on this thread who gives a damn about CJ and wanted to know what HIS experience was.

Jose, what do you mean you were the only person who gives a damn about CJ? I was sincere about what I said. I think it is great that CJCJ is actually out there doing something about the illegal immigrant problem. The government won't do anything about the problem so it is up to individuals like CJ to help out.
I think what you are doing is great CJCJ; you’re not just talking the talk, but your walking the walk. How much better the world would be if everyone took the initiative to do something about what they believe in!!!
ok thanks fore telling me i wasn't sure if it was the southern border or not. At least there are some people down there doing something for sure.
Michaelr and Ten beers,

Did you guys accept government paychecks while in the military?

Let me guess, you donated all your time...right? Tell me how many people who join the military waive their paychecks?

Like I said, if you were drafted, you didnt have a choice, if you went in for any other was by YOUR OWN CHOICE for PERSONAL GAIN...end of story.

Hey, I'm not taking anything away from your choice...your life your decision, but thats all it is...just another life decision.

Oh, and ten beers, please explain the difference between civil service VS military service in regard to "suckling off the government teet"???

The tax payers must not fund the military, right?
Let me guess, you donated all your time...right? Tell me how many people who join the military waive their paychecks?
what a crock of chit, do you expect military to go without to prove something? what the hell does that have to do with anything?
Buzz I could have easily went and got a cushy job and made more money.
And Here is the biggie, Not put my ass on the line.
That is a big friggin difference.
I came from a family, and have friends that all have and have had members in the service.
It is because I feel a duty to my country.
If you don't thats fine by me.
I respect alot of the knowledge you bring to the board, but when you question my service to my country, you are getting a little to personal.

I dont give a shit why you joined...did it because your Dad did, or did it drunk on a dare...thats not the point. Please tell me where I stated I know the reason why you joined???? Good luck.

The ONLY point is that you did it BY CHOICE for _______reason.

READ my posts.

Also, please show me where I "questioned" your CHOICE to join the military...I'm eagerly awaiting.

Also, when you fail to find where I questioned your choice to join the military or stated the reason you joined, keep in mind that your freak "brother in arms" ten beers doesnt have any trouble slamming someone working in civil service of the UNITED STATES.

I respect your choice to join and even Ten Beers choice....funny though, that the same respect you two clowns EXPECT isnt given in return...

As to the military accepting a paycheck...that was a question asked of Ten Beers when he accused me of "suckling off the government teet" if the military DOESNT. Therefore, I just wanted to confirm thatmilitary personel, do in fact, have their lips attached to the same "government teet"...

With comments like Ten Beers it would be pretty easy to believe that the military does not get its paychecks from the taxpayers...but from some outside source or they dont accept the money offered them from the "government teet".

Any other questions?
right here dip wad..........

I respect your choice to join and even Ten Beers choice....funny though, that the same respect you two clowns EXPECT isnt given in return...
WTF........I hardly post down here, what the hell are you talking about?
I don't speak for ten bears nor he for me.
Michaelr, try to comprehend rather than fly off the handle like a two-year old.

Heres the REASON you gave: "I came from a family, and have friends that all have and have had members in the service.
It is because I feel a duty to my country."

It sounds to me like you were seeking to GAIN the acceptance of your family and friends (a personal gain for you).

Did I not say this in the first post? "if you went in for any other was by YOUR OWN CHOICE for PERSONAL GAIN

Who forced you to join?
LMAO Michal...
Buzz and guner/sybil will never get it, paying taxes is what most all humans in a "civilized" society do whether they like it or not...

We all know that isn't what was meant, it is only to evade what the truth really is.

These couple fellows have never served their country, only serviced it and are to shallow to see the difference, or to cowardly to see that their lives are starting to become meaningless in more and more peoples eyes, not just those posters in SI.

Sorry boy's, the time of draft dodging and over thought out ideoligies are becoming a thing of the past, learn to live with it, or die as old hateful grumps no one wants to be around :eek: :)

I hope you make twice as much next year, maybe even thrice, that way you will help out the war effort and all of Bushes spending programs just that much more... ;)

When you have 20 years of civil SERVICE under your belt at age 38, we'll then discuss the merits of what "serving your country" means.

Until then keep your ignorant high school educated mouth shut.

Cowardly? WTF are talking about? Draft Dodging? WTF are you talking about.

CLUE for cant get a civil service job without being REGISTERED FOR THE DRAFT.

What part of that dont you understand?

What a dumbass.
Until then keep your ignorant high school educated mouth shut.
Come on now Buzz, your education isn't showing in that last post, it was put together as simple as any sixth grade wizz could do, but then again.... That is Buzz... :)

CLUE for cant get a civil service job without being REGISTERED FOR THE DRAFT.
So!!! I think most of those that dodge drafts have their names in a pool also... ;)
BUZZ, I would say that we have a greater need for military then we do for many civil service positions. If you don't know the difference between the military and the civil service I don't have that much time here to explain it. I have been in the military, and worked for civil service programs, and I will say to you. They are NOT the same.
So!!! I think most of those that dodge drafts have their names in a pool also... ;)

Hey Cheese,

Please tell me what drafts anybody has "dodged" since the mid-70's??? Do you even have a clue as to how the Military gets recruits since the end of the draft???

And by the way, how many days did you work last year digging ditches around burned out fires? Did you even make enough to pay taxes this year? You should tell people like Buzz thanks each month when you get your welfare check. You are a joke!
And by the way, how many days did you work last year digging ditches around burned out fires? Did you even make enough to pay taxes this year? You should tell people like Buzz thanks each month when you get your welfare check. You are a joke!

???Welfare check???

I didn't know I could get a welfare check, please tell how it is I could get one since you seem to be the expert... ;)

I also didn't realize this is the only job I do all year long, thanks for letting me know that... :)

And why are you so interested in my personal life all of a sudden?

What deceitful, devious, underhanded are you up to? Running on your past track record it will only turn out negative. :eek: :D

I never ask about yours (you have made yourself a faceless individual) so I actually wouldn't care about it any way.

There are just far too many people out there that are open and friendly for me to worry about one nameless, faceless entity that only exists in cyberspace. The internet is plumb full of them to worry or be concerned about one... :)

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