BORDER [report]

BUZZH or should I say (cough) Bull$H1T (cough). When I CHOOSE to join the ARMED SERVICES and work for darn near nothing, and risk my life, I guess you could say it was for PERSONAL GAIN. What I gained was many years of working for pennies just to give guys and gals like you the opportunity to speak in ignorance in a protected environment. Which I might add is the way you come across, ignorant in a protected environment. When I choose to learn a trade now that was for personal gain, when I choose to enlist.....well you figure it out.......after all your so smart and seem to have everybody’s motives figured out……
???Welfare check???

I didn't know I could get a welfare check, please tell how it is I could get one since you seem to be the expert... ;)
That is funny that you are too lazy to even get your welfare check. Now I understand why you were digging the holes in the ground, it was your residence.

But before you criticize others, you should thank them for providing for your way of life.
That is funny that you are too lazy to even get your welfare check. Now I understand why you were digging the holes in the ground, it was your residence.

But before you criticize others, you should thank them for providing for your way of life.

You will have to explain a little better than that guner/sybil, I know your capable, pretty week argument for some one on such a high and noble pedestal as yourself... ;)

First of all, why would I want to be on welfare, that is for people that need it... :eek:

Second... I have no idea where you get "Lazy"... You will have to come up with an explanation for that also...

But I would expect from your track record that this also is just more spouting/drival nonsense coming from you...

The only criticism I ever pass out is when some one else asks for it to be handed to them, as you do…

You beg to be abused and ridiculed because that is the only respect you hand out, so for that I am truly sorry for you… :)

Here is what I see about you... :)

If you can't find dirt on some one, then make it up, when some one asks you for the proof of what you state, you have no answers, nor can you find any... Some good detective you are... :p

You need to show a little more depth, you are way to easy a read, even if you don't publicly show who you are... :eek: :D
And to think of all the members of HTalk that have been out to the Trailer Park and been to the Double Wide.....

I actually don't think Cheese reads any of the posts, nor if he did, would he be able to understand them.
Thanks CJ for your effort. It looks like you guys and gals were very successful in bringing attention to the border problem in Arizona. Two years ago, while I was hunting in 36C, I saw at least 300 illegals in 3 days. Most were traveling in groups of 20 to 50. Maybe next time the Minutemen could patrol around Sasabe.

Did you get any pictures?
I won't ever state that civil service is the same as military service. But, I will say that civil service workers serve the greater good and is part of our job description. So, IMO, it's fair to say that someone in civil service has served their country.
Seems the Majority of posters here at hunttalk support the effort of the minuteman/project [its working] and very well thank you...All polls show that Az hunters/residents are in the [85% 90% range] for minutemen. Sorry HoseB and Matt you seem to have lost "again"
cjcj- so basically the majority is always right. That's good to know. I think you're wrong but it's good to know.
Matt i never said the majority is always right...But in general terms they [the majority] RULE.....But on the immigration/minuteman issue........Its clearly a majority victory for support... no matter how the poll was framed... and i have seen a few bad ones......Like this one

Are the minutemen EXTREME VIGILANTE`S?

Or a NEEDED EVIL? W.T.F. kind of poll question is that [2 negatives]

It was 73% a NEEDED EVIL.
cjcj- I heard on Paul Harvey that the government is now saying the "tripped" sensors were actually faulty sensors to begin with. It wasn't an in depth report but he said that border patrol officials are embarrassed by the faulty equipment and for blaming the minutemen. This would be another positive for the minutemen. I haven't been against the minutemen (or you). I just don't see them having the large impact that is going to "make the difference". You may see it differently, but until congress and the President change their attitude I believe either something bad will happen or it will be forgotten in a few months. Personally, at this point in time I would rather the President start looking at gas prices (gouging). But that's just my opinion.
Well i respect your opinion....just disagree... i think this minutemen thing is a start.

Delw said it best before the project even started....the press will blame the minutemen for anything that goes wrong. and they are still trying to do just that.

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