Kenetrek Boots

Bill barring permits in MO Breaks and other districts pops up

Like i keep saying f%@k the private land $hit. Manage the public for public. Its bull$hit welfare ranchers get what they want all the time and influence hunting on public land. How hard can it be really to manage wildlife. Really. But lets let private land owners influence destroy public land so it creates more demand for them and outfitters. So the way i see it. Private land gets lottsa of help already from tax payers. Examples blm forest service allotments, $1.50 compared to $18 on private. Wonder what kind of tax breaks they get compared to me or u. So they lock up there land, which i would too. No hunting. Then complain about too many elk. Huh. As i stated on hunt talk before the elk deer ect numbers are dictated by ranchers. $uck that. I just look at the circus this has created. Shoulder seasons, wolves, outfitter tags. Joke. Just think if they did the right thing for the 99%. But nope they gonna privatize hunting.
Seriously randy would u consider. I think that is what needs to happen. I always look at the canidates regardless if its president, governor or as low as mayor and think. There has to be better canidates. Say u ran and won. I dont think we wouldnt agree on everything but i would trust u or someone like u to do what is best in all these situations for the 99%. Think about it that is why so many ranchers get into politics or business men to controll the outcome.
Was looking at the MHC page after the bull score thread...

Kinda telling their touting bull ratios of 65/100 for their private hunts while at the same suggesting ratios in the rest of the state are too high...

Also... you don’t want bison as a game animal... yet your going to sell bison hunts 🙄
Was looking at the MHC page after the bull score thread...

Kinda telling their touting bull ratios of 65/100 for their private hunts while at the same suggesting ratios in the rest of the state are too high...

Also... you don’t want bison as a game animal... yet your going to sell bison hunts 🙄
Was told by the head of security a few years ago they counted 900 bull elk on the Flying D after doing surveys. They regularly make over $100,000 per year just on shed antlers. And that’s just one ranch they lease.
So if this passes, am I a bad guy if I haul ass for the Breaks to kill a bull? mtmuley

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