Well-known member
Today, on Voices of Montana, Sen. Jennifer Fielder and Sen. Jedediah Hinkle were guests, speaking about SB 236. Towards the end of the first segment, 28:43 mark, Hinkle says,
For those that may not know, some of us have been watching and researching a couple of players in this game for years here on Hunt Talk - Rick Berman and Will Coggin (transfer federal public lands to states), both from Washington D. C. In fact, their orchestration of slandering and attacking average hunter/angler groups in the western states became so large, as well as their other activities, journalists and organizations began investigating them. There is now a whole website dedicated to exposing Rick Berman's organization and the many fronts he operates on Rick Berman Exposed. SourceWatch also has a wiki page.
“Richard 'Rick' Berman is a longtime Washington, D.C. public relations specialist whose lobbying and consulting firm, Berman and Company, Inc., advocates for special interests and powerful industries. Berman and Co. wages deceptive campaigns against industry foes including labor unions; public-health advocates; and consumer, safety, animal welfare, and environmental groups.”
One of his front group projects is Green Decoys. “Green Decoys is a project of the Center for Organizational Research and Education that claims several sportsmen, hunting, and fishing groups are actually fronts for environmentalists.”
If you go to their Green Decoy site, you will see a video with Montana's Land Tawney on it. Green Decoys wants to fearmonger your support by stating that these hunting/angling groups are green decoy's because they are sportsmen in name only, targeting Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Trout Unlimited and TRCP. In Montana they target local groups like Montana Sportsmen Alliance, Montana Hunters & Anglers, and Montana Wildlife Federation. In true McCarthyism style they attack any groups grant funding and associations. Hell, they even have me listed on the MSA section. “MSA’s website was designed and is maintained by Kathryn QannaYahu. QannaYahu is a member of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, a Green Decoy, and the Public Land/Water Access Association, an anti-property rights environmental group.”
Yes, as a public trust advocate, I work with MSA, Helena Hunters & Anglers, quite a number of other grassroots hunting/angling groups in MT; am a BHA, MT Trout Unlimited and PLWA member and am damn proud of it!
Recently, in a classic psychological projection, one of the bull$h*t green decoy originators, working for Berman from Washington D.C., Will Coggin (public land transfer), who likes to blanket western states with disparaging letters to the editor about our local groups, took to emailing our MT legislators, stating, “There are several groups active in the state who claim to represent sportsmen. But our research points to these groups simply being camouflage for radical environmentalists.”
Here is a screenshot below.

The fact that one of our Montana Senators, Sen. Hinkle has thrown in with the likes of Berman and Coggin, publicly brought up “Green Decoys”, in relation to SB 236, speaks volumes to me, as if I wasn't already convinced to oppose it.
Sen. Hinkle owes the conservation hunters and anglers of Montana an apology! [email protected] if you are so inclined.
SB 236 has little to do with any of us being able to hunt and more about the big corporations funding this nationwide “rights” movement, to guarantee themselves a market and fearmongering based sales.
Don't be deceived by Hinkle's publicly maligning tactic against a number of Montana's grassroots hunting/angling groups.
See SB 236 for what it is. It has a hearing on April 3rd, before the House Judiciary.
“Senate Bill 236, I would just to let your listeners know out there, One thing I want to warn everyone of, be careful the emails you get, because there's a lot of Green Decoy groups out there, who are really just shills, they may sound like sportsmen, they may advocate that they are sportsmen...” (the announcer cuts in) “Jedediah, I have been tricked myself. Make sure you go to greendecoys.com, check out whose who."
For those that may not know, some of us have been watching and researching a couple of players in this game for years here on Hunt Talk - Rick Berman and Will Coggin (transfer federal public lands to states), both from Washington D. C. In fact, their orchestration of slandering and attacking average hunter/angler groups in the western states became so large, as well as their other activities, journalists and organizations began investigating them. There is now a whole website dedicated to exposing Rick Berman's organization and the many fronts he operates on Rick Berman Exposed. SourceWatch also has a wiki page.
“Richard 'Rick' Berman is a longtime Washington, D.C. public relations specialist whose lobbying and consulting firm, Berman and Company, Inc., advocates for special interests and powerful industries. Berman and Co. wages deceptive campaigns against industry foes including labor unions; public-health advocates; and consumer, safety, animal welfare, and environmental groups.”
One of his front group projects is Green Decoys. “Green Decoys is a project of the Center for Organizational Research and Education that claims several sportsmen, hunting, and fishing groups are actually fronts for environmentalists.”
If you go to their Green Decoy site, you will see a video with Montana's Land Tawney on it. Green Decoys wants to fearmonger your support by stating that these hunting/angling groups are green decoy's because they are sportsmen in name only, targeting Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Trout Unlimited and TRCP. In Montana they target local groups like Montana Sportsmen Alliance, Montana Hunters & Anglers, and Montana Wildlife Federation. In true McCarthyism style they attack any groups grant funding and associations. Hell, they even have me listed on the MSA section. “MSA’s website was designed and is maintained by Kathryn QannaYahu. QannaYahu is a member of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, a Green Decoy, and the Public Land/Water Access Association, an anti-property rights environmental group.”
Yes, as a public trust advocate, I work with MSA, Helena Hunters & Anglers, quite a number of other grassroots hunting/angling groups in MT; am a BHA, MT Trout Unlimited and PLWA member and am damn proud of it!
Recently, in a classic psychological projection, one of the bull$h*t green decoy originators, working for Berman from Washington D.C., Will Coggin (public land transfer), who likes to blanket western states with disparaging letters to the editor about our local groups, took to emailing our MT legislators, stating, “There are several groups active in the state who claim to represent sportsmen. But our research points to these groups simply being camouflage for radical environmentalists.”
Here is a screenshot below.

The fact that one of our Montana Senators, Sen. Hinkle has thrown in with the likes of Berman and Coggin, publicly brought up “Green Decoys”, in relation to SB 236, speaks volumes to me, as if I wasn't already convinced to oppose it.
Sen. Hinkle owes the conservation hunters and anglers of Montana an apology! [email protected] if you are so inclined.
SB 236 has little to do with any of us being able to hunt and more about the big corporations funding this nationwide “rights” movement, to guarantee themselves a market and fearmongering based sales.
Don't be deceived by Hinkle's publicly maligning tactic against a number of Montana's grassroots hunting/angling groups.
See SB 236 for what it is. It has a hearing on April 3rd, before the House Judiciary.