MT Fielder's Constitutional Referendum

Today, on Voices of Montana, Sen. Jennifer Fielder and Sen. Jedediah Hinkle were guests, speaking about SB 236. Towards the end of the first segment, 28:43 mark, Hinkle says,

“Senate Bill 236, I would just to let your listeners know out there, One thing I want to warn everyone of, be careful the emails you get, because there's a lot of Green Decoy groups out there, who are really just shills, they may sound like sportsmen, they may advocate that they are sportsmen...” (the announcer cuts in) “Jedediah, I have been tricked myself. Make sure you go to, check out whose who."

For those that may not know, some of us have been watching and researching a couple of players in this game for years here on Hunt Talk - Rick Berman and Will Coggin (transfer federal public lands to states), both from Washington D. C. In fact, their orchestration of slandering and attacking average hunter/angler groups in the western states became so large, as well as their other activities, journalists and organizations began investigating them. There is now a whole website dedicated to exposing Rick Berman's organization and the many fronts he operates on Rick Berman Exposed. SourceWatch also has a wiki page.

“Richard 'Rick' Berman is a longtime Washington, D.C. public relations specialist whose lobbying and consulting firm, Berman and Company, Inc., advocates for special interests and powerful industries. Berman and Co. wages deceptive campaigns against industry foes including labor unions; public-health advocates; and consumer, safety, animal welfare, and environmental groups.”

One of his front group projects is Green Decoys. “Green Decoys is a project of the Center for Organizational Research and Education that claims several sportsmen, hunting, and fishing groups are actually fronts for environmentalists.”

If you go to their Green Decoy site, you will see a video with Montana's Land Tawney on it. Green Decoys wants to fearmonger your support by stating that these hunting/angling groups are green decoy's because they are sportsmen in name only, targeting Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Trout Unlimited and TRCP. In Montana they target local groups like Montana Sportsmen Alliance, Montana Hunters & Anglers, and Montana Wildlife Federation. In true McCarthyism style they attack any groups grant funding and associations. Hell, they even have me listed on the MSA section. “MSA’s website was designed and is maintained by Kathryn QannaYahu. QannaYahu is a member of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, a Green Decoy, and the Public Land/Water Access Association, an anti-property rights environmental group.”

Yes, as a public trust advocate, I work with MSA, Helena Hunters & Anglers, quite a number of other grassroots hunting/angling groups in MT; am a BHA, MT Trout Unlimited and PLWA member and am damn proud of it!

Recently, in a classic psychological projection, one of the bull$h*t green decoy originators, working for Berman from Washington D.C., Will Coggin (public land transfer), who likes to blanket western states with disparaging letters to the editor about our local groups, took to emailing our MT legislators, stating, “There are several groups active in the state who claim to represent sportsmen. But our research points to these groups simply being camouflage for radical environmentalists.”

Here is a screenshot below.

coogin email.jpg

The fact that one of our Montana Senators, Sen. Hinkle has thrown in with the likes of Berman and Coggin, publicly brought up “Green Decoys”, in relation to SB 236, speaks volumes to me, as if I wasn't already convinced to oppose it.

Sen. Hinkle owes the conservation hunters and anglers of Montana an apology! [email protected] if you are so inclined.

SB 236 has little to do with any of us being able to hunt and more about the big corporations funding this nationwide “rights” movement, to guarantee themselves a market and fearmongering based sales.

Don't be deceived by Hinkle's publicly maligning tactic against a number of Montana's grassroots hunting/angling groups.

See SB 236 for what it is. It has a hearing on April 3rd, before the House Judiciary.
My reply to Senator Hinkel:

Dear Senator, [email protected]
I listened to the whole broadcast today, on "Voices of Montana" radio.
I understand why Senator Fielder is promoting the Green Decoy slander page. Being CEO of the ALC, and the fact that we are standing in the way of her dreams to having those lands end up in private hands makes sense.
I'm one of those "Green decoy" sportsman Senator, I'm also a 5th Generation Montanan, who's raised a 6th generation and grandpa to the 7th.
I've hunted, Fished, and Trapped all my life in this great state. Nothing against Mrs Fielder, but didn't she just move here like 7 years ago? Now I"m the "Green decoy" because we won't give up our heritage? Thats not going to happen on my watch, and I'll gladly wear the Green decoy badge in defiance of her tactics and those she shares the same values with in Washington DC.
I'm Treasurer of Montana Sportsmens Alliance PAC. We formed because of the continual attacks on our heritage by legislators. We formed to take the fight to those that would take away our heritage, people trying to privatize our resources, and basically run rough shod over our agency.
I'm also on the BOD of Ravalli Country Fish & Wildlife Association. Arguably the oldest sportsmen s organization in Montana. I've been what you consider a "Green Decoy" now for over 30 + years. Mostly working to perpetuate the activities we all enjoy in the outdoors but also to preserve the resources. I'd like you to know that RCF&W have been supporting SB 236.
MSA hasn't taken a stance on this bill as an organization, but after todays broadcast I'm not sure that will be the case as you have done damage to any credibility in favor of supporting SB 236.
I urge you to make this right and apologize to all the sportsman and woman in the state that you slandered by promoting this hack organization.
"Green Decoy"
Robert S. Wood
Hamilton, Mt

I urge all of you to send the Senator a reply.
The following is the larger list, mentioned on each of the subpages of the Washington D.C. lobbyist gun for hire Green Decoys. Do you see a pattern?

  • TRCP
  • Trout Unlimited
  • Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and MT BHA (Headquartered in MT)
  • Bull Moose Sportsmen Alliance (CO)
  • Montana Sportsmen Alliance
  • Headwaters Sportsmen Association (MT)
  • Montana Wildlife Association and their affiliates by association
  • Montana Hunters & Anglers
  • National Wildlife Association
  • Hellgate Hunters & Anglers (MT)
  • Orion: The Hunters Institute (created by Jim Posewitz, here in Montana)
  • Sportsmen For Montana
  • Public Land/Water Access Association (MT)
  • Helena Hunters & Anglers (MT)
  • Anaconda Sportsmen Club (MT)
Green Decoy- Any group that doesn't instruct it's members to automatically pull the R lever each election cycle?
John doesn't have an account, but gave his permission to post.

Senator Hinkle,

In this email I am speaking for myself. That said, I, too, listened to the “ Voices of Montana “ program today, and take exception to be labeled a “ Phony, Green Decoy Sportsmen Communist “.

I am 78 years old and have been fighting to protect and maintain our valuable Hunting, Fishing and Outdoor Heritage since I was 8 years old when my Dad started
taking me to the old Cascade County Wildlife Association meetings (a club he helped form in 1946), which is now the Russell Country Sportsmen’s Association, of which
I am the current Secretary, and Board member. I am also a founding member of the Montana Sportsmen Alliance with Robert Wood. I belong to the MWF, PLWA,
Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association and the MBA. In addition, I am a proud Navy veteran who served my country with honor and dedication.

I also am a 4th generation Montanan who raised a 5th generation, with the 6th generation learning about Montana values right now.

Like Robert Wood, I have hunted and fished all my life and enjoyed all that Montana has to offer, and what was passed down to me. I am committed to passing it down
to the next generations at least as good as it was passed down to me.

After the broadcast today, I received several phone calls and emails very critical of your position and insulting comments targeting me and the other “ Green Decoys “
You embarrassed yourself.

Robert stated it correctly regarding why MSA was formed. We are committed to speaking out against attacks against our heritage and values from dark money and shadow
groups that attempt to slander folks like us. I am well aware of individuals like Rick Berman and Will Coggins, the $$ behind the Green Decoy videos. I’m sure you
and Senator Fielder are too.

An effort to change the Constitution of Montana is a serious endeavor and must not be done by insult, deceit, intimidation and falsehood.

As a participant in the broadcast, you, Senator Fielder, the host and the callers, owe apologies to the folks you insulted and slandered today.

John Borgreen
“ Green Decoy”
Great Falls , MT
Thanks for the inspiration Robert!

Dear Senator Hinkle,

I listened to your comment about "Green Decoy" groups and your plug for on the Voices of Montana radio show and felt compelled to respond.

I am a member of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and am far from fitting the stereotypical "green decoy" as described by the videos and rhetoric portrayed on that website.

I am a self-employed building contractor, father of of five children, pro-life, life long hunter and fisherman who is in the woods as often as I can responsibly be. My social values and political affiliation tend to the right on nearly every issue and voting for a Democrat was not an option for me most of my adult life.

That is until Senator Fielder and Montana Republicans started pushing the federal lands transfer to the state agenda and made it part of the party platform. I realize the threat this transfer poses to my way of life and the inevitable loss of public access for my children and grandchildren. In light of this, I have re-evaluated my historic support for the Republican party.

I am not going to try and dissuade you from the position you have taken on this issue, but do want you to recognize that myself and most of my friends in the hunting and fishing community, consider the Republicans to be on the wrong side of this issue. As such, my votes in the last election and in elections in future will be for individual politicians who have credibility in regards to preserving public ownership and access to my public land, regardless of party. Right now, that means I will be voting for Democrats until Republicans change their platform and their stance on public lands transfer.

I recognize that many of the groups listed on that website contain members whose beliefs and votes on social issues and fiscal policy are to the left of my own. However, as a resident of Montana, I am focused on the issues and policies that our politicians have the ability and desire to change. A Montana senator or representative has very little chance of changing the status quo on abortion, gun rights or other controversial issues. You and I probably share the exact same views on these issues. However, Montana senators and representatives do have the ability to affect the way that federal land ownership continues into the future. My votes will reflect what I think I have the ability to change.

In closing, I urge you to dig deeper into the background of who is funding and producing the content of the website. Richard Berman is the name you should be researching. A simple Google search will turn up a lot of information regarding this campaign and previous public relations campaigns he has produced for tobacco companies and other industries who wished to change public perception of their image. The word "shill" has been tossed around, but I ask who is more deserving of the label? Should it be applied to hunters and anglers who may not share your political views, or to a highly paid public relations company that doesn't even have ties to Montana residents?

Thank-you for your consideration,

Gerald Martin
- Trout Creek, Montana
Sen. Fielder and Sen. Hinkle were on Aron Flint's radio show. Fielder's Green decoy garbage came up again. Some MSA comments:

Instead of working toward consensus, jump in and attack folks who don't bow down. That tells me this bill is not ready for prime time and does expose some of the brow beating going on. Are they still threatening Martha's confirmation?? Real professional!
Hearing before House Judiciary Committee tomorrow, 4/3, RM 137, beginning at 8:00. They have 4 bills they are looking at, including SB 236.

I sent my comments in earlier and 3 of the legislators on that committee had email notifications that it could not be delivered, because recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now.
Dear Senator Hinkle,

I am writing to you in response to your comments on “Voices of Montana” last week with Senator Fielder about the Green Decoy website. I am a board member for the Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. I am also a sixth-generation Montanan whose family homesteaded on the banks of the Musselshell River in the 1890’s and the homestead and family cemetery still stand today. My wife and I decided to buck the trend of Eastern Montana kids growing up and leaving and we are now raising our family on the banks of Fort Peck Reservoir.

I will let you know that up until 2016 I had never voted for anyone besides a Republican. The adoption of the Federal Land Transfer or even divesture of public lands that was put into the party’s platform has caused me to reconsider my allegiance. I do not expect you to change your stance on this particular issue but I hope you keep in mind what it is doing to longtime supporters.
As someone that spent over 175 days in 2016 roaming around Montana harvesting Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope, Turkey, Pheasant, Sharptail Grouse, Sage Grouse, Coyotes, and not to mention the dozens of different fish I caught and fed my family with, I found your comment labeling me a green decoy to be extremely disrespectful.

I hope that you realize that unlike Richard Berman, I am not paid to slander groups or convince kids tobacco isn’t really “that” bad. I work for BNSF Railway and my spare time is devoted to making sure that my son will have the same opportunities in the field that his dad, grandfather and so on down the line have had. If this means I am a green decoy, then so be it.

Justin Schaaf
Fort Peck, MT

I hope many more people emailed in.
Well, there was a major shift in this bill today. I listened this morning/afternoon, then had to run.

It was pretty much the same proponents that there was before, except RMEF joined proponents, working on on some of the text with Fielder. Forgive some misspelling, couldn't always hear clearly with background noise.

Jared Bacon, Jeremy Moss? for Montanan’s for Wildlife and Public Lands Access, Bob Gilbert for MT Walleyes Unlimited, Mark Lambrecht for RMEF, Matt Lumley for Big Game Forever, Brian Judy for MT NRA and MSSA, Paul Fielder for MT Trappers Assoc., Jim Brown for MT Woolgrowers Assoc. & MT SFW, Kris Killorn? for SWMT Safari Club International and Robert Aronson.

Opponents: (Most did not get to speak, just the first 5, all others just name and position because most of the time was taken by the 3 attorneys - the first 3 speakers). Becky Dockter for FWP, Bob Lane former FWP legal, Hertha Lund private property attorney, Chris Smith former FWP, Chris Marchion, Casey York for Trap Free, Mark Cooke for Wolves of the Rockies, Wes Miles for Trap Free, Paul Ringling rancher, Jerry Davis for MBA, Dennis Lopach for trapping reform, Louise Beth Pratt, Shelby DeMars for UPOM, Amy Seamans for MT Audubon, Bruce Desonia, Nick Gevock for MWF, Brian Ohs for MT TU, Susan Kronenberger, Claire Beeman, and Jeff Herbert former FWP.

Here is the interesting thing - Becky Dockter gave examples of legal challenges that have already come up from states that have already passed hft constitutional rights, not just speculation or possibilities, actual cases, some of which involved trespass.

Hertha Lund, the private property owner attorney was very much against this, saying the bill does not solve problems, rather it creates them. She explained that making this a Constitutional Right, it elevates hunting, fishing and trapping rights over private property trespass, which is not in the Constitution just in the Montana Code Annotated. She also brought up Native American Rights and hunting treaty rights. Lund stated she agreed with Dockter, which she has never done before.

Shelby DeMars for UPOM did not get to speak, so Rep. Manzella, who supports this bill, was curious as to why they were opposing. DeMars repeated Lund's concerns.

One committee member stated this was a shift with private landowners concerns opposing the bill.

Fielder closed with a threat to the Committee that they could pass this, being a part of the process and language or have some group bring up a Ballot Initiative with other language they might not agree with (you know, like her original language or worse). So it is possible that if they don't pass it, Fielder and her group with the out of state money, will file a BI that is much stronger and detrimental to the State.
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Shelby Demars was a Senate Page with me in 2009. Not surprised that she works for UPOM.
Did any of you other letter writers get a reply from Senator Hinkle? He sent me two separate emails. Hopefully, he begins to realize how Montanans feel about PLT.
Fielder closed with a threat to the Committee that they could pass this, being a part of the process and language or have some group bring up a Ballot Initiative with other language they might not agree with (you know, like her original language or worse). So it is possible that if they don't pass it, Fielder and her group with the out of state money, will file a BI that is much stronger and detrimental to the State.

Given the language that was in the original bill, I don't think anyone would put resources in to that version. If the groups who funded the anti I-177 were to put something forward, they would have much better language based on the hearing yesterday, than currently exists today. No group that I have talked with would support the previous language with financial resources, and the current language would still need further legal review before being acceptable due to the private property issues raised by Ms. Lund & Ms. DeMars.

Table the bill and let people work during the interim to put together better language. There is no need to rush amending our state constitution, regardless of how good the intention it is. I-177 died with almost a 2:1 ratio. Let's get this right so we're not back in 2019 trying to put the beast back in the cage.
Did any of you other letter writers get a reply from Senator Hinkle?
Senator Hinkle represents my district and I have had several conversations with him and exchanged emails last session, as well as recently. Recent communications have been somewhat contentious, particularly with regard to SB 236 and his rhetoric on Voices of Montana. I feel he is miffed at me because I have consistently asked for a direct answer as to his support or opposition to PLT. Having sent him my written fallacies regarding PLT, I wanted to know why he had not acknowledged receiving the message, let alone responded to my assertions. In my opinion, he again dodged the question by pointing out that we had "already had this conversation" and there is no issue since there is no current legislation regarding PLT, plus he gets hundreds of emails every day so can't always respond. He explained that he had become upset at "blatant lies and twisted information" from "green decoy" groups, so that is what motivated his rhetoric. He was not specific.
I asserted that the rhetoric on Voices of Montana offended sportsmen across the state, sportsmen who are certainly not "Green Decoy" sportsmen, but are sportsmen who represent some of the most highly reputable and cleary representative sportsmen's groups of Montana and wider. I hope that your messages are duly considered by Senator Hinkle.
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Kat, Thanks for the timely reporting on the committee hearing.
Now that UPOM is an opponent, does that make them a member of the infamous "green decoys" some of the proponents are so easy to ridicule? Strange bedfellows.
I agree with Ben Lamb, table the bill and work on it in the interim.
Table the bill and let people work during the interim to put together better language.


Problem is no one will work on it in the interim. And most opponents know it.
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Problem is no one will work on it in the interim. And most opponents know it.

MTA will pick up the pieces and move forward with the same groups you can be certain. Will any of the others offer their help? There is zero chance of any Interim Committee working on this.

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