PEAX Equipment

Bill barring permits in MO Breaks and other districts pops up

Well, since the shoe-in political party's up for sale to the highest bidder, maybe all of us deplorables pool our money together to buy some clout for the next session. Apparently that's all ya have to do these days.
Well, since the shoe-in political party's up for sale to the highest bidder, maybe all of us deplorables pool our money together to buy some clout for the next session. Apparently that's all ya have to do these days.

That comment isn't as far off the mark as you might think it is.

I'll just be honest here, we're all adults...well, by age anyway.

If residents of Montana don't stand up right now and in force, the hunting that they once knew will be gone. I know it's all good and well to send emails and make calls but you have to know that the outcome is already known, as things stand right now.

I would suggest that in your emails and calls you politely add that those who vote in favor of these bills will have their name and vote known to all the residents of Montana. There are only 2 things that get the attention of and votes. If enough people threaten to take one or both of those things you will have their ear. Right now, there isn't enough pain to make them change their minds.

There is NO other way, trust me. You have to fight fire with fire.
Ayo have they been smoking the devil's lettuce in MT? What's with all the messed up bills?!?

Must be those pesky Saskatchewanians running refer across the border!
The packets are easier to sip on

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