Caribou Gear Tarp

Big Ones (photos)

Although my stuff can't really compete with some of the other hunters here I'll give it a whirl. I've decided my destiny in the world of hunting is to be Mr. Average or occasionally slightly above, but I've yet to kill what I consider an absolute monster anything. In other words what Greenhorn or PSinclair kill on a yearly basis.

Here's my best bear killed on a spot and stalk hunt in southeast Alaska. To this day it's one of my most memorable hunts. In case you ever wondered what a 7 foot black bear looks like, here one is. :)

My best and only bull elk. The success of this hunt absolutely would not have happened without Greenhorn's (Kurt's) help. I could not have pull this off alone and for that I am forever in his debt.

Here's my best antelope. I owe this one to my daughter who spotted it before I did. I nicked named her Eagle-Eye's years ago for her ability to spot game. Great partner to have along while hunting!

My best whitetail. I would like to say skill played a part but it was just pure dumb luck of being in the right place at the right time. No real skill required other than to make the shot.

Last but not least. Here's is the second biggest coyote I've ever killed. Unfortunately I don't have a photo the biggest. However this sucker is pretty darn good. I stand 6' and weight right around 200 lbs to give you all a reference.

While I've killed a garage full of mule deer I'm still looking for that elusive monster buck. So my quest continues...
My two biggest typical bulls. One with a bow, one with a rifle. They tie in score at 370 gross.


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New biggest black bear, Missoula County 2013. Bigger than a bread box-


Biggest and only Mountain Goat, Gallatin County 2014. 9 11/16" long, and currently gathering dust in a closet at the B&C headquarters waiting to be officially scored.

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My biggest, and only Black bear (so far). Based on the opinions of some who are far more versed in bear hunting than me, I am not sure I will ever shoot a bigger one, but I am going to try. He was estimated at over 16 years old.

W. Montana
May 2014
300 WSM @ 125yds

The link is a video of the kill, courtesy of Randy11.

MT Bear 2014 6.jpg
Threads so old I cant remember if I posted my muskox???

If I did, sorry about the repeat.

Shot this one in Alaska with a good friend, who also took a great ox on the same hunt.

Makes the all-time record book with room to spare, but don't recall the official score off-hand.

Wow. The collective success of this crew is pretty impressive; there are some amazing animals on this thread.

Here is an antelope from '13 that I really like, mostly because of how well the spot and stalk went, and being able to take him at 35 yards while he was bedded.

The bull trout was caught in B.C. on a hand tied fly on a trip with my 75 year old father. Right around 10 pounds. Beautiful country and amazing fish to chase with a fly.

The mule deer is a Bridger's tag buck. Solo hunt, and a long pack out.


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Biggest head, 100 yard shot 300 ultra mag, Oregon Fall bear

Biggest body 460 yard shot, 300 ultra mag, Oregon spring bear
Mid November 2010 Alberta Mule Deer, 209" Gross B&C.

Glassed up a handful of does at about a half mile and about 5 minutes of watching them out from a little fold in the terrain stepped this dude. I put the spotter on him and saw a big frame, a drop tine and my heart about jumped out of my chest. Made a sneak on him and sailed not one, but two shots over his back at about 250 yds. Total Buck Fever! I damn near lost my chance at this buck but with one last ditch effort I was able to put him down. Rather be lucky than good!


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MT Whitetail. 181" Gross B&C

Found this buck the last weekend of archery season. Watched him for two days doing the same thing, named him Vegas for the matching 7 points per side. I Osessed about this deer for two weeks waiting for rifle season to open. The night before the opener we were back in the same country looking for Vegas. Opening morning came and about 15 mins after shooting light I glassed him up with 5 other bucks.....the rest is history.

2014 MT Elk 368" Gross B&C

The last evening hunt of an 8 day trip I was in the elk woods reflecting back on the previous week of elk hunting heaven. Big bulls, close encounters, sunrises and sunsets....elk hunting bliss. I was thinking about all the work packing up camp and heading home to the family when I hear a bugle erupt from a timbered ridge above me. Out from the timber comes a cow, another cow, 5 more, a few more and then....the "Big 6". With about 30 minutes left in the day, it was all or none. Pushing the limits I rushed in on the heard, mixed them up and at 54 yds put an arrow in the 10 ring on my biggest bull. Unforgettable!

1995 Dall Sheep Alaska

10 Day Back Pack Hunt in the Wrangell Mountains of Alaska. Missed a big ram on day 4...heart breaking, on Day 7 I was able to connect on this ram. As the clouds rolled up the mountain, we used them as cover to slip down a little creek closing the distance on three rams bedded on a grassy knoll. I was Wet, freezing and my teeth were shattering as we sat in the creek waiting for each cloud to come and provide the needed cover to get witin range. At about 250 yards and across a deep crevasse I took aim at the biggest of the three bedded rams and with the sound of the shot, sheep fever had officially set in.

2012 Desert Sheep 175" B&C

Got really lucky in the draws and was able to hunt Desert Big Horns in New Mexico, the first year the unit was open. On Dec. 7th, my birthday, and a solid week into the hunt 2 of my best hunting buds and I closed the distance on the biggest ram we had seen so far on the hunt. Definitely a birthday I will not be forgetting!

Probably the better sambar hunt i have had, was in a long way from the end of the road on a fly camp trip, hunting in my socks, heard antlers smashing a few hundred metres away on a steep hill, ran in and found two monster sambar fighting, shot this bloke with my heart jumping out of my chest. To come across two big mature sambar like this fighting was a once in a lifetime occurrence and i can remember everything about it like it happened 5 minutes ago. Battle scars and blood stains on his forehead are from fighting wounds. .300wsm and 180gr ttsx at 15 metres in the chest did the job.

1995 Dall Sheep Alaska

10 Day Back Pack Hunt in the Wrangell Mountains of Alaska. Missed a big ram on day 4...heart breaking, on Day 7 I was able to connect on this ram. As the clouds rolled up the mountain, we used them as cover to slip down a little creek closing the distance on three rams bedded on a grassy knoll. I was Wet, freezing and my teeth were shattering as we sat in the creek waiting for each cloud to come and provide the needed cover to get witin range. At about 250 yards and across a deep crevasse I took aim at the biggest of the three bedded rams and with the sound of the shot, sheep fever had officially set in.

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Is that one of those old Cabela's gore-tex coats?

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